Together, Chen Yong and Chen Yiran bid farewell to Grand Sima Liu Yu, and the two returned to Miyun Island.Along the way, Chen Yong looked at Chen Yiran sitting in the carriage, leaning on the window with his eyes closed and resting his mind, and said, "Yiyi, you know, this trip to Chang'an is a narrow escape, you really don't need to accompany me Go on an adventure."

Chen Yiran said: "Brother, I don't have to accompany you at other times. But this time I must go to Chang'an with you. It is because it is a near-death situation that I cannot separate from you! Because only I There, you can guarantee that you will not be so impulsive! It is more likely to survive!"

Chen Yong looked at Chen Yiran and said, "Yiyi, you don't need to risk your own life. You also know that this trip to Chang'an is basically a doomsday situation. I don't give any hope at all. It's just me I will try my best to get rid of that traitor Dong Zhuo! I will use all methods to get rid of this thief!"

Chen Yiran said, "Big brother, you are safer with me. Otherwise, with so many gentlemen of yours, it would be difficult not to attract the attention of the guards in Chang'an City. But with a child like me, It will be much better. Don't worry, I won't hold you back."

Chen Yong knew that Chen Yiran was telling the truth, but Chen Yong still didn't want Chen Yiran to go to Chang'an with him.Because it is too dangerous there.But this time Chen Yiran couldn't persuade her, she just wanted to accompany Chen Yong to Chang'an City.Chen Yong naturally knew that Yiyi was worried about her own safety, and he also knew that she also had a patriotic heart...

Chen Yong couldn't help but think of that prince again, and said: "Yiyi, there is not only the love between brothers and sisters in this world, but also the love between men and women, and even the love between husband and wife! Those feelings are precious. And you Young people need to go through a lot of experiences to be worthy of coming to this world. I know you appreciate our brother-sister relationship, but Big Brother hopes that your life can be perfect and you don’t have any regrets.”

Chen Yiran said: "Big brother, you don't need to persuade me anymore. No matter how beautiful some relationships are, they have to be experienced before they are worth cherishing. Now, in my world, the most cherished thing is this brother-sister relationship. What's more I also know that this trip to Chang'an is very dangerous, and it is impossible to complete the mission without me accompanying you! So this trip to Chang'an, I must go! There is no room for negotiation!"

Chen Yong saw Yiyi's persistence again, so he didn't say anything, but looked at Yiyi silently.The two of them just rode a horse and the other sat in a sedan chair, looking at each other, and at the beauty worth cherishing...

When Chen Yong and his group returned to Miyun Island again, he and Chen Yiran invited Fang Ming and Li Meng over.Chen Yong directly told the two of his brothers and sisters about the topics they talked about when they met Liu Yu, Shepherd of Youzhou.Chen Yong specifically mentioned that the trip to Chang'an was full of crises, and even mentioned the dangers faced by Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie.This time, my brother and sister decided to go to Chang'an alone, assassinate: Dong Zhuo, to complete this impossible task!

Chen Yong even mentioned that he had decided to accept the suggestion of the great Sima Liu Yu, and decided to abandon his official position and drive a carriage, and his brother and sister would go to Chang'an together. Only in this way can they not attract the attention of outsiders.No one would have thought that when Chen Yong resigned in anger, he would go to Chang'an for rescue!

Now the person who stops Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, is the traitor Dong Zhuo who is in charge of the court!As for Chen Yong, brother and sister, the ultimate goal of this trip to Chang'an is to kill the traitor Dong Zhuo!The purpose of the Chen Yong brothers and sisters inviting Fang Ming and Li Meng to come here is to bid them farewell, so that they must be more vigilant, so as to prevent Gongsun Zan from attacking the border guards again during this period.

For the heavy armor, Chen Yong had handed over to Fang Ming and Li Meng to take charge of it together, that is to say, the safety of Miyun Island was handed over to them.Only this special force trained by two people can better display the power of heavy cavalry!The Yellow Turban Army of Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang has already married a wife and had children, and they have too many concerns, so they can't be indomitable.

When Fang Ming and Li Meng heard that Chen Yong was going to take Chen Yiran with him, the brother and sister went to Chang'an together to assassinate Dong Zhuo and do the feat of saving the common people in the world, their eyes suddenly lit up!Li Meng looked at Fang Ming, and then came to Chen Yong and said, "General Chen, how can I miss Li Meng in the trip to Chang'an? You know that my brothers and I have no family members! It is for redemption!

We believed Zhang Chunzhi's words and committed an unforgivable crime.Burning, killing and looting caused great losses to the great Han country, and caused heavy casualties to the people of the world... This crime is so serious that every time I think about it, my brothers and I feel extremely ashamed.Only after following General Chen Yong, did I feel that I was living like a human being!Although we have been doing our best for our hometown in the past two years, the people here still look at us with hatred, what can I do?

