I'm serious about making money

Chapter 130 The Snow Mountain Ghost Is Too Scary


Contrary to Wang Weili's imagination, the beginning of "Snow Mountain Ghost" is not scary, and even seems a little warm.

In one room, a group of young men and women sat around the coffee table and chatted. On the coffee table were snacks and fat house happy water, which seemed to be a party.

Suddenly, there was a power outage in the room, and everyone took out flashlights to illuminate the room. A boy suggested that since it was so dark and the power was out, why not tell ghost stories together.

People love to listen, ghosts also love to listen, how exciting...

This is the beginning of a classic horror film.

Then, the dead boy told the story:

It is said that a mountaineering team went to climb a snow-capped mountain, but encountered an avalanche, and only two survived. They pitched a tent and waited for rescue, but they did not wait for the rescue team for several days.

One of them wounded his foot, ran out of food, and died weakly.

In fact, there was still food, but it was secretly hidden outside the tent by another person. He used the excuse to go out to check the situation every day, but in fact he went out to eat secretly.

After the wounded died, he felt guilty and buried the body in the snow, but when he woke up the next day, he found the body lying beside him!

He was terrified.

Hastily dragged the corpse out and buried it again, but when he woke up again, the corpse was still lying beside him!

Is it a scam?

Wang Weili's interest was immediately aroused.

The boy continued: "The surviving team members were terrified, and buried the body in the snow again, then picked up the camera and put it in front of them, intending to record what happened after they fell asleep..."

"And then?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Whenever a story is told, someone must ask such a question, otherwise the story cannot be told.

"Then," the man smiled sheepishly, "I forgot..."

"What, I can't forget the most exciting part of the story..."

This is like writing a web article, not only short but also out of context, everyone almost killed him without a blade.

At this moment, the woman in white calmly said, "I've heard this story too."

Everyone looked at her together.

Wang Weili recognized it, "Isn't this Guo Xiang?"

"Yes, it seems to be Yang Mi," said the senior, obviously more knowledgeable.

On the computer screen, the camera was pushed to Yang Mi's face, and Yang Mi said indifferently: "You have forgotten the scariest part of this story."

Then the camera turned, and the feature film began.

On a vast white snow-capped mountain, a plane crash just happened, and a total of five people survived.

The reporter played by Jiang Yu is filming around with a camera, the doctor played by Ma Shaohua hugs his dead wife in endless grief, and the businessman played by Huang Bai is the calmest, searching for supplies everywhere, and even stripping off the dead man's clothes to wear himself.

"Alan, Alan, are you okay?"

"Lily, I'm in so much pain!"

The camera turned around, and I saw Yang Mi hugging a woman with a plain face, it was Liu Sisi, who had a broken leg and was yelling loudly.

Next, the doctor helped Alan deal with it briefly. After the businessman searched for the supplies, he took out a map and told everyone that there was a cabin not far away. Instead of waiting to die here, it is better to go to the cabin and wait for rescue.

So everyone braved the wind and snow and struggled to find the cabin. The businessman carried Alan on his back and couldn't take it any longer. Lily looked back and saw the businessman was digging a hole in the snow with a fire ax to bury Alan.

and many more!

Wang Weili suddenly thought of something, this plot is somewhat similar to the story the boy told just now...

All teammates broke their feet, and then buried them in the snow.

Is there some connection between these two stories?

Wang Weili peeked at the senior sister. Li Lan leaned forward with her hands on her knees, obviously attracted by the story.

"What are you doing, you want to bury Alan?!"

Lily rushed over and hugged Alan, angrily accusing the businessman.

The businessman dug a hole on his own, "Dig a hole first, bury her in the snow and hide for a while, and come back to pick her up when we find the wooden house."

Lily naturally refused, and started arguing with the businessman.

"It's so hot, it's so hot..." Alan was lying on the ground, hallucinating.

"No, you can't leave her behind!"

Full of a sense of justice, the young reporter picked up Alan on his back and walked forward together, leaving the businessman behind.

However, within a few steps, the reporter was exhausted and fell to the ground.

The businessman came over and mocked: "Go, you go again, don't waste your energy, take her, we will all die here!"

The old doctor persuaded: "But, after all, human life is at stake,"

"Then you carry her on your back," the businessman snapped back.

The doctor could only sigh, "I can't help it either."

