I'm serious about making money

Chapter 109 I was led away by the boss

Yangcheng, Jialebao Company, Brand Department.

"Director, the results of the primary selection competition for creative advertisements have come out, and I've sorted them all out for you." Bai Riyi came over with a USB flash drive.

"Well, let's put it there," Yang Qiu looked at the computer without raising his head.

"Alright then," Bai Riyi looked down at his black silk and short skirt, a little embarrassed.

Yang Qiu is only 30 years old this year. He wears gold-rimmed glasses. He just came back from studying abroad this year, so he parachuted into the brand department and directly became the director of the brand department.

What attracts Bai Riyi the most is that Yang Qiu is not only handsome, but also very capable.

On the day he took office, he convened a symposium with all the colleagues in the brand department. The theme was "my marketing concept and my chairman's father", and he completely conquered the colleagues in the brand department at once.

Since then, the girls and young women in the company have gone to their brand department whenever they have something to do.

During the day, she was close to the water tower, so she naturally wanted to get the moon first. She had seen a netizen named "Wolongsheng" on the Internet before saying that men who wear glasses like to wipe their guns in stockings.

So it was only late March, and I changed into short skirts and black silk.

But, with such good legs, why doesn't the man in front of him even glance at them, and he knows to study those stupid advertisements every day! "Is there anything else you want?" Seeing that Bai Riyi hadn't left, Yang Qiu raised his head and asked.

The first website m.9biquge.

"Uh, I think you're watching an advertisement?" Bai Riyi hurriedly asked.

"Yes, in the past two years in China, creative advertising has made rapid progress." Yang Qiu pointed to the computer screen and said, "Look at this natural advertisement."

Bai Riyi turned behind Yang Qiu, bent down to look at the computer screen, and pressed the murder weapon on Yang Qiu's shoulder.

Yang Qiu didn't notice it at all, and excitedly recounted: "This advertisement can be called the strongest among Tianchao's advertisements. The plot is unexpected, but it is reasonable. It uses reversal to express the effect of SB cream. It is really creative. .”

"There's also this advertisement for Kidney Treasure. The two actors chosen are really amazing. They have a sense of life and a sense of joy. I doubt that the director of these two advertisements is the same person."

"He's really talented. If the other party wasn't in Yanjing, I wouldn't be able to leave. I really want to pay a visit to him."

Speaking of creative advertising, Yang Qiu was as excited as a child.

Bai Riyi breathed into his ear like blue, and said with a smile: "This time, many advertising agencies from Yanjing and Shenghai participated in the competition, and maybe they have better ideas."

"I hope, this time I must lead the brand department to fight a turnaround!" Yang Qiu said ambitiously.

Jialebao has been in business for many years before making the brand "Zhang Laoji" a household name in the mainland. Now that Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group directly takes the "Zhang Laoji" brand back and makes it itself, Jialebao can be said to be in danger.

The two are now fighting across the board. The problem is that the brand of Zhanglaoji has long been popular in the hearts of the people, and the brand awareness of Jialebao has not yet been established. If you want to counterattack, you must spend more energy on brand building.

This is why as soon as Yang Qiu took office, he fired the advertising company he had worked with, and then solicited advertising ideas across the country.

"Notify the colleagues in the brand department that I will work overtime with everyone tonight, and screen all the primary selection works again. Remember, we only want the most creative advertisements!"

"Okay, I'll go and notify," Bai Riyi turned and went out, rolling his eyes in his heart.

She felt that the other party might be more interested in advertisements than in women.

It's a waste of energy to spend it on work when you don't need it in bed.

After Bai Riyi went out, Yang Qiu put on the earphones, plugged in the USB flash drive, and began to select the advertising ideas that were solicited.

Speaking of which, Jialebao spent a lot of money this time, spending 100 million yuan to solicit advertising ideas across the country, which itself is also a kind of publicity.

As a result, all kinds of large and small advertising companies across the country came to try their luck, trying to catch a big leak, and the quality of their advertisements can be imagined.

After a preliminary round of screening by the brand department, more than 80 advertisements were left behind. Yang Qiu checked them one by one. After a while, he rubbed his temples with a headache.

On the computer screen, I saw a bald man with his mouth full of chili peppers, and the hot pot in front of him was full of chili peppers. The elder brother was so hot that his nostrils were filled with smoke. He reached out and opened a can of Jialebao, shouting: " If you are afraid of getting angry, drink Jialebao herbal tea, veterans, do it, Ori!"

What the hell are these.

Yang Qiu directly played the next one, and the result was even better:

A woman with big waves showed her long legs, scratched her head and posed for the camera, and then began to unbutton her upper body shirt. When the last button was unbuttoned, a bald man came out, "Drink herbal tea and drink Jialebao , she likes me too!"

My mother, don’t be so blatant if you copy other people’s advertisements, okay?

Yang Qiu said that as a man who read "Spring and Autumn", he almost burst into foul language.

The most frightening thing is that this is already considered good. The rest of the advertisements are basically the same, stacking some meaningless shots and pictures, and then repeating the advertisement words of "Jialebao". There is no creativity at all.

