Mistress is so beautiful

Chapter 516 The Real Zhou Royal Family!

The battle on the outskirts of Dongling almost shocked the whole world!

Not only the top levels such as the several royal families and the high-level of the Heavenly Dynasty.

The world of Heaven/National Kingdom of Kyushu, the business world, ancient warriors, and even military and political leaders like Han Wanli were extremely shocked!

In the secular world, no one has ever dared to show their swords against the royal family, but right now, there is such a person!

Although this person was scared to death before this, it is undeniable that he did something that no one in the world has ever done!

He showed his sword against the royal family, and even wiped out thousands of members of the royal family, and killed the two holy sons of the royal family!

Right now, the voices of crazy discussions are almost sweeping this high-level level.

And as the center of the outbreak of this war, Jiangzhou, the fanatical and trembling discussions swept through every city in Jiangzhou like a strong wind.

Those who thought that Chen Xuan must die before this were beyond shock!

No one could believe that Chen Xuan possessed the strength to destroy the King Zhou army with thousands of members of the Zhou royal family, but even though these people were quite shocked, they could still imagine it.

The following Zhou royal family is afraid that unprecedented anger will erupt, and that young man who has now entered the world's sights is about to suffer even more violent revenge!

Facing the fangs of the angry beast, can this young man be able to stop it?

Indeed, the current Zhou royal family was shocked and angry covering the entire Langyatian.

Above Mujiang, the dark clouds were turbulent, and the sky was dark, as if a storm was coming, with lightning and thunder, it looked extremely scary.

"Destroy my thousand King Zhou's army, kill my two great sons of the Zhou royal family" King Zhou stood up slowly, the infinite pressure made the impenetrable Palace of King Zhou seem unbearable and about to collapse. , with a terrifying flame burning.

Up and down Prince Zhou, Zhu Qiang was also suppressing a violent killing intent in his heart.

"King Zhou, if you don't kill this son, what face does our Zhou royal family have in the world? It's been 18 years, and it's time for the world to see the sharp edge of our Zhou royal family again!"

"The ants of the world dare to show their swords against our Zhou royal family. They should kill the nine clans, kill him, and kill him at all costs!"

"King Zhou, this mysterious force obviously came prepared. This time, my Zhou royal family was careless. I propose to fully dispatch the Zhou king's army to enter the secular world and turn Jiangdong upside down!"

Above the first place, the flames burning in Zhou Wang's eyes seemed to be getting more and more terrifying; "Is the Son of Huangquan here?"

"King Zhou, Huangquan is here!" Below, an ordinary-looking young man who looked harmless to humans and animals stood up. The Zhou royal family does not only have the two holy sons Zhou Huang and Zhou Zongheng. In fact, every royal family is not only There are only one or two holy sons. As an ancient force that has been passed down for thousands of years, each royal family has too many outstanding geniuses!

And now, Zhou Huangquan, the holy son of Huangquan, is the existence of the Zhou royal family second only to Zhou Zongheng, but with Zhou Zongheng around, the other party has been suppressed and it is difficult to take the lead.

But now that Zhou Zongheng is dead, it's Zhou Huangquan's turn to take over!

"This king ordered you to mobilize the ten thousand King Zhou army, eighteen guardians/laws, and six stars to go to the secular world. No matter what, you must get rid of this mysterious force and bring me back the boy's head. Remember, anyone with The people related to this young man are implicated in the nine clans, and all bloodbathed, this king wants to let the world know that it is not just one person who will die against our Zhou royal family!"

"In addition, ordering the unprovoked Holy Son to infiltrate the secular world at a faster speed, I don't have much patience!"

"Yes, King Zhou!" A gleam flashed in Zhou Huangquan's eyes, he had been dormant for many years, and his era of Zhou Huangquan finally came!

The junction of Jiangzhou and Yunzhou.

"Son of Invincibility, I just got the news that the Zhou royal family has dispatched again, and this time they are probably going to do it for real."

"With the death of a thousand kings of Zhou and the two great saint sons, if Zhou Langya can hold his breath, he will probably be ridiculed by the world!" Ye Wudi narrowed his eyes and asked; "Who is leading the team this time? "

"Zhou Huangquan!"

"It's him." A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Wudi's mouth; "The next scene may be very interesting. Although this week's Huang Quan is not as good as Zhou Zongheng in terms of force, but in terms of brains and means, both Zhou Zongheng and Zhou Zongheng are probably better." No, by the way, the information on that person has been found."

"Invincible Holy Son, here is his information!"

Ye Wudi took a piece of information and began to read it carefully. It took a full 10 minutes for him to finish reading the information in his hand.

"This person is actually related to the magic weapon that appeared in Yunzhou back then." Ye Wudi's eyes narrowed; "Back then, the thirteenth elder and Ye Tianqi went to Yunzhou to investigate and were killed. Did you find out whether it was related to this person?"

"No information has been found yet."

"No news was found," Ye Wudi sneered; "Then why did Eleventh Elder, Ninth/Elder, and Ye Tianqing come to Jiangzhou? Continue to investigate, there must be something we don't know. Close to the royal family of Zhou and this lunatic, I want to see if Zhou Huangquan will be like Zhou Zongheng when facing him?"

"Invincible Holy Son, the Night King has an order. If this matter has nothing to do with my Night King family, my Night King family must not interfere!"

"Whether it's irrelevant or not, there is no conclusion yet!" Ye Wudi said; "Make arrangements, my son will go to Dongling, and meet this daring lunatic in person!"

At this moment, when everyone was talking about Chen Xuan, a lunatic boy, he was being bombarded by Li Chongyang.

"Damn it, I was worried about you in the Dragon Army, and I wanted to negotiate with the Zhou royal family for you, but you told me that I don't know, do you really think I'm an idiot? So easy to fool? Let me tell you, today If you don't tell the truth, I will let Yiren go to Jiangdong in person, but this time I don't care, what the hell will you do?"

Chen Xuan took the phone away, and when Li Chongyang's crazy bombing ended, he smiled wryly, "Old man, it's not that I won't tell you, but I really don't know who those people are. It’s so foggy, if there is such a powerful force behind me, I’m begging you for an egg!”

"Make it up, you fucking continue to make it up for me!" Li Chongyang almost ran away in anger.

"I'm making a fuss." Chen Xuan rolled his eyes and said; "In a word, I really don't know the identities of these people, why don't you check them out for me?"

Hearing this, Li Chongyang forced/repressed the anger in his heart; "You really don't know?"

He really didn't want to believe it. After all, those mysterious people killed a thousand kings of the Zhou royal family for this kid. He said that this kid was not familiar with those mysterious people. He didn't believe it.

"I really don't know, how about this, you help me find someone."


"Chen Beimang!"

Hearing these three words suddenly, Li Chongyang almost hung up the phone; "Who are you talking about? Say it again!"

"Chen Beimang." Chen Xuan said; "A slovenly old thing, but this old thing is a bit of a thief, I guess he is already a figure above the universe!"

Hearing this, Li Chongyang on the other side of the phone suddenly fell silent.

Vaguely, Chen Xuan heard General Lin's exclamation; "Chen Royal Family!"

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