Now, General Chen Yong, brother and sister, are going to Chang'an for the righteousness of the world, to assassinate Dong Zhuo, to do the impossible task!You brothers and sisters can sacrifice their lives for righteousness and do this, how can my brothers and I not do it?I also ask General Chen Yong to take us with you to Chang'an to assassinate the traitor Dong Zhuo, so that we can work together to restore the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty and do our best! "

Fang Ming also stood up at this time. He looked at Chen Yong and said, "General Chen, now that the situation in Youzhou has become clear, Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang are competent enough to manage the three counties of Wuhuan well. If you don't If you don't worry, you can leave half of the heavy armor with them. I believe that as long as Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang are not blindly arrogant, they can protect the foundation of Miyun Island and inspect the three counties of Wuhuan. It will not be a problem.

Although I Fang Ming came from the Yellow Turban Army, but now I have been training these brothers with Li Meng!They are willing to go to Chang'an together with General Chen Yong's brother and sister to assassinate the national traitor Dong Zhuo, how can they miss me, Fang Ming?Only Li Meng and I can truly manage these brothers well!Please also take me with you, general, to Chang'an with you! "

Chen still looked at Fang Ming and Li Meng and said, "Since the two generals are willing to go to Chang'an with our brother and sister, then you two should discuss this matter with the brothers first. Because this trip It's too dangerous, basically a deadly situation! So you two must tell them both the pros and cons. There is no need for them to do such dangerous things just out of loyalty.

Rest assured, however they choose, neither of you can stop them.Those who decide to leave will each receive a sum of money, which is enough for them to find a place to live with peace of mind.Because the trip to Chang'an is too dangerous, those who go together must be willing to join, there is no need to force others to make things difficult, and please keep the two generals in mind. "

Fang Ming and Li Meng took the order and left together to find their subordinates so as to determine the exact number of people on the trip to Chang'an.Brother and sister Chen Yong went to see Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang together.Pei Yuanshao had already married and lived his own life, Zhou Cang was still alone, so most of the training tasks for the sergeants fell on Zhou Cang.The Chen Yong brothers and sisters informed them of the result of the discussion with Youzhou Mu Liuyu. The chief minister Liu Yu did not handle it impartially, but rather favored Gongsun Zan.Therefore, Chen Yong fell out with Mr. Liu Yu face to face, and the two of them decided to abandon their official positions and leave Miyun Island.But Lord Liu Yu also promised Chen Yong that the affairs of the three counties of Wuhuan would still be managed by Chen Yong's subordinates.

Therefore, the safety of Miyun Island and the work of inspecting the three counties of Wuhuan will fall on Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang.Chen Yong has notified Fang Ming and Li Meng that they will hand over half of the heavy armor to Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang. In this way, they can carry part of the heavy armor during inspection work, which is safer.

Now that all this is on the right track, I believe Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang are competent enough.In the past two or three years, Chen Yong has completed what he promised to Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang, has a base in Liaodong, and let each of them live and work in peace and contentment.It is up to you how you go in the future.Mountains never turn and water turns, and this farewell is not a forever farewell, there is always a chance to meet again.

Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang were very surprised, neither of them expected that Chen Yong would suddenly leave here.Da Sima Liu Yu has always been very kind to Chen Yong and his sister, why is there such a big change at this time?But both of them had concerns, and no one could make the determination to follow Chen Yong brother and sister without hesitation and leave here together, so they were just reluctant to part, and no one proposed to go with the two.

After a while, Fang Ming and Li Meng came here with their brothers, and they handed over a thousand sets of heavy armor to Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang.Looking at the smiles of Fang Ming and Li Meng, Chen Yong naturally knew what the result of their trip was.When Fang Ming and Li Meng told Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang that they were leaving together, Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang seemed to understand something.

The two ordered their subordinates to hold a large banquet and invite everyone to drink together.This time, all the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army participated together.And Chen Yong, brother and sister, not only drank with the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, but also sat with Fang Ming and Li Meng's brothers!When the generals of the Yellow Turban Army heard that General Chen Yong was leaving, they all felt reluctant to leave.But everyone has concerns, and naturally they no longer have the pride of the past.

As for Fang Ming and Li Meng's army, they have been training every day and never stopped.It was also the first time in Fang Ming and Li Meng's army that everyone drank together like today.Everyone knew that they were going to say goodbye, and they naturally felt reluctant to part with them during the two years in Miyun Island.What's more, if we say goodbye today, whether we can see each other again is a matter of choice.

So this drinking, no one is restrained, everyone is drinking freely!Due to physical reasons, Chen Yiran just had a drink with everyone, while Chen Yong let go, and everyone drank too much, and drank to the point of darkness.Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang were filled with emotion when they said goodbye to Chen Yong.No one could have imagined that they would have today's achievements.

Even if the two were drunk, they still did not forget to persuade Chen Yong, hoping that he would change his mind and not leave here.Everyone is a brother, why not start well and end well, and enjoy happiness in Miyun Island all the time?Zhou Cang even drank a glass with Chen Yong and said: "General Chen, I, Zhou Cang, do not have your courage. I can't give up my vested interests, and I can't follow you to the unknown road. But brotherhood is all in this wine... ..."

Pei Yuanshao was even more loyal. He looked at Chen Yong and said, "General Chen, I can't do without these brothers, so I can't go forward with you anymore. But please remember, no matter when, this place is yours." Home! This is your General Chen Yong's territory!"

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