
Chapter 430 Ye Wuhen

In the stronghold, the three groups Xiao Ming, Ye Qing and Huo Ding have all returned.

You Huasi also sent out an emergency broadcast as soon as he noticed that the sky was turning red, telling all the villagers who were still outside to return to the base immediately.

If there are people who cannot come back from a long distance, they must immediately find a way to hide in the deep underground or in a deep mountain cave.

Qigeng star creatures have survived in the virtual world for so long, and they have already built a lair that can withstand the earth-killing storm. If the villagers enter, they can still survive, but two problems must be solved first.

One is to kill all the Qigeng creatures in that cave.

The second is to have enough survival supplies, otherwise the Earth Extinguishing Storm lasts for a month, and they will die of starvation or thirst if they are not blown to death by the storm.

At the entrance of the stronghold, people from the village who had been training outside kept running in in a panic.

Sun Wanjing and Luo Yingying wore veils and waited anxiously at the entrance.

The wind outside has become stronger and stronger, flying sand and rocks, and the sky is dark.

On the distant horizon, a very thin dot appeared, and it was approaching the stronghold at a fast speed.

Sun Wanjing's eyes lit up, it was Tang Yixing who was carrying Yan Ning!

Within a few breaths, Tang Yixing rushed into the stronghold.

As soon as he came in, he immediately collapsed to the ground, his chest heaved violently, the amplitude was quite large, and his lungs were about to explode.

Sun Wanjing took Yan Ning, Luo Yingying picked up Tang Yixing, and the two rushed into the room immediately.

After returning to the room, Sun Wanjing immediately began to treat Yan Ning.

And Luo Yingying put Tang Yixing on the bed, while Tang Yixing panted heavily, he nodded slightly to Luo Yingying, indicating that he was fine.

Then Luo Yingying left the room and returned to the entrance.

Bai Shaoping and the others haven't come back yet.

After a while, the wind outside the stronghold had already blown up half a meter of rocks, Luo Yingying began to get a little anxious, there was at most 1 minute, and the Earth Extinguishing Storm was coming!

Fewer and fewer people came in at the entrance, because those who should come back basically came back.

Luo Yingying stared out eagerly.


The two spaceships swayed and flew into the col.

Luo Yingying was overjoyed, because she recognized one of the spaceships made by Gu Nanri.

The hatch opened, and people came out one after another, until the two spaceships were all disembarked, but only Daoning and Zhuyuetong were seen, but Bai Shaoping was not seen.

Luo Yingying frowned and asked, "What about Ping?"

Daoning clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, Ping sacrificed himself for others, and will come back later."

"He said he would come back, right?"

Daoning smiled softly, "Yes."

"Oh, let's go and take you back to your room."

After speaking, Luo Yingying wanted to lead Daoning and Zhu Yuetong back, but Zhu Yuetong said: "I'll wait for him here, you go back first."

Luo Yingying and Daoning looked at each other, and said with a sweet smile: "All right, you young couple, you can't stand being separated for a while."

Then he left with Daoning, leaving Zhuyuetong eager to see through.

And at this moment, there was a deafening bang!


It resounded in everyone's ears!

The world changes color!The whole earth shook!

Then a terrifying red strong storm swept over the outside of the col!

The Earth Extinguishing Storm has officially arrived, and everyone feels the destructive fluctuations outside, and shudders in their hearts.

"Thousand Stars Yuan Miao! Ning!"

Above the col, Fairy Mao slowly lifted into the air, bursting out with violent golden light all over her body!Injected into the surrounding array!

Under such a devastating storm, it is safer to strengthen the formation.

And this loud shout, like a sea-fixing needle, stabilized the hearts of everyone in the stronghold.

It's just that Zhuyuetong at the entrance still has his heart hanging, and Bai Shaoping still hasn't come back.

And around the lake just now, the water of the lake has been lifted into the sky long ago, and all the jellyfish inside have disappeared, while the two corpses lying quietly on the shore, one Yang Zheng and the other He Weixing, were ravaged by the storm Under it, it was quickly blown away and dissipated in the terrifying gust of wind.

No sign of Bai Shaoping was found.

In the dark space of consciousness.

There was an invisible mirror in front of Bai Shaoping, and he in the mirror yelled crazily: "F*ck! You bastard lied to me!"