Lily wanted to continue walking with Alan on her back, but she couldn't move her back. When she turned her head, the three of them had already dug a hole in the ground.

She had no choice but to come back with Alan on her back and bury Alan in the pit.

"Hey, people are selfish, so burying people in snow like this is the same as burying them alive," the senior sister sighed.

"In fact, burying people in the snow is the correct way to deal with it," Wang Weili explained: "Otherwise, she would be frozen to death soon after being blown by the wind and snow, but burying her in the snow can keep her warm. There's a reason Newts live in igloos."

"You know a lot," the senior sister looked at him with a smile.

Wang Weili smiled slightly, but his heart blossomed.

On the computer screen, the four of them buried Alan, but there was a dispute. Everyone wondered whether there was a hut. At this moment, the businessman looked into the distance and exclaimed in surprise, "The hut is there!"

"Where?" the reporter asked.

"There really is a wooden house, right there!" Lily exclaimed.

Not far away, the black shadow of a small wooden house looms in the wind and snow.

The four of them rushed in together, and then found the stove, sweet potatoes, apples, and four blankets, exactly one for each person.

The businessman snatched the apple and took a bite, wondering: "Why is it tasteless?"

At this moment, Lily finally remembered her best friend, and Alan was still buried under the snow.

She pushed open the door of the cabin and rushed out, followed closely by the reporter. The two picked up the shovel and wanted to dig Alan out, but who would have imagined, the reporter went down with the shovel, and the bright red blood flowed out directly.

He cut Alan's carotid artery!

"Murderer, you are a murderer, you killed her!"

The businessman followed out at some point. Seeing this scene, he grabbed Alan's backpack and ran back to the cabin yelling.

Lily walked towards Alan trembling, and the camera moved towards Alan following her, "Alan, Alan..." she called out in a low voice.


Alan stretched out his hands and grabbed Lily's clothes.

She raised her head, her face was covered with snow and frost, she was pale, her expression was horrified, and she looked particularly pervasive.

The infiltrating music also sounded.

The camera shakes.


The senior yelled along with Lily.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid," Wang Weili patted the senior sister on the shoulder. Although he was frightened to the point of his heart pounding, he still had to hold on in front of the girl.

"Lily, Lily, don't leave me..."

Lily struggled to free her hand, but Alan's manicure was broken, and blood was stuck to the clothes on her chest.

The reporter took Lily back to the cabin, and the businessman was licking Alan's backpack at this time, and found a white skirt and a white top from inside.

"This is Alan's thing!" Lily grabbed it and hugged it in her arms.

In the stove, the light of the fire exudes a warm color, which seems to dispel some horrible colors.

However, Wang Weili and Li Lan's emotions have been completely mobilized.

They had a hunch that the horrors of this story might just be beginning.

Next, the doctor suggested that everyone take turns to sleep to conserve energy, so the classic four-corner game appeared.

Up to this moment, A Piao hadn't appeared once, and Wang Weili felt a chill running down his back.

Because according to Lily's speculation, the Four Corners Game needs five people to set up, so who is the extra person?

Reminiscent of the story at the beginning of the film, the corpse buried in the snow will always come back by itself...

The two of them involuntarily moved closer to the computer, staring at the screen intently.

This is the charm of "Snow Mountain Ghost". It cannot be scary blindly, and more importantly, it must have suspense, so that the audience can be scared and want to watch it.

The highest level of horror is here, making everyone realize that there is A Piao, but they don't know where A Piao will appear... This time is the scariest.

When Ah Piao really appeared, he lost his sense of expectation.

Afterwards, the doctor proposed a new plan. Everyone still took turns to sleep, but after waking up others, they went back to sleep in their own beds, so that there would be no fifth person.

"It would have been better to do this earlier," the senior couldn't help complaining, "I have to come out with an empty bed... ah!"

She was suddenly startled.

On the computer screen, a white figure floated past unexpectedly!

It turns out that there really is A Piao!

The senior sister had unconsciously grasped Wang Weili's hand.

Wang Weili looked at the two hands clasped together, and felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Sure enough, watching horror movies is the only way to seduce girls.

Then, the doctor was woken up. He called everyone up, but found that the businessman had died strangely, and there were two blood holes in his neck.

The doctor checked his body, and according to the stiffness of the body, he had been dead for at least two hours.

If so, who was it that just woke him up?

And who has been participating in their game?

