I really don't want to be so crap!

Chapter 116 Xu Rupeng's Plan

So far, the Xu family's guard team has officially established its embryonic form.

A few years later, on the basis of Situ Nan and others, Xu Rupeng established a nationally famous security group.

Situ Nan, Mu Xuanxuan and the others also became the legendary group's eight King Kong bosses, each holding great power in their hands.

On the next day, Hu Mei sent the accountant to the army garrison to connect with the army accountant, and transferred 100 million cash.

With 100 million in hand, Duan Liuchuan warmly invited Xu Rupeng on the phone. If he still wants to fight this kind of confrontation, he welcomes it at any time.

Xu Rupeng secretly murmured in his heart that Duan Ruchuan, an old fellow, is really shameless.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Rupeng asked Bai Bing to send people to buy a car and rent a house respectively.

On the side of the parents and sister, they directly rent the house opposite the door, no matter how much it costs.

As for Mo Yutong, Mu Xueqing, and Xu Rupeng and Baibing, the bodyguards' lodgings are very convenient, and they can just live together. Anyway, Mo Yutong and Mu Xueqing live alone.

As for Xu Rupeng's small building, they finally decided to separate a bedroom on the first and second floors.

In this way, there are eight bodyguards, one car for each, and one room for each.

Then, based on the amazing performance of Mu Xuanxuan and others last night, Xu Rupeng also planned to reward each of them with 10 yuan in cash on the day they joined the company, and this would not be included in the year-end bonus.

Another few days passed, and all eight bodyguards were in place.

Situ Nan protects Xu Rupeng, Mu Xuanxuan protects Bai Bing, Zhao Min protects Hu Mei, Kang Ning protects Mo Yutong, Liu Jiali protects Mu Xueqing, Zhu Lanzhi protects Xu Nuoyin, Li Jingwen protects Xu Nuoxin, Zhang Fang protects Xu Dashan and his wife.

It is said that Zhang Fang protects Xu Dashan and his wife alone, but Zhang Fang, Zhu Lanzhi, and Li Jingwen protect Xu Dashan's family of four except Xu Rupeng.

At first, Zhong Shuhui and Xu Dashan really felt uncomfortable, and they were uncomfortable everywhere, but considering their son's feelings, the old couple endured it silently.

After a while, the uncomfortable feeling of Xu Dashan and Zhong Shuhui disappeared completely. Not to mention picking up the car when they went out, Zhang Fang and Xu Dashan actually had the same taste, they liked playing chess, and they hit it off immediately.

Now, Xu Dashan never mentioned the matter of going back to his hometown. He played chess with Zhang Fang all day long, and learned boxing and health preservation from Zhang Fang in the morning.

Zhang Fang himself thinks that this is because he has entered retirement life early, and does nothing but drink tea, play chess, and boxing every day.

He even has a group of loyal fans of old men and ladies in the community.

Compared with Zhang Fang, Zhu Lan and Li Jingwen are even more boring. After Xu Rupeng's two younger sisters went to school, the two of them wandered outside the school every day, shopping, eating, and playing with mobile phones.

With a salary of 70 yuan a year, the two feel that they have reached the pinnacle of their lives.

During this period of time, Situ Nan has really realized what a super scumbag is. Sometimes he wants to kill Xu Rupeng when he sees it.

Every girl is as beautiful as a fairy, and they all have outstanding abilities, but they are all devoted to Xu Rupeng, which completely subverts his three views.

In particular, Bai Bing and Hu Mei could get along in the same room safely, so he couldn't figure it out.

Originally, he only thought that the two girls were ordinary college students, but later he found out that Hu Mei was the general manager of a company with an annual turnover of tens of millions.

Bai Bing is the chairman of a commercial complex project.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, they are extremely beautiful, especially Hu Mei, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are immortals.

Hey, the gods are really fucking unfair, starving to death, starving to death.

There are also Mu Xueqing and Shangguan Wenyan, two charming and deadly mature goblins.

Situ Nan also really admired Xu Rupeng's ability and physical strength, it's good to be young, and his stamina and resilience are strong.

Seven days a week, Xu Rupeng went to Shangguan Wenyan's office at least three or four times, went to Mu Xueqing's house twice, and Bai Bing and Hu Mei were waiting for food at home.

Calculated in this way, Xu Rupeng is forced to pay public food at least seven times a week.

Simply awesome!


Xu Rupeng also realized that his body was really abnormal.

If it is an ordinary person, how can it be made into death like this?Not to mention at least seven times a week, even two or three times can't handle it.

The days when he had bodyguards were exciting. Xu Rupeng felt that no matter where he was, he was safe, and so were his family and loved ones.

Therefore, the mood is extraordinarily pleasant, and every day life is colorful.

The gentle and gentle Hu Mei, the shy and ignorant Bai Bing, the brutal and domineering Shangguan Wenyan, and the bold and passionate Mu Xueqing.

Four women, four completely different experiences, these kinds of experiences take turns every week, let Xu Daguan directly say, even if you give yourself an emperor, you are not worthy of yourself.

In terms of career, Shangke has been completely on the right track, and there is no need to worry about it at all, as long as it operates normally, even Hu Mei's current work focus has shifted to discussing cooperation with other schools and planning to open a branch company.

The building outside Hejiaying Village has been built to the top floor, and it is expected to be renovated after the new year, and the whole project will be put into operation in May 06 at the latest.

In terms of stocks, needless to say, the original principal of more than 2000 million has almost doubled now. If all the positions are sold out, the cash in Xu Rupeng's account will reach an astonishing 7000 million or so.

Calculating Xu Rupeng's current total assets, Pei Bo and the others value Shangke at [-] million, and the commercial building's valuation after the later stage of operation is around [-] million.

Counting the 7000 million in the stock market, Xu Rupeng was taken aback by his own assets. Damn, if he was not careful, his net worth was several hundred million.

Damn it, it's no wonder that the reborn people in the novel are all awesome, if it's not awesome, it's unreasonable, foresight, if it's a god.

In fact, Shangke and the commercial complex are not what Xu Rupeng wants to do most, and these two plates are only for him to accumulate original funds in the early stage.

What Xu Rupeng wants to do most is actually a mobile phone.

The mobile phone market is the stage where Xu Rupeng wants to flex his muscles in the next decade or so.

Therefore, everything now is accumulating and brewing, the accumulation of contacts, the accumulation of funds, and the accumulation of talents.

By the end of 2006 at the latest, Xu Rupeng planned to enter the mobile phone market completely. His initial plan was to invest more than three billion yuan.

Xu Rupeng himself estimated that he would be able to come up with more than one billion at most, and the rest could be invested by Peibo and Shangguan Jingcheng. After all, eating alone is the easiest way to get killed.

In at most two years, he wants his mobile phone brand to occupy at least one-third of the domestic market, and before he leaves Shihua, he needs to become an existence that can completely overwhelm the Wen family.

At that time, Wen's second son is a fart, dare to fucking covet Lao Tzu's woman, fuck it to death.

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