The plane slowly landed at Modu Airport.

Ji Cheng and Qin Xiaohui got into the taxi with their respective salutes.

in the car.

"Brother Ji, are you in the beautiful country all the year round?"


"Oh, then... can I write to you then?"

"Of course it can, but it seems that international mail will take about a month to be delivered now, right?"

Ji Cheng and Qin Xiaohui chatted casually, letters are very slow in this era, how slow is it?Even if it takes one to three days to send a letter in the same city, let alone international mail, at least one month.

"Ah? It won't be delivered until a month?" Qin Xiaohui's tone was full of disappointment.

Ji Cheng really wanted to continue to develop with Qin Xiaohui. On the one hand, he was not disgusted and even a little attracted by the other party's pure face. On the other hand, he also needed to add a love transmission coordinate to himself in the country. send email?"

Qin Xiaohui froze for a moment, and said, "E-mail? What is that?"

The first e-mail in China was sent from Beijing to Germany in 20. During this period, due to immature technology, this e-mail was sent from September [-]th until September NO.[-] Germany I only received it over there, mainly because the technology was too backward at that time. In fact, not only China, but even the beautiful country before [-], e-mail was not too developed.

Because people were still using the arpa network at that time.

The first program to make e-mail mainstream was euroda, written by Steve Downall in [-].

Since euroda was the first email management program with a graphical interface, it quickly became the main email program used by companies and university campuses.

It's normal for Qin Xiaohui not to know, after all, it hasn't been popularized yet, even many people have never heard of it.

These are actually nothing, what’s more, Ji Cheng thought of the Internet from this, to be precise, the World Wide Web, this thing will not be developed until next year, and it will only be used by research departments, schools and government departments at first, until commercial use. This situation was broken only when the Internet began to develop. For example, Netscape was born in [-]. The first product was based on the mosaiavigator browser, and then Microsoft developed the iexplorer browser not to be outdone.

Although Netscape failed disastrously and was acquired by Pretty Country Online, from its establishment in 28 to its IPO on Nasdaq on August 58, 21, the valuation on that day rose from $170 to At 100, the market capitalization reached [-] billion U.S. dollars. By the end of [-], Netscape’s share price had even reached [-] U.S. dollars per share, and its market value was nearly [-] billion U.S. dollars!

It only took Netscape [-] months from its establishment to a market value of [-] billion.

Ji Cheng pondered, Netscape's pile of junk technology might be very advanced in the 90s, but if you look at the development of Internet technology in modern society, it is simply at the level of primitive people. I don't know how much we need to be advanced and developed.

If... I fiddled with the World Wide Web by myself, and then founded some Internet technology companies to sell money, wouldn't I be able to accumulate huge wealth in a short period of time?

Thinking of this, Ji Cheng couldn't help but feel his heart pounding. It is the real kingly way to go public with Internet technology companies and make money. What kind of finance is weak compared to it, and you have to take risks in finance. If Ji Cheng wants to engage in Internet technology in the current era, then Basically, there is no risk at all, after all, he can come from the technology that was eliminated long ago in modern society.




Aren't these all wealth?

If he really realizes his idea, Ji Cheng thinks it's just like playing with hundreds of billions of dollars in the listing.

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Ji Cheng hadn't thought about Internet technology before. Today, after chatting with Qin Xiaohui, he immediately remembered this lucrative industry. He couldn't contain his excitement. He couldn't help reaching out and pinching Qin Xiaohui's face sitting next to him. He also said: "Xiaohui, you have helped me a lot, I love you to death!"

This sentence seems to be very common in modern society. Generally, when friends help, someone will always say "so and so, I love you to death".

But not in this conservative era.

The act of pinching his face was so intimate, Ji Cheng even said that he loved Xiaohui to death.

Qin Xiaohui blushed to the base of her neck all of a sudden, she stammered in panic, "Ji... Brother Ji, you... what are you talking about?"

