
Chapter 140 Interview with the Village Chief

Bai Shaoping looked at Gu Mo with a strange expression, his facial features were tightly wrinkled, as if to say: Isn't it you?Are you right?

"It turns out that your grandfather is the examiner? A most spiritual being, Mao Ding's examiner? I know why the pass rate is so low. It's no wonder it's so high! It's hell!"

Xilou wanted to poke his head out to see the last house, but Bai Shaoping pulled him back.

Xilou asked aggrievedly: "What is the last test, can you tell me? Brother Ping."

"It's very simple, it's mysteries! Since there are so many kinds of mysteries, I can't find a fixed test method, so for the last item, the examiner will give different requirements according to the characteristics of each mystery, that is, The villagers who have awakened the mysterious prime minister are required to find a way to complete the targeted tasks assigned by the examiner, and if they complete it, they will pass.

But the vision and requirements of the most spiritual person must be much stricter. I remember that we were only a seven-dan examiner at the time, because I had all three phases.So I have to pass all five items, and if it is only a single phase, I only need to pass the first three items, and so on, and the corresponding phase completes the corresponding assessment. This is the Maoding test of Maotian Village, also called entering the village. test. "

Xilou said with some fear: "Fortunately, I don't need to take the test. It sounds so difficult. Brother Gu Mo, how long is the record for the longest time Maotian Village failed the village entrance test? I saw that in the physiognomy training room just now , there is a 50-[-]-year-old uncle, how old did he start training until now, my God, is that too scary?"

Gu Mo smiled slightly, and typed a sentence on the tablet: "The longest record is three years and seven months."

Xilou breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's okay, I can barely accept it."

Bai Shaoping said with a smile: "Xilou, I told you that acupuncture points are opened sooner or later. Some people have fetal light in their mouth and open acupuncture points as soon as they are born. After they have autonomous memories, they will be sent to Maotian Village. Naturally, it will be very fast to pass the test, and some people even open acupuncture points at the age of 60 or [-], and their ability to accept and learn is much worse. Moreover, at that age, they basically have a family, but a very small number of people will choose to fall because they cannot adapt. White."

"Ah?" Xilou couldn't believe it.

"That's right, there are indeed people who just opened their acupoints and were taken to Maotian Village, and soon they would choose to wipe the spirit and return to Baiding's life, didn't you expect it? They obviously possessed the ability that ordinary people dream of, but they gave up on their own initiative. Many people always Feeling that you are different turns out to be just an ordinary member of the crowd.

People, there are two biggest sorrows, one is that you don't get what you want, and the other is that you get what you want. "

Xilou didn't quite understand the last sentence, but thought it was very meaningful, so he pretended to understand and nodded.

While the three of them were chatting, the door of Xuanxiang's training room suddenly opened.

Inside the door, an old man came out. He had a light white beard on his mouth and a very peaceful face. He was wearing a dark red cotton and linen blouse and a pair of sandals on his feet. There was no hair on his head. The walnuts that have already been wrapped in pulp look like an old man in Yanjing.

However, Bai Shaoping knew that this seemingly ordinary old man with no sharp edge was one of the ten most spiritual beings in China, the head of Maotian Village, Gu Yuan!

Quickly took Xilou together and bowed to salute, "Village chief hello!"

Seeing his grandfather open the door, Gu Mo stood aside respectfully, with the tablet in his hand by his side.

Gu Yuan looked at Gu Mo with a hint of blame in his eyes.

"Three thousand catties fluctuated fifty times, and counted again when I heard the sound."

Gu Mo didn't dare to have any complaints, nodded, and walked into the training room. Bai Shaoping and Xilou saw through the crack of the door that there was a huge stone in front of Gu Mo, which was slowly floating up. It fell slowly again, and when it hit the ground, there was no sound at all. Gu Mo's eyes were concentrated, staring straight at the huge stone.

Bai Shaoping knew that this should be Gu Yuan's punishment for seeing Gu Mo bring the two of them to see the test, and felt a little bit sorry for him.

Xilou was secretly surprised, such a big rock can float up, and there is no sound when it hits the ground, the bald brother is so amazing!

After Gu Yuan finished speaking, his face returned to calm again, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Bai Shaoping and said, "How's the injury?"

"It's all right now, thank you village chief for your concern." Just now when Gu Yuan looked at Gu Mo, Bai Shaoping felt a little cold in his heart. Being polite, he became like the old man next door again.

"What's the kid's name?" Gu Yuan leaned over slightly, smiling even wider.

"Grandpa Gu, my name is Xilou!"

Gu Yuan smiled and patted Xilou's head, and said softly, "You look familiar, you should eat well!"

Xilou was taken aback for a moment, this Grandpa Gu cared about people in a strange way, so he didn't think too much about it, nodded and smiled, "Okay!"

Then Gu Yuan walked towards the center and said softly, "Come with me."

Bai Shaoping and Xilou obediently followed Gu Yuan, and Gu Yuan led them to an ordinary residence.

After entering, the two walnuts in Gu Yuan's hand floated in the air and fell into a brocade box.

There was a round table in the center of the room, and a plate of fruit was placed on the round table. After Gu Yuan sat down, he smiled and said, "Come and sit."

Bai Shaoping and Xilou sat at the table, and Gu Mo looked at the two of them, with a friendly smile still on his face.

"Thank you and your friends for saving Gu Mo in Nanyue Province."

"Flowers need help from leaves, and people need help from others. They are all from the village, so they should." Bai Shaoping said in a calm tone.

"Your mysterious appearance is amazing. Gu Mo told me that you copied his mysterious appearance?" Gu Yuan even asked the question with a smile.

Hearing this question, Bai Shaoping's heart sank. Could it be that he wanted to blame himself?

He quickly admitted: "Yes, the situation was urgent at that time, and it was unavoidable. Please forgive me, the village chief."

Gu Yuan waved his hand, and said with a light smile, "Follow the matter urgently, there is no need to apologize, is Fu Xiao doing well?"

Naturally, Bai Shaoping would not foolishly think that Gu Yuan was concerned about his Fu Xiao's proficiency.

This is to blame myself for using Fuxiao in front of other villagers without permission last night!

Bai Shaoping thought for a while, and said in a solemn tone: "Fuxiao is extremely mysterious, and the younger generation is dull, so please ask the village chief to teach you."

Neither voluntarily admitting nor denying, in terms of using Fu Xiao, the person in front of him is the ceiling.

Gu Yuan still smiled slightly: "But I heard from Su Mu that you urged Fu Xiao to attack him last night, and it seems that you have used it quite smoothly."

Fuck, Su Mu has such a big mouth!

It's fine to tell Gu Mo, even Gu Yuan said it, but after thinking about it, Su Mu is just describing what happened normally, and there's nothing to blame others for, he can only say that he really broke the rules.

"Uh, the younger generation has a second personality due to a natural disaster. I really don't know about the attack on Su Mu last night, and I can't control it. I'm sorry, village chief, for causing you trouble."

"Su Mu doesn't pursue it anymore, so don't take it too seriously." Gu Yuan patted Bai Shaoping on the shoulder and said kindly.

Hearing what Gu Yuan said, Bai Shaoping was relieved.

But Gu Yuan continued: "It's just that since we're here, can Fu Xiao return it?"

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