Campus Soldiers

Chapter 227

When he knew that Yuelou had discovered the problem earlier, Cao Xian's hanging heart was relieved.

Zhuo Yuchan has more knowledge than herself, and the Chen family has better control than herself.

There is no doubt that it is very comforting to have a big head on the front when something strange happens.

The inhumans under Cao Xian gradually become part of life, Cao Xian doesn't like this kind of life being destroyed!

For a moment, Cao Xian realized that he had matured a lot.Know how to protect your own life.

This is very good. Maturity should bear some burdens, hold some bottom lines, keep some rules, and enjoy freedom under order, which is the sign of maturity.Being able to lead a group of people to protect this order is also a place where a leader can be trusted.

But as a leader, in addition to a sense of responsibility, you must also have a sense of humor and charisma that makes people excited.

Today's Cao Xian doesn't just belong to Tianmen.

"Dear colleagues! Dear friends! Kill Kou Catering's annual culinary competition...the judging session has officially begun!!!"

Cao Xian borrowed the mountain villa microphone and stood on a big rock.

"This time the judges are: Mr. Gu who has countless experiences, is almost bigu, and is well-informed!"

Xuanying Xingjun was invited to the stage, he stared blankly at the two tables of dishes, and covered his mouth with one hand beside Cao Xian: "Hey, why don't you let the old man come on?"

A few words popped out between Cao Xian's teeth: "He doesn't like to eat human food..."

"Then give me some incense, and eat it with the incense, it will be more delicious."

"I know I know..."

Cao Xian pointed his hand to the audience again: "There are still judges: young and promising, not greedy for vanity, and a wolf eagle craftsman who devotes himself to art——Director Jin Yukai!"

Jin Yu opened the corners of his eyes and twitched, Cao Xian offered him this position and he refused at first.What's so good about myself, I started to comment on other people's skills, and it's still cooking!I can't even cook by myself!

As the only two support groups of Wolf Eagle Craft, Shi Xiaoxiao and Gu Pingzi yelled: "Jin Yukai, Jin Yukai—!"

Cao Xian picked out his ears: "The third judge: Miss Zhuo Yuchan, a charming, beautiful, rich-born, and charming local lady from Chengli County!"

Zhuo Yuchan was about to leave just now, but Cao Xian held her back.

So what if the crisis is imminent?The body is the capital of the revolution. If you don’t eat good food, how can you subdue demons?

Zhuo Yuchan was forced to do business, got up to go on stage, and greeted a group of people.

Don't know them all!

so awkward!

Under the stage, Cao Hu and Cao Bao whispered: "Brother knows so many wild sisters... Where did you find this?"

"Ghost knows, but these sisters are pretty pretty..."

"Not as beautiful as sister Li Wanxing, the boss of the second team!"

"Leopard, you missed it just now, when Zhuo Yuchan glanced at Big Brother, he was really charming!"

"Huzi, do you know what it means to be charming?"

"Why don't I understand!"

Cao Xian continued: "The fourth judge: Mr. Yang Xun, a mysterious performing artist who eats countless delicacies, is not afraid of raw or cooked, and never shows his true colors!"

Yang Xing's heart beeped. Cao Xian asked him to appear in such a public place, but he was very resistant.

He doesn't like being stared at by a lot of people.

But Cao Xian told him that if you want people to recognize you and be called a human, you have to look like a human, even if you wear a leopard head, as long as everyone thinks you look like a human being and likes you, it doesn't matter what you look like.

It's okay to deceive children with such words, but I have been deceived for so many years, if I am not willing to be deceived, I would not be able to agree.

It's just that Cao Xian's last sentence is very interesting: "Whether you want to face a beast with a human face or a beast with a heart, you choose yourself."

Yang thought that he would be fainted by Kan for a while, so he came to the stage and waved stiffly at everyone.

"The fifth judge: a lovely, well-behaved, enthusiastic and cheerful photographer who unites others, and also my sister—

— Ms. Cao Yun! "

Cao Yun did not expect that one day she would be able to sit in the jury.

She stood up and bowed awkwardly, and the rest of the audience gave the five judges applause.