Ji Cheng was so happy, he didn't notice the change in Qin Xiaohui's expression, and he said with forgetfulness: "I'm not talking nonsense, I really love you to death."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care what happened to Qin Xiaohui, and kept recalling the success model of Netscape in his head.

But Ji Cheng is not a professional in Internet technology, and he doesn't know how to do it. He decided to go back to the modern society to search for information later.

He was lost in thought.

Qin Xiaohui was sitting by the side, but the deer bumped around. She always felt that what Ji Cheng said just now was a confession to her, and she struggled with thoughts in her head. She was moved, but the problem was that the current era was too conservative, she was extremely ashamed by Ji Cheng's behavior, and kept thinking about Ji Cheng's confession, whether she would agree or not.

Soon the car arrived at the destination, but Qin Xiaohui still hadn't decided whether to agree or not.

On the contrary, Ji Cheng didn't even see Ji Aiguo after he returned to Shanghai, so he went straight to time travel.


modern society.

Ji Cheng came back with a lot of emerald wool.

Because it is a love transfer, the maximum energy value has not changed, it is still 620 [-].

There is no way, not only is there a large amount of emerald wool in his mysterious space, but also eight people are locked in it, and normal time travel is impossible.

These eight people must be dealt with.

Otherwise, it will affect the time travel of my buddies.

Thinking about it, Ji Cheng went to the rental house and turned on the computer to search for information.

And then...well, he found out that the original World Wide Web was downright rudimentary.

"It's too simple."

Ji Cheng stared at the computer screen and blinked, his excitement disappeared. At first he thought it was difficult, he had to learn something, but he didn't expect it to be so simple for a person like him who doesn't know much about Internet technology After reading a little bit of information, I know the principle.

"Forget it, copy some data casually, and then bring it back to the 80s time and space to find a few professionals to develop products." Ji Cheng touched his chin, "It doesn't have to be professionals from the 80s to develop products, and it's not like Netscape didn't exist. However, I just need to copy their previous products directly."


That's it!

You can find it anywhere on the internet.

It didn't take Ji Cheng any time to download the stuff.

In fact, let alone downloading the code of Netscape browser, even developing a browser independently is not a problem in the current era. Well, the development mentioned here refers to directly applying the ready-made ones. For example, the kernel of qq browser is IE .

But it is very difficult to develop an independent browser kernel. For example, the Google browser kernel uses the webkit engine developed by Apple, and also uses part of the source code of Apple's safari and firefox browsers. The browser kernel on the shoulders of giants, even so, took nearly a decade from the first version to being recognized by the market.

Therefore, Ji Cheng doesn't have to worry about someone surpassing him in browser kernel technology in the 80s, he can always maintain a leading position, relying on browser technology to keep plucking capitalists' wool.

"Thanks to having a few more conversations with Qin Xiaohui, otherwise I really wouldn't have thought of such a lucrative project for a while."

Don't mention how excited Ji Cheng was after downloading the information. He knew that as long as he took these Internet technologies back to the 80s time and space step by step, he would be able to obtain a steady stream of wealth.

After downloading the information here, he is ready to go back to the 80s.

But after Ji Cheng thought about it carefully, there were still thousands of pieces of jadeite wool piled up in his mysterious space. If he didn't take them out and deal with them, he might never even think about traveling normally to increase the maximum energy in his life.

Find a safe place to take out the jade wool, and then call Master Cheng to send someone over to the company.

Ji Cheng thought about reaching out to touch the phone, and then...well, he touched a big brother and it came out.



He reached out and touched it again, this time directly took out the Motorola mobile phone used in the beautiful country in the 80s.

"Huh? Where's my cell phone..." Ji Cheng was stunned for a moment and realized in an instant, "Damn! The phone was broken by the system as a carrier of a protective cover. Damn, I have a lot of important calls in it."

He couldn't help feeling a bit of a headache, that phone was full of important customers' phone numbers, and now that the phone was smashed to pieces, he lost a lot of customers.

I don't know if Master Cheng has saved some customer information.

