After wasting a lot of effort, Xie Baoge finally pulled Meng Fu up when he was exhausted.

Afterwards, he checked carefully and found that Meng Fu's injury had not deteriorated, so he breathed a sigh of relief, dragged his sore legs, and helped Meng Fu walk into the cave.

Xie Baoge felt very lucky that someone should have stayed in the cave not long ago, so there was still a pile of dry firewood and a dusty firefoil in the open space beside him!

Thinking of the arrangement he had made on the hillside and the heavy rain still pouring outside the cave, Xie Baoge was not worried that those men in black would catch up, so he piled firewood and started a fire at ease.

When Xie Baoge lit the fire and moved Meng Fu to the fire, Xie Baoge was so tired that he didn't want to move a finger.

He doesn't dislike being messy, and he doesn't care about being in the same room with Meng Fu because he is not clothed at the moment.

Xie Baoge just lay flat beside Meng Fu, resting with his eyes closed.

After taking a break for a cup of tea, Xie Baoge got up with his sore and limp body, and began to check Meng Fu's injuries.

With the light of the fire and his vision brightened, Xie Baoge realized how bad Meng Fu's situation was.

I saw that her whole body was full of large and small scratches.

Blood smeared out, staining her clothes red, but fortunately, these were only superficial injuries, not considered serious.

The most serious thing was the injury on her back and the poison.

Xie Baoge had guessed the injury on her back, it must have been the injury Meng Fu had suffered while protecting him in her arms when she fell down on her back.

The wound should have been caused by debris, from the left shoulder to the center of the back.

Fortunately, although the wound was long, it was not deep.

Immediately afterwards, Xie Baoge continued to check Meng Fu's snakebite wound.

There were four small holes in the wound, which almost went through the tiger's mouth.

He obviously helped Meng Fu take drugs, but at this moment, the blood overflowing had a faint tendency to turn black.

Obviously, the snake's venom is extremely strong.

Fortunately, Xie Baoge inhaled a wave of toxin in time during the previous inspection, which temporarily suppressed the spread of the toxin, and Meng Fu was able to survive until now.

But still not.

If the poison is not cleaned up, Meng Fu will still die. Xie Baoge stood up quickly and helped Meng Fu take drugs again.

For a while, Xie Baoge finally let go of his heart when he saw the blood slowly flowing from Meng Fu's wound turn red again.

Afterwards, he briefly treated the wound on Meng Fu's back. Xie Baoge was so tired that he was sweating profusely. He didn't care about his own injury and hadn't treated it yet. He fell down, lay flat on Meng Fu's side, and fell into a deep sleep.

late at night.

Xie Baoge was woken up by the scorching heat beside him. He opened his eyes in a daze, only to hear Meng Fu's painful and weak voice from the side.

He suddenly concentrated, and the drowsiness dissipated.

She called Meng Fu softly a few times but got no response.

Putting his palm on Meng Fu's forehead again, Xie Baoge looked solemn,

Meng Fu has a fever.

However, at this time, he didn't have any medicine on him.

In a short time, people in the court may not be able to find him in time.

He can only figure out his own way.

Looking up, the heavy rain outside the cave was still pouring, the sky was dark, and it was impossible to go out to find medicine...

For a moment, Xie Baoge was also a little anxious.

"It seems that we can only wait until dawn and the rain stops..."

With a soft murmur, Xie Baoge untied the cloth strips tied between the two of them, picked out a few clean ones, and got up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

After a brief rinse in the rain, Xie Baoge soaked the washed cloth, then ran back to the cave, wrung it dry, folded it neatly, and laid it flat on Meng Fu's forehead.

In this way, Xie Baoge kept going back and forth in the cave, changing the cloth strips on Meng Fu's forehead, staying there for the whole of the second half of the night, until it was bright outside the cave, and Meng Fu's body temperature dropped a little, not so hot , but still hot.

Moved Meng Fu to the side of the fire, Xie Baoge checked inside the cave, and after confirming that there was no danger, he dragged his tired body and headed towards the entrance of the cave.

Standing on the high platform, looking at the slightly slowing rain outside and the gloomy sky, Xie Baoge let out a long sigh.

Obviously, the rain won't stop for a while,

"It doesn't matter, Meng Fu can't wait..."

After the words fell, Xie Baoge ignored the fact that he was only wearing a pair of underwear at the moment, gritted his teeth, braved the heavy rain, jumped off the high platform, and headed towards the jungle.

Letting the heavy rain hit him, Xie Baoge forgot about the cold, and concentrated on searching for usable medicinal materials in the jungle.

Fortunately, although this mountain is steep, but because of this, very few people come to the top of the mountain, and the vegetation is relatively intact.

After turning around, Xie Baoge actually found many common herbs.

However, herbs alone are useless. Looking at the heavy rain and the arrangement he made on the hillside, neither the men in black nor the court officers and soldiers who came to rescue them could come up here in a short time.

Therefore, during this period of time, they had to support themselves, and food was essential if they wanted to survive.

Due to the heavy rain, all the animals hid in the caves, but Xie Baoge could only hope to find some wild fruits to fill their stomachs!

However, Xie Baoge walked around the small half of the mountain forest, but he didn't see any wild fruit, so he had no choice but to move slowly down the hillside.

Thinking of how Meng Fu threw the snake in this direction yesterday, Xie Baoge's whole body trembled.

"It's raining, you should run away... Amitabha, Buddha bless..."

While meditating in his mind, Xie Baoge pulled the branches on the side and slowly walked down the slope.


Suddenly, when Xie Baoge was halfway down, the branch he was holding scratched and snapped suddenly, losing his support, Xie Baoge's foot slipped, and his whole body fell down the hillside uncontrollably.

"It hurts me to death... hiss~"

When his body fell down the slope, Xie Baoge felt as if all the bones in his body were broken, especially his right foot. With a slight movement, a piercing pain swept over him. The pain was so painful that Xie Baoge couldn't help but take a deep breath!

Standing up with strong support, he looked at his hands and found that the herbs were still there, Xie Baoge breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't find anything to eat, so he planned to go back first.

However, as soon as he turned around, he saw Shui Qingyi standing behind him looking at him with a livid and furious face.

Xie Baoge was startled, backed away quickly, turned around and wanted to run.

Shui Qingyi snorted coldly.

"After chasing you for so long, you still want to run? Hmph, stare, I'll cut off your legs and send someone to Xie Qianyin."

While speaking, Shui Qingyi was about to make a move.

But at this moment, a woman in black suddenly jumped down from a big tree nearby and stopped Shui Qingyi.

"Tell me, who are you going to chop off the child's legs for?"

Thank you Qianyin.

Could it be the woman she saw a few days ago?

Could it be her little four?

Hu Jiu's heart beat like a drum, full of tension.

"Tangtang is a hypermarket, Qianyin is a medical space, reported by Hu Jiu on the 03rd, let's guess what her golden finger is? "

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