Cao Xian announced: "Other than that, the rest are public judging, each person has 1 vote. The jury has 5 votes per person. You can vote for Team 1 or Team 2 at will. Therefore, our process should not be too formal. Alright, there is no fixed seat, it’s time for the buffet! Vote after eating!!!”

As soon as the words were spoken, a group of people who had been hungry for a long time grabbed their chopsticks and plates and surrounded them.

Team 1 is led by Sun Han and Lao Liu, with Guo Yan as his deputy.

Focus on BBQ.

For a barbecue, the focus is on the marinade.Only by marinating the delicious barbecue can the finished product be more fragrant!Supplemented with seasoning and other foreign objects, people will get the most primitive satisfaction.

The ancestors tens of thousands of years ago ate barbecue.

This time, there is even fruit charcoal prepared, Lao Liu is full of confidence.Although the fruit charcoal barbecue is a gimmick, it always sounds like there is a fruity aroma in the barbecue!

Team 2 is led by Li Wanxing and Mrs. Liu, with Zu Xiao as his assistant.

Zu Xiao's knife skills matched Liu's culinary skills.Any dish can do it.

Focus on banquets.

Banquet dishes in a round word.

Mellow and accessible, with endless aftertaste, it is the best experience for taste buds.

From the appetizers, to the first course, to the soup at the end, the taste buds can have a rich and varied experience, which is the essence of the banquet.

Moreover, the nutrition when meat and vegetables are combined is also absorbed by the body during chewing again and again.

This is not just a banquet, this is life!

A person's life is born to be eaten by others!Eat other people's seats for decades!After leaving, others will eat!

In the grief and laughter, everyone appreciates the vicissitudes of life!

"Wow—Sister Liu's is delicious!"

"It's really nice here!"

"I'm going to vote for Mrs. Liu soon!"

Seeing that their own fancy barbecue was being compared, Lao Liu and Sun Han were anxious: "What can we do, think of a way!"

"I can't let my mother-in-law take the lead, or my position in the family will not be guaranteed!"

Guo Yan yelled: "Wait a minute! Watch our sparkling barbecue!"

After finishing speaking, he stroked the plate with one hand, suddenly tens of thousands of sparks rose into the sky, the heat wave scattered the smell of meat, and a group of people were stunned.

And juggling?

The flames went up to the sky, and the smoke filled the air.

The smoke of fruit charcoal and the smell of barbecue mix together, attracting many people's attention with the most original taste.

Smell it carefully.

It's not burnt!It's burnt fragrance!

It is the favorite burnt aroma of Michelin three-star chef!The barbecue even has the browning feeling that only top-level barbecues have!

"Perhaps Brother Liu's food is only suitable for today's environment?"

"That's right, under the mountains, it's natural to have a barbecue!"

"And the taste of this barbecue is very good!"

"Original, still raw! I like it!"

"This is the taste of the food itself!"

"No, it's natural!"

The popularity has reached the barbecue party.

Li Wanxing and Mrs. Liu were in a hurry, calling everyone to come over quickly. .

Aunt Liu was puzzled: "It shouldn't be. My cooking skills are all my life, plus my unique knowledge, and my ancestor's knife skills. How can it be unattractive?"

The carvings on those dinner plates and the size of the dishes all show the skill of the knife to the fullest. This kind of knife skill matches Mrs. Liu's cooking, and it will definitely not lose to the barbecue!

Zu Xiao looked at Guo Yan triumphantly, and said with a sneer: "Everyone, look this way, it's dusk!"

Everyone looks at it.

It was dusk now, and the sky was a little dark. They didn't understand why Zu Xiao said this.

When looking over, Zu Xiao suddenly lifted the lid of a dish.

Because the banquet pays attention to storage and needs pot gas, all the dishes here are covered with lids.

At this moment, after the dish was uncovered, the knife in Zu Xiao's hand was suddenly filled with profound light, and then rubbed against the iron cover. The moment of rubbing, the dish under the cover shone brightly——

"Ah! What? Yes, it's the setting sun——"

"How could this dazzling light come from the dish—"

"Okay, so dazzling!!!"