Ji Cheng thought about calling Master Cheng again to inquire, and then...uh, he still didn't have a mobile phone.

"Forget it, let's go downstairs and buy a mobile phone."



In the mobile phone shop.

Ji Cheng is looking at his mobile phone, he hasn't decided which one to buy yet.

A young man ran in next to him, bringing along a very innocent girl who looked like Qin Xiaohui.

The girl seemed to know the owner of the mobile phone shop and had a few conversations.

After a while, the shopkeeper looked at the young man, "I heard from Xiao Xia that you want to buy a mobile phone? What kind of mobile phone do you want?"

The young man said without hesitation: "What is the most expensive mobile phone in your store?"

The shopkeeper looked at the girl, then at the young man, and asked in surprise, "The most expensive?"

The young man nodded, "Yes, you can speak boldly!"

The shopkeeper made a sound, and said: "Huawei mate-x2 folding screen 5g mobile phone, 512g, price 21888, do you want it? I have it in stock."

The young man coughed, "Very well, I don't want it."

Ji Cheng almost vomited blood when he heard it next to him, he pretended to be together for a long time, don't you want it?

The innocent girl on the side was also burned by the young man's coquettish manipulation, she said speechlessly: "Don't you want to ask again?"

The young man smiled and said: "I didn't expect it to be so expensive, so what, forget it, just recommend me a cheaper Huawei mobile phone."

Ji Chengcheng was amused by the young man, but it was this episode that made him decide what mobile phone to buy. He said to the boss, "Bring me the Huawei folding screen you just mentioned."

He has been coveting this phone for a long time. It's not that Ji Cheng knows whether the function of this phone is good or not, but because of its high quality!

Buy a mobile phone and pay generously.

Leave under the envious eyes of the young man.

Ji Cheng then went to the business hall to reapply for a mobile phone card, but he didn't expect that after the reissue of the mobile phone card, he saw that the business hall was selling beautiful numbers, with numbers ending in four and eight. He wondered if this is the standard for rich people. It took tens of thousands of dollars to get this number.

More than 2 mobile phones!

The number is also worth tens of thousands of dollars!

Ji Cheng couldn't wait to make a phone call to show off to others, and then encountered the same problem as before, he couldn't remember Master Cheng's number at all...

Well, there's nothing wrong with that.

Ji Cheng had no choice but to drive to the company to ask Master Cheng for the customer number. In fact, he really didn't know if Master Cheng had reserved it, and it would be troublesome if he didn't.


Come to the company.

Although the building is still busy with some minor renovations, it has now been put into use. Master Cheng just recruited a few employees back today, and even Luo Xiaohua, who used to be the front desk, was promoted.

The female front desk has a new employee.

After Ji Cheng communicated briefly, he learned that Master Cheng and Luo Xiaohua were training the staff on the fifteenth floor.

He went straight up the elevator.

As soon as they entered, they saw Master Cheng and Luo Xiaohua explaining the company rules to a dozen newly recruited employees.

Ji Cheng walked in, "Master Cheng."

"Oh, boss, you're here." Master Cheng raised his head.

Luo Xiaohua also got up quickly and said, "Good morning, boss."

Ji Cheng smiled and nodded, "Good morning, these colleagues just joined the job?"

"Yes, I just recruited back." Master Cheng replied, and then he hurriedly introduced to everyone: "This is the boss of our company, Mr. Ji."


"Mr. Ji."

There are a dozen people with names.

Ji Cheng also responded with a smile.

After getting to know each other, Master Cheng said, "Boss, do you want to have a word with your colleagues?"

Ji Cheng waved his hand and said, "I'm a bit busy here, I don't have time for now, let's talk about it tomorrow morning." He paused, "Is that so, did you keep the phone number of the client from the auction two days ago?"

"All the receptions here are reserved, and the others are not." Master Cheng asked, "What's the matter?"

Ji Cheng said helplessly: "My previous mobile phone accidentally broke, and all the customer phone numbers are gone."

