flee from famine?Holding hundreds of billions of supplies for Concubine Fu!

Chapter 436: Dongfang Mausoleum and Dongfang Chuyi who know martial arts

At this moment, there was a cold and angry shout, and then, the curtain of the first carriage not far from the gate of the city was suddenly lifted, and then, a bright yellow figure flew out of the carriage,

Almost in the blink of an eye, the yellow figure of Daoming flew to the gate of the city,

Without waiting for everyone to see clearly how he moved, the yellow figure flew across the room, and the laughter of the few people who had just laughed stopped at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, several painful muffled groans came,

For a moment, the yellow figure slowly landed at the gate of the city, and the arrogant people who stood still and laughed just fell to the ground one after another!

"His Royal Highness? Is it really His Royal Highness?"

"You are stupid, in the whole of Dayu, except for the emperor and the crown prince, who else would dare to wear bright yellow clothes? Who else could it be if it wasn't the crown prince?"

"Yes, it is true, the rumors are indeed true, His Royal Highness is back..."

"But... isn't the prince deposed? It is reasonable to say that he can no longer wear yellow clothes. Also, when will the prince know martial arts?"

"Hey, let me tell you, you still care about so many rules. The prince is the only blood of the former emperor. Now that there is no master in the country, he can't come back. As for martial arts, ordinary people still have a few secrets, let alone these You are a nobleman, maybe you used to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger..."

"Makes sense..."

Hearing the voices of people around the audience discussing, the face of the person lying on the ground clutching his chest turned pale,

He raised his eyes to look at Dongfang Mausoleum, and saw Dongfang Mausoleum standing upright with his hands behind his back. He was dressed in a bright yellow brocade robe embroidered with gold silk flying dragons. He was a tall and handsome man, as if a god descended, and his whole body was undoubtedly dignified. ,

Coupled with the fact that his eyes are as cold as frost in June, that person's heart jumped involuntarily,

There was a deep sense of fear in his heart, the man took a deep breath, then he staggered Dongfang Ling's eyes, looked at the audience and said,

"Everyone, don't be fooled by this person in front of you. He is a fake. Our highness the crown prince has died a long time ago. This person is a counterfeit. He is here to harm my country..."

After the man finished speaking, everyone in the audience looked at Dongfang Mausoleum one after another, either in shock or suspicion,

But against the eyes of everyone, Dongfang Ling's expression turned cold,

"You said that His Royal Highness is a fake, so what about this princess? Could it be that the princess is also a fake?"

Suddenly, an icy voice came from behind the crowd, and then, before everyone could turn their heads, they saw a crescent-white light flashing in front of their eyes, everyone was stunned, a beautiful woman in white jumped over the crowd and landed beside Dongfang Mausoleum , looking at the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared, everyone's eyes rounded,

"Long, long princess,"

The person lying on the ground exclaimed. Hearing this, the person who was still searching for Dongfang Chuyi's identity immediately confirmed her identity.

"This is really the eldest princess, then, this man,,,"

"You're stupid, who doesn't know that the eldest princess has a deep relationship with His Royal Highness' aunt and nephew, and now that the eldest princess has said so, can it be false?"

Hearing the voices of everyone talking, the man lying on the ground also realized that he had accidentally confirmed Dongfang Chuyi's identity, his face was colorful and his expression was extremely colorful,

Looking closely at the two figures in front of him, the man quickly thought about what to do. However, he almost didn't give him a chance. A cold and flat male voice came from outside the crowd again,

"A mere city guard dares to stop the car of His Royal Highness, who gave you the courage?"

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads to look at the source of the sound, only to see a man in a blue brocade robe walking slowly,

His eyes fell on that person's face, and he didn't know who in the crowd exclaimed that it was Master Shao, and the scene suddenly exploded.

"Yes, yes, it is Master Shaoshi. Years ago, Master Shaoshi was serving porridge at the gate of the city. I have seen him with my own eyes."

