I got married to an orthopaedic surgeon

Chapter 531 Lucky to have you, lucky to be you

Who would have thought that this conversation would lead to four friends.

Now he feels much less lonely than before.

Song Yan walked to the coffee table, picked up his mobile phone, and found that there were many unread messages, many of which were related to work.

He only picked Lu Yaocheng's.

Lu Yaocheng said that Wen Lu's mother will celebrate her birthday in a few days, so let him have a meal together.

Song Yanhui: Okay.Brother, don't forget to buy flowers.

Lu Yaocheng: I know.

The reason why Song Yan told Lu Yaocheng so much was because Lu Yaocheng himself was not a romantic person, and he always let his assistant do things like buying flowers.

But which girl doesn't like to receive flowers, so he always prepares for Lu Yaocheng in advance, including the greeting cards inside the flowers.

When sending flowers, he would put a note with blessings in the empty greeting card, and Lu Yaocheng would copy it himself before sending it.

Flowers can be bought on behalf of others, gifts can be given on behalf of others, but handwriting cannot be written on behalf of others.

He has so many, but only one purpose, just don't want Lu Yaocheng and Wen Lu to quarrel over such a trivial matter.

After all, the two really had too many differences and quarreled too frequently.

A marriage that is finally repaired should be sweet and perfect, instead of falling apart in quarrels and misunderstandings.


Zhou Mo and Han Chen were very close, and it took them only a few minutes to walk back.

Shen Pan was tired from playing, and was thrown in the passenger seat by Lu Zhishu, and no one woke up.

Zhou Mo also complained about Shen Pan. When she came, she was aggressive and excited, and when she left, she was like a puddle of mud. When she was forced to come, the bold ambitions she made were not realized at all.

Lu Zhishu said that Shen Pan was too tired recently, and was catching up on comics in the middle of the night. He just finished the latest chapter, so he had the chance to come out to play.

No wonder Shen Pan came when Song Yan called out.

Zhou Mo told Lu Zhishu to take good care of Shen Pan.

Lu Zhishu drove the man away.

Zhou Mo and Han Chen watched Lu Zhishu's car leave.

Then, the two held hands and pressed the road together.

There are not many stars in the sky, and the light pollution makes the bright sky lose a lot of its original color.

Zhou Mo raised his eyes and glanced at the sky, "You, Lu Zhishu and Song Yan are having a good time."

"En." Han Chen responded lightly.

With a smile on his face, Zhou Mo sneaked a glance at Han Chen, and found that the corners of Han Chen's lips also had a slight curvature.

"It's nice to have friends, isn't it?"


"So tell me, how does it feel?"

"I can't answer it," Han Chen thought for a while and said, "It's very relaxing, you don't have to think too much about it."

"Get along with them more in the future," Zhou Mo said, "Humans live in groups, and it's hard to gain a foothold when fighting alone."

"You're right," Han Chen said, "Maybe... I have too many brothers since I was young, and I haven't made any friends. We are brothers in everything. When we grow up, we run all over the world and have our own problems. Studies and careers, I feel—it’s not as close as it used to be.”

"The troubles of growing up are all the same," Zhou Mo said, "Look at Tian Linlin and I, we were best friends before, and I even introduced Sister Xia Xia to her, but in the end we became estranged? One of the joys of life is to have someone who is always by your side, isn’t it to keep making new people and new friends.”

"Well," Han Chen squeezed Zhou Mo's hand, and gently pulled her to his side, hugging her waist lightly.

"Why, don't you hold hands anymore?" Zhou Mo raised his head and asked Han Chen.

"No, I just want to be closer to you." Han Chen tightly clasped Zhou Mo's waist, "Thank you tonight."

Probably, since Liang Xinyun took him out of the Han family and separated from the brothers of the Han family, he never enjoyed the simplest happiness that belongs to his peers.

"Thank me for what?" Zhou Mo asked knowingly, a little pride spontaneously arose in his heart.

"Thank you for making my life in Dongjiang colorful, it was ten years ago, and it will be even more so ten years later."

thank God I've you.

Fortunately it was you.

Zhou Mo raised his hand, and also stopped Han Chen's waist from behind. The two of them clung to each other and walked towards Xiangbin Yali.


August [-]th, Doctor's Day.

Zhou Mo followed Shen Qingyi to participate in the special event of Doctors' Day held by the First Hospital of Dongjiang University, and an art evening jointly organized by the labor union of the First Hospital of Dongjiang University and a theater troupe in Dongjiang.

Several people in the group who like to join in the fun have come.

Ding Ning, who doesn't like to join in the fun, didn't come this time.

Zhao Xiaoshuang was on the left of Zhou Mo, and Liu Kai was on the right. The three sat in the middle of the auditorium, which was considered a relatively good location.

Shen Qingyi was in the first row, sitting with Dean Yao.

Looking at the location arrangement, it was obvious that Dean Yao was hinting to Shen Qingyi to let her come to the First Hospital of Dongda University as soon as possible.

When it comes to digging people, the First Hospital of Dongda University is absolutely relentless.

Even his own brother, the second courtyard of Dongda University, who is "one mother and compatriot", will not let go.

Some time ago, the First Hospital of Eastern University paid a high salary to poach a young associate professor of cardiac surgery from the Second Hospital of Eastern University. The associate professor was independently cultivated by the Second Hospital. Even the contract signed by the associate professor and the Second Hospital stipulated high liquidated damages. Well, the first hospital of Dongda University is not a problem. They would rather pay a sky-high liquidated damages for the associate professor than poach the associate professor here.

This is the "thundering method" of the First Hospital of Eastern University in recruiting talents. Ordinary leaders do not necessarily have this courage.

Yao Fuguang is a typical leader who likes to focus on scientific research, because focusing on scientific research can quickly improve the hospital's ranking.

Shen Qingyi's concealed treasure is naturally the best choice for the First Hospital of Dongdae University.

Yao Fuguang showed Shen Qingyi the strength of the First Hospital of Dongda University everywhere.

I have to say that the hospital is really rich.

At least much richer than the School of Health Management.

To hold a party, you can also invite a special theater troupe, and even the host of Dongjiang City TV Station is invited. One can imagine how big the cards are.

Delaying work in such a rich and powerful unit, even the logistics staff of the First Hospital of Dongda University of the outsourcing company, will be honored.

The poorest patriot in London's East End could not help puffing up his chest at the mere thought of British industry and wealth.

The same is true for the First Hospital of Dongda University.

Zhou Mo was brought by Shen Qingyi's name, because there were some things that needed Zhou Mo's help, and now Zhou Mo seemed to have become Shen Qingyi's half secretary.

Zhao Xiaoshuang and Liu Kai didn't have to work overtime because they had sisters to watch, so they didn't come for nothing.

There are not many shows at the party, there are twelve in total, and awards are interspersed in the middle.

Since the country designated August 8 as Doctors' Day every year, major hospitals across the country have started to hold a series of activities about Doctors' Day at this time every year.

Theatrical performances are one of them, and there will also be various clinical skill operation competitions, which will be divided into internal medicine and surgery, and will also be grouped according to professional titles, and the competitions will be held separately.

Han Chen participated in the basic skills competition of the surgical system this year, and won No.1 in the attending group, and even won the anesthesiology department.

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