The doctor looked around the wooden house, only to see a white figure flash past, he got up and grabbed the sweet potato and stuffed it into his mouth, "I can't just die like this, I want to eat..."

The reporter ran over and hugged him, "Stop doing stupid things!"

Lily fell to the ground, muttering to herself, "Alan came back to take revenge, we left her behind, she's going to kill us all now..."

The doctor gnawed on sweet potatoes and finally received a lunch box. The reporter took out the camera and put it on the ground, then hugged Lily and smiled at the camera: "The two of us may be the last two survivors. We can use this camera to record it."

The two of them leaned together and fell asleep in a daze. When Lily woke up again, she found an ax stuck in the reporter's back.

Reporter, pawn.

Lily remembered the video camera on the ground, tremblingly picked it up, intending to check who killed the reporter.

She turned on the camera and put it in front of her eyes. The lens was slowly pushed from the back of Lily's head to the screen of the camera.

"Ah!" The senior sister threw herself into Wang Weili's arms with an "ow!" "It's too scary, I dare not watch it!"

"It's okay, it's okay," Wang Weili patted the senior sister's shoulder perfunctorily, his eyes fixed on the computer screen.


Now he just wants to know who hacked the reporter to death!

The senior sister also slowly raised her head from Wang Weili's arms and looked at the computer screen.

I was afraid, but I still couldn't resist my curiosity and wanted to find out.

Also wanting to find out is Lily, who looks at the camera nervously.

The camera screen showed a picture of her sleeping next to the reporter, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

at this time!


Lily suddenly heard a gust of wind, she raised her head and looked around in fright, but found nothing.

Wang Weili was so frightened that his heart was raised in his throat, and he was a little relieved when he saw that he didn't find anything.

Just when Lily was also relieved, she lowered her head and saw a white figure floating out of the camera screen, and hacked the reporter to death with an ax in hand.


Lily yelled in horror and dropped the camera.

That white figure was clearly the dead Alan.

She is really back!

She wants to kill everyone!

"Let me go, please, let me go..." Lily begged tremblingly.

Wang Weili's little heart was also thumping with fright, and his whole attention was completely focused on the film.

"Ah!" Lily suddenly yelled again, and she found that her nails were stained with blood at some point.

"Look at her manicure!" Senior sister shouted.

The camera freezes on Lily's hand, and Wang Weili just remembered that Lily doesn't have nail art, and this is Alan's hand!

The blanket on Lily's body slipped off, and inside the blanket, she was clearly wearing a white dress!

It turned out that the white figure just now was actually herself!

It was herself who killed the reporter!

She stared at her bloodied nails in horror, her eyes widening.

Wang Weili hugged the senior in his arms tightly, he felt his scalp was numb, and he even stopped breathing.

This movie is so brain-burning.

At this moment, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed Lily!

She turned her head to look in horror, and it turned out that the rescue team had arrived.

"What happened?" the rescue team asked.

Lily turned her head with her eyes wide open, and saw reporters, businessmen, and doctors all collapsed in the snow, so there was no cabin.

It turned out that all of this turned out to be their fantasy!

The doctor stuffed a snowball into his mouth, and Alan had a shovel stuck in his neck. He died with his eyes closed, and he died beside her.

The camera turned again and returned to the room at the beginning. A group of people were all staring at Lily intently.

Lily finished the second half of the story with a deadpan expression:

The team member was very frightened. He picked up the camera and saw that he had dug out the corpse in the middle of the night, put it beside him, and then fell asleep beside the corpse...

Wang Weili felt that he could no longer think, and he was so nervous that he was sweating.

The second half of the film was completely beyond his expectations.

Although he guessed at the beginning that there might not be any cabins, all of this was the fantasy of those few people.

But who killed those three people?

Is it Lily?

Is sleepwalking?

Or schizophrenia?

Or, is it really Alan's revenge?

The senior sister lay in his arms and dared not speak anymore.

But this story is not over yet.

Accompanied by Lily's narration, the lens returned to the snow mountain again, and then landed on the screen of the camera.

Wang Weili's eyes widened all of a sudden.

On the camera screen, a white figure could not see his face clearly, drifting past leisurely...

After that, four bright red blood characters appeared.

Wang Weili swore that he might remember these four words in his life.

Director: Jiang Yu

The story ends.

------off topic-----

I wrote this chapter in the middle of the night, it scared me to death

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