Until he saw a little chubby come out.

The little fat pier was so hot that he came to the vending machine, put in coins, selected the product and pressed the button.

However, it was Zhang Laoji who took it out.

what's the situation?

Yang Qiu was originally sitting on the chair crookedly, but suddenly sat upright, this unexpected unfolding made him smell a familiar smell.

The technique is the same, first laying the groundwork to mislead the audience, and then suddenly reversed to show the product.

Could it be that this advertisement came from that man in Yanjing?

Yang Qiu's expectations were filled at once.

On the computer screen, Xiao Pangdun had already bought two bottles of Zhang Laoji, put them neatly on the ground, and turned 1ogo to the audience. Yang Qiu watched quietly, without any impatience, he was waiting for the final reversal.

Sure enough, the little chubby stepped on the two bottles of Zhang Laoji unsteadily, stood on tiptoe, put in coins, bought a bottle of Jialebao, and left.

The two bottles of Zhang Laoji were ruthlessly left on the ground, serving as stepping stones.



Yang Qiu jumped up excitedly.

He guessed right, it was that man, and this ad was definitely created by that man!

Even though they had never met each other before, even though they were thousands of miles away, through an advertisement, Yang Qiu still recognized him.

Youdao is an expert who looks at the door, and an outsider who watches the fun. He has repeatedly studied the advertisements that Jiang Yu shot in the past few days, and found that the man is best at narration and reversal, and he has almost formed a style.

Yang Qiu was very excited.

He is not a fool, he doesn't know that his female secretary is greedy for his body, but to him, what is a woman?

A woman can make him excited for three seconds at most, but a hot man can make him excited for three hours!

In the face of such creativity, even wiping guns in stockings seems so boring.

"Colleagues, the meeting is now!"

Yang Qiu ran out with a red face, stopped those hard-working overtime dogs, and dragged them all to the conference room.

"What's the matter, meeting now?"

"Did the director find the right idea?"

"Great, the idea that can excite the director, how creative it is."

"Whatever, I just want to get off work now

Colleagues gathered in the conference room, took the USB flash drive from Yang Qiu's hands during the day, and after a single operation, the little fat man appeared on the projector.

After the broadcast, Yang Qiu stood up and said, "What do you think of this advertisement?"

The workers below were not stupid, so they naturally applauded.

Only an honest person put forward a different opinion, "Will this advertisement violate the advertising law?"

The meeting room fell silent, everyone looked over, Yang Qiu said: "You might as well make your words clearer." The honest man said nervously: "I mean, if you step on Zhang Laoji like this, you will be accused. "

Disdainful voices suddenly appeared in the conference room, they are now fighting to the death with Zhang Laoji, and Zhang Laoji has really told them many times in the past few months.

"Let them sue!" Yang Qiu said with a big wave of his hand: "I'm afraid they won't sue. We just follow the trend of marketing. The 21st century is the century of creativity. They can't come up with better ideas. inability."

"Goodbye Director!'

There was thunderous applause in the meeting room.

In Yanjing, night fell, and the lights in Han Jiayue's office were still on.

Although it was already time to get off work, she still took Wang Xiaolong to stay in the company and stick to her post.

There is a passage from later generations that goes like this:

The monthly salary is three thousand, and I am your father, the boss.

The monthly salary is [-], Dad, what else do you need?

When she was a small employee, the thing she hated the most was working overtime, but after she became the team leader of the third group, her back no longer hurts, her legs no longer hurt, and working overtime is as frequent as sex.

"Sister Jiayue, the commercial that Jiang Yu shot is so good, don't worry about it," Wang Xiaolong yawned and said, "If you can't choose such a commercial, it can only show one thing, Jialebao brand Blind people

Han Jiayue browsed the webpage and said, "I'm not worried about whether Jiang Yu's plan will be selected, but I am worried about whether Zhang Laoji will sue Jialebao after being selected."

She was also suspicious of Jiang Yu at first, after all, with a little chubby, how can she still make a lot of money in the advertisement?

In the end, Jiang Yu told her with practical actions, it really works!

When she saw Xiaopang pier stepping on the can of "Zhang Laoji" and bought "Jialebao", she almost didn't kneel down and sing Conquer

But the question is, will this really prevent Zhang Laoji from going to court?

It was a little too insulting after all.

Wang Xiaolong was a bachelor, lying on the chair, pouted his buttocks and said, "Let them sue, anyway, they're not suing us." "That's true," Han Jiayue smiled, stood up and slapped Wang Xiaolong's butt, "Let's go." , go eat." "Oh, hey, I'm finally off work!"

Wang Xiaolong jumped up, stretched himself, and complained: "Let me just say, you can always trust Jiang Yu when it comes to shooting commercials, and you still have to worry about it."

It's a pity that there is no King's Pesticide at this time, otherwise he would definitely describe Han Jiayue like this: Bronze level, but he still has to play the King's heart.

At this moment, Han Jiayue's Nokia rang. She answered it, and it was from Yangcheng.

Han Jiayue's heart burst into ecstasy.

Could it be, is this the feeling of being led away by a boss?


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