
Chapter 525 The origin of good dreams is the easiest to wake up

On the morning of Christmas Eve.

Citigroup, the headquarters of the Extreme Class Alliance.

This is a huge building complex in the suburbs of Washington, covering an area of ​​twelve square kilometers.

The three-story building in the center has the largest area and the most people coming and going.

In one of the large offices on the third floor, many people were busy in front of the computers, sorting out various materials.

One of the blond women, holding a tablet, hurriedly opened the door of an office.

"President Phoenix, there is something"

"Get out!" shouted angrily, startling the lady, "Knock the door first when you come in!"

Phoenix was sitting alone at his desk, his eyes quickly browsing the information on the holographic projection screen, when he was suddenly interrupted, he looked very unhappy.

The lady closed the door with an aggrieved face, just about to knock again.

Suddenly, a handsome middle-aged man with a high nose patted her on the shoulder from behind, took the tablet from her hand, smiled and said softly, "Give it to me, I'll do it."

When the lady saw this man, she was slightly surprised: "Vice President Rafael! I"

Raphael raised his hand and signaled the woman to stop talking, "I understand, Phoenix usually says that there is no need to knock on the door, but now is an extraordinary period, so he seems a little moody, you go to your own business first."

The lady said gratefully: "Thank you, Vice President Raphael!" Then she walked away quickly.

Raphael looked at the news on the tablet, his eyes changed slightly, and then he pushed open the office door and walked in without knocking on the door.

This time, Phoenix didn't get angry, he knew who was coming.

Holding the tablet in his hand, Raphael walked in with a chuckle and said, "Phoenix, take it easy, you're getting more and more haggard, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Phoenix didn't answer right away, but continued to frown, browsing through the information on the screen.

After 1 minute, he let out a long breath, stretched his brows, lay back on the office chair, closed his eyes, and massaged his temples on both sides with his fingers, his tone full of exhaustion.

"After I took this seat, I didn't sleep well for a few days."

Seeing this, Raphael got up and poured out the coffee on his table, took a cup of warm water for him, and said with a smile: "Drink less coffee, don't hold on, tonight's Christmas Eve, go back and have a good sleep, I said Are you a little overly worried?"

Phoenix opened his eyes and sat up with a serious expression.

"Raphael, before I went to Huaxia, I was the same as you. I didn't take them too seriously, but you haven't seen what I saw with your own eyes. Huaxia is terrifying!"

Seeing that Phoenix was so serious, Raphael became more serious and frowned slightly.

"I know, otherwise Michael, Ares and Lucifer wouldn't have died there, but you succeeded in the end, didn't you?"

People are like this, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you won't take it seriously if you are in it.

For example, when you lost a leg in a car accident, the person who came to comfort you in the ward told you.

"I understand the feeling."

"I know you're not feeling well right now, I know how it feels."

You know shit.

Is there any empathy in this world?

Yes, but what you say does nothing to comfort someone with a broken leg.

How can the person with the broken leg feel better?

Even you lost a leg in a car accident.

This is human nature.

He'd be happier if you lost your legs.

Phoenix is ​​too clear that Raphael is just talking, but he still doesn't pay enough attention to Huaxia in his heart.

Thinking of the scene outside Wanling Pavilion, Qin Xiuyu grabbed his throat just before he died, and the cold sweat broke out on Phoenix's back, so he strengthened his tone: "Raphael, our success is entirely due to Because luck is blessed by God. And since that time, Huaxia has not moved, which is too unusual."

Raphael smiled lightly: "It's unusual, their nation has changed a lot, and they no longer suffer from losses and will only swallow their anger.

So after you came back, I made so many deployments against them, and I strictly asked the people below to implement them.

But now it has been a full three months, and they haven't moved, can they be removed?Everyone is panicked and complaining, today is Christmas Eve, let everyone go back to spend the night with their families, right? "

Phoenix tapped rhythmically on the table with his fingers, frowning, and the golden hair on his head looked a bit messy because he didn't take care of it.


Hearing that Phoenix still refused, Rafael frowned slightly, but did not speak. After all, he is the vice president, and he knew that Phoenix would give him an explanation.

You must know that during the most important festival of the year like Christmas Eve and Christmas, it would be too unreasonable to keep everyone in the base because of a crisis that is not sure whether it will come or not.

Phoenix's tone was low, lowering the volume.

"I discussed it with him, and that's what he meant."

Raphael was shocked!

He knew who the "he" in Phoenix's words was. After pondering for a moment, he nodded slightly and said, "Since it's what he meant, that's fine. I'll do their work again. But you need to know about this matter." .”

Raphael pushed the tablet that he had taken from the lady before to Phoenix.

The tablet was opened, Phoenix swiped his finger, and all the information in it ran to the holographic projection in the center of his office, and then he started to get serious.

The more he looked down, the less relaxed Phoenix's eyes were, until he finished reading, and he swiped again to turn off the holographic projection.

"Did the thousands of people who disappeared in Huaxia really go to another world?"

This piece of information is precisely because they used intelligence agencies to investigate where the thousands of Chinese subterraneans who had disappeared for three months suddenly reappeared and where they went.

Raphael raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked meaningfully: "Do you really believe in that absurd legend?"

Three months or even earlier, Citigroup had known the ancient rumors about the Nine Stars transiting the sun and foreign worlds invading China.

But they have always sneered, they are not atheists, they believe in God, they love to imagine that there are aliens, there are many such movies and stories in their own country, but if they really let them deal with it as a real thing, they will only be rejected People are fools.

Phoenix took a big sip of warm water, "Everything must be fully prepared, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, but you have to plan for the worst outcome.

You have also seen the live broadcast video released by the official Huaxia Forum. Even if the so-called No Mind is a means created by Huaxia officials to control public opinion, we have all witnessed the power beyond Jiuduan with our own eyes. Also confirmed, how can this be explained?

Do you think Huaxia would be so stupid as to really sacrifice a [-]-dan to deceive the whole world? "

Raphael was a little hesitant at what Phoenix said, and lowered his head in thought.

After a long time, he stood up and said seriously: "Okay, I will continue to implement it, but tomorrow's Christmas party can't be cancelled, right? This year marks the [-]th anniversary of the founding of the alliance, and only seven of our ten high-level executives are left. If you don't get together, people's hearts will be more scattered."

Phoenix looked at the flying Stars and Stripes outside the window, his heart was shaken, and he said softly: "Okay, the middle and high-level people will participate, and they must come back before noon, and the rest will stay at the base. You decide the location and form. Remember to keep it secret and notify before departure. "

Raphael showed a faint smile, "Don't worry, leave it to me, go back early tonight and have a good dream."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the office. Phoenix sat on the black leather office chair, with deep eyes, and muttered to himself: "There is an old saying in Huaxia, the origin of good dreams is the easiest to wake up from."

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