But Bai Shaoping said with an innocent face: "I didn't lie to you. I said before that I would give you a chance to come out, and I wouldn't arrange someone to guard you outside. What's the problem? It's just that scum of He Weixing, He's not fit to be human."

Hei Shaoping's breathing was not smooth, "Then what's the matter with this storm! You did it on purpose! Also, you asked me to come out just to kill this kind of beast? You can't even deal with such a person, You are so fucking useless! Hurry up and let me out again! I'm going to save Master Jiu!"

Bai Shaoping rolled his eyes, "Please, didn't you see where this is just now? This is not the earth, why are you still here to save it, you save yourself first, if the storm can't last, we will stay here together .”

"Fuck you! How could I use the same body as a waste like you!"

Bai Shaoping sighed softly, "Can you be more civilized? Every time I look at you, you always have such a grumpy look. Besides saving Hong Jiu and the deputy leader, what else do you want to do?"

Hei Shaoping was stunned, he was confused by Bai Shaoping's question for the first time.

Yeah, what was my goal before I planted original sin?

Bai Shaoping sighed lightly, and said lightly: "You should also remember, right? When you were a child, you were not as easy to lose control as you are now."

It's not too late for Bai Shaoping to open the acupoint, but it's not too early either. He was ten years old and was taken away by the pioneers, who threw him a stone to try to use it.

Among the twelve no-mind people's no-mind seals, it is Bai Shaoping who has the hardest time getting recognition, because Wei Young doesn't have a representative function, so Bai Shaoping doesn't even have a direction to work hard.

Like Xingluo, normal people know how to use it when they get it, as long as they fire a gun, or like Crescent Moon, as long as they can cut things, but Weiyang is just a stone, and Bai Shaoping didn't know how to use it when he wanted to break his head. How to use it, the pioneer didn't say anything, just threw it to him and it disappeared.

Bai Shaoping has tried Weiyang's various weird ways of using it, such as smashing other people's heads, swallowing them raw, lighting them up, etc., but without exception, they all failed.

In the end, with unremitting efforts and hard work, by a coincidence, Bai Shaoping finally succeeded in gaining Wei Young's approval, and then he was overjoyed by accident and used too much

The result was that the mental power was exhausted too much, and Hei Shaoping came out.

But as soon as Hei Shaoping came out, the pioneer appeared, because the pioneer sensed that Bai Shaoping had been recognized, but after arriving, he found that Bai Shaoping didn't know himself, and asked back: "Who are you dirty old man? "

Only then did Pioneer realize that Bai Shaoping had a second personality, but Pioneer had no choice but to slap Hei Shaoping unconscious.

From then on, every time Hei Shaoping appeared, the pioneer would slap him, or other mindless people beat him in turn to suppress him back.

Just imagine, the first time you woke up, you were slapped unconscious, and then the second time, just after waking up, you were slapped unconscious, and the third time, a bunch of people came up to beat you and knocked you out, then your Naturally, the anger value has been continuously accumulated, so it is strange that it remains constant.

In fact, Bai Shaoping himself knew that Hei Shaoping did not have such a character at the beginning. If the good and evil of the two were quantified into 100, Bai Shaoping was good at 51, evil at 49, Hei Shaoping was good at 49, and evil at 51.

This gap is not that big, just because there is a second personality, a second personality that cannot be released, so in the eyes of everyone, the master personality is good, and the second personality is bad.

In such an environment, over time, the main personality will naturally become more and more great, bright and righteous, while the second personality is defaulted to be evil, fierce and tyrannical, and gradually evolves into the kindness in Bai Shaoping's heart that is infinitely approaching 100. , evil infinitely approaches 0, Hei Shaoping's evil infinitely approaches 100, and goodness infinitely approaches 0.

Hei Shaoping was stunned for a long time, and finally calmed down rarely, and said in a deep voice: "I want to be free."

Freedom is a small, grand, cheap, and extravagant word.

Hearing these two words, Bai Shaoping felt distressed in his heart. Looking at his face in the mirror, he smiled lightly and said, "Yes, I promise you, there will be a day when you are completely free. If you are a Independent, what would you like to be called?"

Hei Shaoping pondered for a long time, and finally spoke with a sinister grin.

"I want to be called Ye Wuhen!"

Bai Shaoping curled his lips, and muttered, "It's a bit of a second grader, and it's a bit of a killer."

Hei Shaoping: "I*you****!"

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