Shen Pan glanced at Zhou Mo: "Why don't you ask him directly?"

"Ask," Zhou Mo decided decisively, "Why do you have so many scruples?"

Moreover, she felt that Song Yan really didn't know.

Shen Pan directly asked in the group: Bojian's sound simulation technology has collided with Yitian's, you have applied for a patent, and now Bojian is just talking about financing with di...

There is no need for Shen Pan to repeat the stakes. Song Yan, who is a venture capitalist, should understand.

This time it was Song Yan's turn to send three question marks:? ? ?

Shen Pan: You don't know?

Song Yan: No one told me!

Shen Pan:? ? ?

Song Yan: What's going on?

Shen Panxin said that on Lu Zhishu's side, he couldn't sleep because of worry, and was beaten by a woman, and almost died. Song Yan's side was like a normal person, and didn't know anything.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Zhishu felt a little funny, but also a little bitter.

Shen Pan: Lu Zhishu came to you to talk about patents. It has nothing to do with me. You should have a good talk with him.

Song Yan: How could the patent collide?Our patents are all developed by Yitian itself.

After a while, Song Yan realized: No, Zhang Siyong.Is it him?

Shen Pan: Currently the biggest suspect.

Song Yan: I understand.Lu Zhishu is talking about patent licensing with me?

Shen Pan: I don't know how you guys will deal with the following things.

Song Yan: What do you want me to do?

Shen Pan:?

Song Yan: Avenge you.

Shen Pan: What hatred?

Song Yan: You broke up with Lu Zhishu, and you didn't intend to embarrass him and take revenge?

Shen Pan: ...

Song Yan: I just didn't think about licensing the patent to him, and what price to ask.

Shen Pan: Discuss your affairs yourself.

Song Yan: Still reluctant?

Shen Pan: [poop] [poop] [poop]

Song Yan: Do you feel distressed?

Shen Pan: g~u~n~

Song Yan: If you don't want to part with it, just say it, and I can authorize it for free.

Shen Pan: Really?

Song Yan: ...Why do you get excited when you say it's free?Women, forget your friends when you see sex.

Shen Pan: it real or fake?

Song Yan: Really.

Shen Pan:! ! !

Three exclamation points in a row express surprise.

Looking at the conversations in the group, Zhou Mo was also shocked.

She asked: Shen Pan is not joking.

Song Yan: I'm not kidding either.

Zhou Mo: Let's calm down, it's about Bo Jian's life and death, it's not a joke.

Song Yan: I'm not kidding.Really give him a free license.

Zhou Mo: What's the reason?

Song Yan: Zhang Siyong came from Bojian, and Yitian and Bojian's technology collided. It must be that Yitian plagiarized Bojian, but we registered early.If Lu Zhishu needs evidence, he can sue Zhang Siyong first, and then ask Yitian to revoke the patent.In case of a lawsuit, it will be a lose-lose situation if it gets bigger. It is better for everyone to cooperate and earn money.

Zhou Mo: Are you sure that di will not ask for an increase in Bojian's shares?

Song Yan: What's the use of guessing, I'll make a phone call and ask my brother.

Zhou Mo: ...

Shen Pan: ...

Zhou Mo and Shen Pan seemed to be hit by dimensionality reduction.

It was obvious that she was worried and frightened before, and there was nothing she could do about it, but now it was solved by Song Yan with a few words and a phone call.

Is this the power of the boss?

Soon, Song Yan replied: My brother said that Bojian's financing was not led by him, but a project hosted by Di himself.I also asked my brother about the patent, and he said that I would handle it myself.

Song Yan was afraid that the two of them still didn't believe it, so he posted the recording of the call with Lu Yaocheng in the group.

Song Yan: My brother said it himself.

This made Zhou Mo and Shen Pan even more ashamed.

Zhou Mo felt that all this happened was too dreamy, and he was still trembling in the front, but now it was like a pie was born, making people float in the clouds.

Zhou Mo asked: Are you sure?Boss Lu doesn't care about such a big matter?

Song Yan: Didn't you hear the recording?My brother has a lot of things to do, and he can't manage them at all. There is another problem with Tiansheng, and my brother is anxious to solve my sister-in-law's affairs. I can make decisions about such small things as di.

Shen Pan: It seems that we are worrying for nothing.

Song Yan: It was originally.Why didn't you tell me something happened?how?Don't take me as a friend?

Zhou Mo: ...

Shen Pan: ...

The two were extremely ashamed.

Song Yan: How much did Bojian raise for financing?If not much, I will approve it for him.

Song Yan: Forget it, I'll talk to him when Lu Zhishu comes.

Zhou Mo and Shen Pan were even more ashamed.

They used Song Yan as a guard against thieves. Who knew that Song Yan had no bad intentions at all, and could sacrifice part of his own interests for the sake of the overall situation.

Zhou Mo looked at Shen Pan: "I seem to understand why Lu Yaocheng brought him with him."

Shen Pan: "Do you want to say it's because of simplicity and sincerity?"

"Yes," Zhou Mo said, "Society and people's hearts are very complicated, so the way we look at problems is also very complicated. It is normal to be suspicious when it comes to matters of interest. It is easy for people to be confused when such a person who is sincere and not bad-hearted suddenly appears. It is clear whether his heart is good or bad. But I have to say that Song Yan's sincere person is quite rare."

Shen Pan: "I've always felt that Song Yan doesn't seem like a bad-hearted person. I'm quite surprised to hear that Yitian plagiarized Bojian."

Zhou Mo: "I don't feel like it either, but people's hearts are so deep, I don't dare to believe it. Although the facts have proved that I was wrong."

Shen Pan: "Forget it, don't be emotional, any more talk will be an afterthought. This can kill two birds with one stone. Bo Jian's troubles have been solved, and this matter also shows that Song Yan is a worthwhile friend."

Zhou Mo: "Yes. He is really reliable when something happens."

Shen Pan: "He is relying on Lu Yaocheng. If it were me, I would be able to walk sideways in Dongjiang."

Zhou Mo: "Who wouldn't want to hug a thick and strong thigh?"

Shen Pan: "Don't you have Han Chen?"

"..." Zhou Mo: "It's hard for him to protect himself. He came out of the imperial capital and is penniless."

"..." Shen Pan lowered his eyes, "The same goes for Lu Zhishu."

Zhou Mo: "Huh?"

Shen Pan: "When he came to Dongjiang, he was also poor and empty. The most valuable thing was a suitcase."

Zhou Mo: "He also ran away from home? Why? Have you asked?"

Shen Pan: "No, he didn't mention it either."


"Competing in the Central Plains".

Song Yan arrived at the agreed box, and before entering the door, he glanced at his phone.

Found no new information in the group.

Xin said, this is the last chance, if Shen Pan can't grasp it, the chance to be difficult for Lu Zhishu in the future will be gone.

He asked again in the group: You really don't want to test him?

Shen Pan: You should talk about business.

Song Yan put away his mobile phone and pushed open the door of the private room.

There are three people in the private room, two men and one woman.

Lu Zhishu stood up and shook hands with Song Yan, "Hi, Mr. Song, I'm Lu Zhishu from Bojian."

"I know you," Song Yan said as he shook hands with him, his gaze shifted, and he moved to another man beforehand, "You are LT's Mr. Liang."

Liang Dongyan shook hands with him politely, "It's me."

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