Happy Fishing Farm

Chapter 424 Li Xuan's Courage

Li Xuan himself has never been to Ten Mile Silver Beach. The reason why he knows the name of Ten Mile Silver Beach is because of the Maritime Silk Road Museum.

On the phone, Song Xingxian smiled softly, "Aren't you talking about it? Who would choose to travel with a group who is familiar with tourist attractions? It's impossible, let alone a professional. People with little knowledge of tourist areas, tourists who know some famous scenic spots but don't know the actual situation, are our favorite. Which scenic spots you want to go, just add money. From ordinary group tours, upgrade to luxury travel packages .”

Li Xuan nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

Then Li Xuan asked again: "Old Song, you just said that your travel agency often organizes groups to take tourists to some less famous tourist attractions?"

"What do you want to do?" Song Xingxian said vigilantly: "We are taking tourists to lesser-known tourist attractions, but that is also a real tourist development zone, not taking tourists to poor mountains and rivers."

"You are quite professional, but this person is too dull." Li Xuan smiled and said, "My place really has the potential to become a coastal tourist attraction. The scenery is beautiful, the scenery is beautiful, and the environment is nothing to say. If you don't believe it I, can come and inspect it myself."

On the phone, Song Xingxian smiled wryly and said, "Of course I can trust your words, but no matter whether it is to come here for inspection or bring a group, I can't do it. I am just a small tour guide in the travel agency. Where does the travel agency go?" It is not for me to intervene in the cooperation of tourist attractions, the decision is made by the higher authorities, and I will take the tourists there.”

Li Xuan frowned, thinking about it carefully, it was really the case, Song Xingxian was just a part-time worker, how could he decide the development direction of the travel agency?

"Old Song, have you ever thought about opening your own travel agency?" Li Xuan asked tentatively.

Song Xingxian on the phone said with a smile: "Is it possible for me to open a travel agency? Can you give me money?"

Li Xuan asked, "How much does it cost to open a travel agency?"

Song Xingxian thought it was a little funny, so he said: "It doesn't cost much to open a travel agency. The venue can be solved by tens of thousands of dollars. You only need to have an office building as the office location, but the monthly expenses are very high. You can travel The agency needs to hire a tour guide, and the tour guide doesn’t care if you can pick up tourists or not, they will do the work if there is work, and they will be paid as usual if there is no work.”

Li Xuan nodded. This is very similar to his crew. When they go to sea, the crew will work hard. When the fishing boat docks, when the crew is not at sea, Li Xuan also needs to pay wages as usual.

"It's about the salaries of the tour guides and the cost of the venue, right?" Li Xuan asked.

With only such a small amount of investment, then Li Xuan feels that this matter can be done, at least it is much smaller than his investment in deep-sea fishing.

To engage in deep-sea fishing, not counting personnel and daily expenses, buying a boat is a big deal, not to mention the huge amount of fuel that needs to be burned every time you go to sea.

Moreover, this matter does not need to delay Li Xuan too much time. When going out to sea, he can give Song Xingxian full authority to handle it. He only needs to visit occasionally and check the account books when the fishing boat docks and returns.

If it really happens, it will earn a lot of money, and the whole Yulong Bay, children and grandchildren will benefit together.

"What? That's already an astronomical figure, and it's impossible to run a travel agency in one place. You also need someone to help you go to various tourist attractions to discuss cooperation. The travel expenses, accommodation expenses, etc. are the same. Not less."

"In addition, after all the tourists are collected, it is impossible to let the tourist attractions come to pick them up, or let the tourists go by themselves? It is impossible for you to call a bus temporarily, right? That is too expensive and unrealistic. You need to contact the bus company Long-term cooperation, how many cars will be assigned to you every week, no matter whether you have tourists or not, whether the bus leaves or not, the rent will be paid accordingly."

Song Xingxian talked a lot this time, and finally he concluded helplessly: "Besides, running a travel agency is an industry with unstable income in the later stage and no income at all in the early stage. Within one year of opening, you need to keep investing in it." Money, it’s okay to get it done a year later, if it doesn’t get it done, it can basically be declared a failure, and the money is completely wasted.”

Li Xuan calculated carefully, "These don't seem to be a lot. An investment of about 10 yuan a month is enough. Even if you want to keep throwing money into it, there will definitely be some scattered income in the middle. After one year, the total investment will be about 100 million at most.”

Song Xingxian said with a smile: "It doesn't cost 80 a month, [-] to [-] is enough. After opening, there will indeed be some income subsidy investment, including the early site costs, an investment of [-] to [-] is enough, but you have money?"

Li Xuan blinked, seven or eight million?

On the other side of the phone, seeing that Li Xuan didn't speak, Song Xingxian thought that Li Xuan was being questioned, so he comforted him: "Old Li, it's indeed a good idea to build a tourist area, but it's really not something we can afford, and the cost The effect is too slow, and in many places, money was invested in tourism development, and in the end it was unfinished, all the money was wasted, and no dividends were seen.”

Song Xingxian talked and said, in short, just one sentence, you should do your fishing well, don't daydream every day.

Li Xuan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, he was underestimated.

Li Xuan thought about it carefully for a moment, but he was a little hesitant in his heart. This trip to sea really made a lot of money, more than 1000 million.

But spending money is like running water.

After paying salaries and bonuses to the crew, and repaying the loan owed when buying the fishing boat in advance, there is only exactly 1000 million left in hand.

The 1000 million yuan has not been warmed up yet, and another 700 million yuan was spent to order ten sets of the most advanced diving equipment, leaving only 300 million yuan in hand, and a loan of 300 million yuan was owed.

Of the 300 million, in order to invest in the homestay proposed by Chen Tianzi, another 200 million has just gone out.

At present, Li Xuan only has 100 million movable funds left in his hand.

Li Xuan also wanted to keep the 100 million as the crew's wages and daily expenses for the next month, as well as fuel consumption.

Although Li Xuan doesn't use many places where he needs to drive, even that girl Tang Yuting has a car, and Li Xuan feels that it's time for him to buy one.

"This money, the more you earn, the faster you spend it." Li Xuan frowned secretly. The next time he goes to sea, he must save enough for daily expenses, which cannot be moved by thunder.

It doesn't matter what the crew's wages are next month. Li Xuan has an octopus clone, and he is confident that he will be able to earn back the money as long as he goes out to sea.

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