Cao Hu and Cao Bao yelled ignorantly, with an extremely exaggerated expression: "He threw a flash thunder in!!!"

The light dissipated, and a dish of chicken with various flavors appeared!

Zu Xiao just lifted his finger, and a knife light cut open the chicken body, and the secret sauce wrapped in it was instantly activated.

At this moment, everyone was fascinated by Zu Xiao's technique again.

"Oh my god! The duel of swordsmen before the gods! Amazing skills!!!"

"This is a contest between knife skills and pyrotechnics!!!"

"I didn't expect their cooking skills to be so terrifying!"

An admiration brought the tasting session to a climax.

"Third ancestor, you are despicable!" Guo Yan cursed.This guy actually uses such fancy things.

"Aren't you despicable?" Zu Xiao retorted.It was you who started it!

Guo Yan patted the table: "Look at our volcanic barbecue—"

With a strong clap, the sound vibrated.

In an instant, countless sparks flew up, and Guo Yan was in the sparks, like a cooking demon.

Zu Xiao continued to lift the lid: "Look at our Fenglin Banquet——"

Mrs. Liu and Li Wanxing cooperated to throw the cleaned bamboo tube into the sky, and the wind of the knife flashed when it fell.

Zu Xiao retracted the knife——

Bamboo leaves, glowing dishes, and bamboo butterflies falling on the table are arranged in a row!

Just now, the blade rubbed against the lid again, and the three dishes that were uncovered one after another exuded the dazzling light of flash thunder!

Seeing that the two were even more competitive, Cao Xian hurriedly said: "Eat! If you don't eat, it will be cold!"

Only then did the crowd recover from the magic performance of the two, and began to feast on it.



On the third day, Suiyuan County.

Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Liu won the championship of the first culinary competition of Killing Catering.

Mrs. Liu's group of three won a bonus of 3000 yuan, and they were so happy from ear to ear.

Money is nothing, honor is very important!

At the same time, Mrs. Liu also began to face up to her husband and shopkeeper Guo. After a long time, the firework of these two people was so good!Almost lost yesterday.

A match made the subordinates more harmonious.Many people and non-humans also regarded yesterday's duel as a topic of conversation after dinner. To be honest, no one has ever seen a meal with such extravagance.

Still, enjoy it.

Today, the bus left Chengli County and came to Suiyuan.

Suiyuan has beautiful mountains and clear waters. There are not many orchards, but there are many rice fields.

The terraced fields are arranged in a row from the mountain, and there are buffaloes that come and go leisurely, which is very original.

"Today is the last day of team building. I will stay here for one night and go back tomorrow. Of course, today's main task is not team building. It is at the invitation of Director Liu. Let's visit the upstream suppliers together."

Old Liu said hello with a smile, and he was a little flustered when he heard the word 'director'.

Usually, there is so much fume and filth, and the name of a director is useless, but after coming out now, I finally feel like a dog.

It's an official!

"Everyone, this is my hometown, and I usually purchase here. Thanks to the boss's consent, it is also convenient for the folks. Today I will take you to see the supply. The boss said, and also record the photos of the supply place, and make our Signboard. We want to make Killing Catering bigger and stronger!"

After Lao Liu entered the city, he accidentally drove the farmer

The folks who breed in the village have purchased from them in the past two years, and some farmers have gained a lot of income because of this.

After finding the nearest farmhouse near Lao Liu's house, a group of people stayed and Lao Liu took them to visit.

However, at this moment, Cao Xian was with several people from Wolf Eagle Craft, and did not pass by.

"A Xian, you are the big boss, why don't you go?"

"With Sun Han and Li Wanxing here, it doesn't matter whether I go or not. Anyway, I mainly let Cao Yun take pictures." Cao Xian paused, "I still think your house is interesting!"

Jin Yu started his family in Suiyuan County.

After coming to the farmhouse this time, Jin Yukai discovered that it was not far from his home.

He wants to go home and have a look.

As classmates, people like Shi Xiaoxiao and Gu Pingzi are naturally more interested in Jin Yu's home than in the farm.Everyone has heard that Jin Yu opened his home in the temple.