Master Cheng frowned and said, "I can only save a quarter of the customer's phone number at most. It's a bit troublesome if you lose this number."

It's not just troublesome.

Those are the core customer groups, who can bring real money to themselves!

For example, Ji Cheng brought back thousands of pieces of jadeite wool this time, all of which contained good jade meat. If the customer's phone number is still there, he can organize a group of people to bid for it by making a few casual calls, and it is easy to make the best profit. But now that the customer number is gone, he has lost the sales channel.

Some people will definitely say, just ask for the number back.

Those customers are all over the place, where can Ji Cheng get them?

"Forget it, ask the customer whose number you reserved to ask for other people's number." Ji Cheng smacked his lips, "I just bought a new mobile phone, and there is no number in it, Master Cheng, you report the customer's number one by one. Give me, I'll save the phone book here."

As he said that, he was about to take out his mobile phone, tsk, he bought a good mobile phone, Ji Cheng definitely wanted to show it off.

As a result, before he took out his mobile phone, Luo Xiaohua laughed foolishly.

Ji Cheng looked at her speechlessly, "What are you laughing at?"

Luo Xiaohua is quite familiar with Ji Cheng, knowing that the boss is not that serious, she said with a smile: "I thought of something interesting."

Ji Cheng said with interest: "What's interesting? Tell me about it."

Luo Xiaohua looked at Master Cheng, "Mr. Cheng, did I tell you?"

Master Cheng was rolling his eyes, and said angrily, "Say it."

Ji Cheng was confused by the two of them, and he became even more curious about what was going on. He urged, "Say it."

Then Luo Xiaohua said with a playful smile: "That's it, Mr. Cheng's son, Brother Cheng, also came to report today. He is now preparing for the live broadcast. I just said that I am not here for the time being. Otherwise, he will definitely hear it." Awkward."

Luo Xiaohua explained a sentence, and then got to the point, "Brother Cheng just arrived here and his mobile phone was stolen at the station, so he went to get a mobile phone number of four or eight, and bought a mobile phone worth [-] to [-] yuan. When I joined the company, I just showed off to Boss Cheng, but in the end, Boss Cheng yelled at him, saying that he was vulgar, for fear that others would not know that Brother Cheng is an upstart."

Master Cheng added a little sullenly, "Isn't that right, get a mobile phone worth [-] to [-] and four mobile phone numbers worth [-], and look like a nouveau riche. gas!"

JI Cheng:"……"

Master Cheng seemed to realize that the topic was off topic, and quickly brought the topic back, "Boss, I will report the customer's mobile phone number to you right now, and you can record it with your new mobile phone."

JI Cheng:"…………"

Master Cheng took out the old antique button phone and was looking through the phone book, but Ji Cheng didn't see him take out the phone to record. He wondered: "Boss, why don't you use the phone to record the number?"

JI Cheng:"………………"

Take your phone?

You guys just said that buying this kind of mobile phone is a nouveau riche, and now I take out that mobile phone in front of the new employees, isn't it true that I am a nouveau riche?

Although I'm really an upstart, I still need face.

Ji Cheng didn't know what to say, so he hurriedly said nonsense: "Then what, I thought I had something to deal with and went to the office, so, Master Cheng, you ask Xiao Hua to hand-copy the customer number and send it to my office. Go up first."

With that said, he left the fifteenth floor as if fleeing.

He really can't afford to lose that face.

When Ji Cheng walked into the elevator, he was secretly thankful that he didn't take out his mobile phone. Alas, I'd better use my original mobile phone number to contact the customers later, and don't let them treat me as a nouveau riche.

I just don't know how much those customers who lost their numbers can get back.

Ji Cheng was pointing at those people to make money, hoping to get back a little more.

He thought about it and recalled that there were thousands of mid-to-high-end emerald wool in the mysterious space, and he was thinking about how to get a lot of money with these wool in a short period of time, and then realize his luxury dream of private jets and private yachts.

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