"There's nothing wrong with that, I've also seen Mr. Young Master before,"

"Then why does this person dare to wrong His Highness the Crown Prince?"

Accompanied by the chaotic voices in the crowd, the face of the person lying on the ground changed, and then he moved his body calmly, trying to wait for an opportunity to escape.

However, Dongfang Chuyi saw all his little moves. Just when the man stood up and wanted to escape, Dongfang Chuyi narrowed his beautiful eyes and raised his plain hand. The crescent-white whip suddenly looked like a silver snake, The fierce gang wind went towards that person.

Never thought that Dongfang Chuyi, who looked like a weak and dull man, could know martial arts, that person froze in place in a moment of shock, forgetting to react.

The slender and sharp whip wrapped around the man's calf, and Dongfang Chuyi pulled back his hand, only to hear a bang, and the man fell to the ground, dust was thrown up by his body,

Seeing this, the surrounding audience retreated in a panic. At the same time, the other people who were also wearing the costumes of the city guards also hurriedly tried to escape, but it was too late. There was no need for Dongfang Mausoleum to speak. The guards rushed towards the gate of the city,

Those who arrested people arrested people, and those who ran away ran away. In an instant, the entire city gate was in a panic. From the beginning to the end, Dongfang Mausoleum stood aside coldly, watching all this silently,

And not long after, due to the difference in strength between the two sides, the soldiers guarding the city gate were all detained by the prince's guards, and more than a dozen people knelt in a row,

"His Royal Highness, all the thieves have been captured."

Someone stepped forward to report, upon hearing this, Dongfang Ling nodded slightly, and then said coldly,

"Take good care of the person, and deal with it personally after the prince returns to the palace!"

"Yes, His Royal Highness."

The man said yes in a deep voice, and then walked towards the people kneeling in a row, but before he could get any closer, there were several sharp sounds piercing the air,

The long arrow fell with a whoosh sound, and by the time everyone reacted, more than a dozen people detained had been pierced through their throats with an arrow, and they lost their breath!

"There are assassins, protect His Highness the Crown Prince!"

After saying that, all the guards quickly surrounded Dongfang Ling and the others. However, facing this scene, Dongfang Ling just said coldly to protect the princess and the young master, and flew towards the source of the sharp arrow.

Seeing this, Dongfang Chuyi quickly flew to follow after swiping back a wave of sharp arrows. Seeing the two leaving one after the other, Xue Sining looked at the backs of the two worriedly, and then told the guards beside him,

"Don't resist stubbornly, retreat to the city gate, and don't accidentally hurt the people!"

It was said that everyone should be, and then they protected Xue Sining and went towards the city. At the same time, after avoiding layers of arrows, Dongfang Mausoleum and Dongfang Chuyi also came to the tall building on the side of the city gate.

I saw more than a dozen men in black clothes squatting cats and cats on the gate of the city. Seeing the two of Dongfang Mausoleum approaching, their expressions changed and they wanted to run away.

However, how could Dongfang Ling let them go so easily, immediately drew out the long sword hanging from his waist, jumped up, and blocked the way of the men in black.

Seeing that the way was blocked, the expression of the men in black changed, and they quickly counterattacked, facing more than a dozen people alone. However, Dongfang Mausoleum did not show any disadvantage. Seeing this, Dongfang Chuyi also gave up the idea of ​​going forward to help. Whip, stood aside coldly, seeing someone who lost to Dongfang Mausoleum and wanted to escape, the whip in Dongfang Chuyi's hand mercilessly whipped up, and those black-clothed men who were whipped yelled,

The two cooperated tacitly, and within a short while, those men in black were all brought down to the ground. At the same time, the prince's guards also came to the top of the tower under Xue Sining's instruction.

"Be optimistic about people!"

After leaving a word, Dongfang Ling and Dongfang Chuyi looked at each other, and walked down the tower slowly!

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