"Okay, then I'll call my uncle. Call a tricycle to pick me up. There is still a distance to walk there."

"It's okay, I think the scenery along the way is good, let's walk." Cao Xian said.

"But there are girls..." Jin Yukai looked at the two female classmates.

Shi Xiaoxiao said: "The buttocks of the people sitting in the car are numb, just take a walk"

"Then, let's go!"



The journey is neither too far nor too close, and there are dirt roads in the mountains, and there are still gravel feet.50 minutes after walking out of the farmhouse, a piece of forest appeared in front of me.

"Wow, is this your village?"

Walking around halfway up the mountain, the four of them looked at the slope in front of them, and they had a panoramic view, full of peach trees and paddy fields!

"Xanadu? This!"

Jin Yukai smiled slightly: "In May and June, the peach blossoms hadn't bloomed yet, so here is even more beautiful! Now the scenery is not good."

"Your house is so beautiful, why don't you invite us?"

"I can't live anymore..."

Shi Xiaoxiao and Gu Pingzi complained about Jin Yukai, but Jin Yukai had no choice but to let go.

It is mid-July now, and the peach trees are already bearing fruit. I heard that after the peaches mature in August and September, there will be a second beautiful scene.

Taoye Village is located in the southeast of Suiyuan County.

If Cao Xian remembers correctly, if you go north from here, you will be at Fengchikou, which is Xing Qingchou's hometown, Yixian Cave.

At this moment, the rice is about to be harvested, and the world is in full bloom. Seeing that Cao Xian was intoxicated by it, Jin Yukai hurriedly took the opportunity to ask for leave: "The rice will be ripe in about 10 days, I have to come back to help."

Cao Xian was taken aback: "Didn't you ask for leave in May?"

"May is harvesting rape..."

Cao Xian really admired it.

Because the director's family is busy with farming, the unit has to take agricultural holidays in May and July every year, which is probably the first for major workshops.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this to me... Have you arrived at your home? I'm thirsty."

"Right away!" Seeing Cao Xian's agreement, Jin Yu laughed.

In the northwest of the village, Jin Yu drove the path and brought them to the backyard of an antique building.

'Bang bang bang—'

"Who? Buy tickets at the front door!"

"Xizi, me!"

The door bolt was opened, and a girl with a paper doll stuck her head out: "Gold?"

Cao Xian and the others squeezed in, took out a water cup from his backpack, saw a teapot in the backyard, and immediately poured some for himself under the quilt.

Shi Xiaoxiao found out that the girl was only in her early 20s, with good facial features, but...why is her nose still running?

"Jin Zi, why are you back?" The girl blinked.

Cao Xian suddenly noticed that when the girl spoke, her eyes flicked in different directions.


Jin Yukai took out a handkerchief and wiped Xizi's snot: "We were collecting wind outside, and it happened to be close to home. I'll go home and have a look. These are some of my classmates. By the way, where is my father?"


As for the side hall, there is a problem with the wooden beams. "Xizi pointed casually, and Jin Yukai went away.

At this moment, the second daughter saw that the girl was so weird and didn't know how to greet her, but Cao Xian was very familiar with her and approached her: "Xizi?"

"Well! Who are you?"

"I'm idle!"

The girl had a runny nose again, and looked in different directions: "Cao Xian!"

Cao Xian was startled: "Hey! Have you heard of me?"

Xizi grinned: "Yes! Jin Zi mentioned you many times to me, saying that you are a good person!"

Cao Xian was elated: "Hahahaha, of course! What's your name?"

"It's Xizi!"


Seeing that Xizi was not very smart, Cao Xian asked again, "Are you Jin Yukai's younger sister?"

"My wife!"


Cao Xian took a sip of tea, Xizi blinked, touched the wet paper figurine and complained, "Be careful, I'm busy."

Cao Xian apologized with a wry smile, and suddenly a person leaned over beside him. Cao Xian looked sideways, and quickly grabbed the fainted Gu Pingzi: "Hey, Pingzi? Don't scare me! Why did you faint? Shi Xiaoxiao! Don't drink water Now, come and pinch someone!!!"

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