After a discussion between Nikolai, Samedov and Zakar on the cruise ship, the three hit it off and decided to cooperate with Musala.

Although there are risks, if the conditions given by Musala are really followed, the benefits will definitely far outweigh the risks.

As businessmen, what they pursue is this kind of challenge where the benefits outweigh the risks.

"To our soon-to-come success..." Nicholas raised his glass excitedly.

Samedov and Zakar also raised their glasses: "Cheers."

Regarding the matter of cooperating with Musala, Nicholas did not inform Boris. In his opinion, Boris was too cautious, telling him that it might ruin his own good deeds.

Even sometimes, Nicholas had the idea of ​​abandoning Boris and going it alone.


Musala's adjutant soon received such an e-mail: "Dear General Musala, I hope to meet you in London to talk about our bright future, your forever friend - Niguel Mister La."

After seeing the email, Musala smiled and asked the adjutant to reply immediately.

"You just say that I am being secretly and strictly guarded by people from the Kimbem government, and I can't go abroad at all. If possible, I want to invite you to come and meet."

The adjutant quickly took notes and sent the email to Nicholas' secretary.

Soon, Nicholas' secretary also reported the email to him.

Nikolai also knew that Musala had a high personal support rate in Budinya and was likely to become the future president. Therefore, he did not think deeply about this email, and he did not even communicate with Samedov. After discussing with Zakar and others, they agreed, but Nicholas didn't want to meet Musala right away, but chose a week later.

Vladimir did not expect that Nicholas agreed to meet Musala in Canbesa, and the speed of progress was so fast.

One week is just enough time for Vladimir and the others to prepare.

He quickly contacted Maqiyev and gave Maqiyev several tasks.

The first one is to set up a pseudo-base station, taking into account all the locations of Nikolai’s activities, obtaining all his call records during his time in Canbesa, and asking Musala to keep Nikolai more a few days.

Musala said that it would be the best if another military conflict with Roselle's army was arranged in those few days. sky;

The second is to arrange a thief. The thief has only one task, which is to steal Nikolai's mobile phone;

Vladimir specifically reminded Machiyev that Nikolai had several mobile phones, so he had to check them clearly.

The third is to prepare for the arrest of Nicholas at Canbersa Airport.

In fact, regarding the third task, Vladimir is still hesitating.

If there is conclusive evidence to grasp Nikolai's conspiracy against him, Vladimir will arrest Nikolai without hesitation.

If the first two missions fail, you can only let Nicholas go back.

"Machiyev, remember, I don't allow failure, you understand?"

Machiyev understood what the boss meant, and he said on the phone that there was no problem, and he would try his best to complete the task.


A week passed in the blink of an eye.

On the weekend morning, Vladimir attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of the Imperial Hotel.

As the Imperial Hotel is a very landmark building in London, the Mayor of London, London Police Chief and some MPs were also invited to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The renovation project, which lasted half a year, finally came to an end, and the brand-new Imperial Hotel revealed its mysterious appearance.

When this mysterious appearance appeared in front of the public, many people were stunned by the golden exterior wall on the spot.

Even many directors of the architectural association who previously criticized the appearance of the Empire State Building's local tyrant gold also obediently shut their mouths.

Originally, they thought that the new appearance of the Empire State Building would be quite ugly, like a pile of feces, but now that the new appearance is illuminated by the sun, the whole building seems to be wearing a golden dress. The coat completely covered up the light of many fashionable buildings around.

A kind of domineering arrogance that can't be compared with me.

On this day, almost all major media in London used the word "shock" to describe the appearance of the Imperial Hotel.

Several media that maintain a good relationship with the ADG Group Group even made special comments.

Among them, there is a comment in Taiwu Daily: "I am very happy to see that the Imperial Hotel has regained its vitality in the hands of the adg group. It makes us feel the pride and pride of the people of the empire again. Thanks to the adg group..."

Another media outlet criticized the Glazer family, the former owner of the Imperial Hotel, from the bottom up. They believed that the Glazer family had done nothing during the ten years that they actually controlled the Imperial Hotel. On the contrary, it was the ADG Group...

On the opening day, the shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, and observation decks of the Imperial Hotel had more than 20 visitors.

Standing in the office on the top floor of the hotel overlooking the beautiful view of downtown London, Vladimir did not smile, even though Ordowski reported to him that today's income reached a staggering 1.2 million US dollars.

"I see." Vladimir nodded lightly, and then fixed his eyes on the mobile phone on the table. At this moment, he already knew that Nikolai took a special plane and was in dozens of cities. Karl reached Canbersa under the protection of Israeli bodyguards provided for him.

A group of bodyguards from Israel?

Vladimir knew how powerful these Israelites were.

In the country of Israel, basically all the people are soldiers, and the Jewish people's sense of crisis has given them a sense of national responsibility since childhood.

This is why in several wars before and after, a small country with a land area of ​​less than 2 square kilometers and a population of less than 1000 million was able to defeat the joint attacks of big dogs.

Vladimir felt himself getting a little nervous.

This is very inconsistent with his personal style of doing things.

But it really does exist.

His nervousness can fool his subordinates who come to report to work, but it can't fool his own heart.

If those bodyguards were a group of mediocre people, he would definitely not be nervous at all.

But the group of bodyguards right now...

Suddenly, an idea appeared in his mind.

If this idea comes true, maybe...

Vladimir began to realize that perhaps Nikolai was not fighting alone.

Behind him, tycoons like Samedov and Zakkar may have begun to play roles.

At first, Vladimir felt a little oppressive, after all, he was facing the union of three people, but after serious thinking, he dispelled this concern.

The reason is simple, even if the three of them contact each other, Vladimir has enough confidence to win the final victory.


Nicholas took the bodyguards Zakar carefully selected for him to Cambersa on a private jet. These bodyguards had served in the Israeli army. In terms of actual combat experience, they were no worse than Alexander and his group, even It can be said that according to the average level, it definitely surpasses Alexander and the others.

Wearing cool sunglasses, Nikolai was dressed in formal attire, and surrounded by many bodyguards, he walked down the gangway of the plane. Facing the welcome of Musala and the guard of honor, Nicholas showed the temperament that a successful person should have. .

He even waved his right hand at Musala below at the gangway.

You must know that such actions are often seen in leaders, and as a businessman, Nicholas actually feels the sense of accomplishment as a leader at this moment.

Musala looked "respectfully" at him, and after paying a standard military salute, he said in French: "Welcome to Canbesa, Mr. Nicholas."

Nicholas is proficient in multiple languages. He smiled and clasped tightly with Musala's big hand. Similarly, he also spoke fluent French: "I hope we can cooperate happily."

"I believe our sincerity can satisfy you, why don't you go to the hotel where you are staying and rest first, Mr. Nicholas."

Nicholas shook his head, "Let's look at your strength first."

"Sorry, Mr. Nicholas, I just received a call that our people are fighting with Niall's rebels on the border again."

Nicholas was a little surprised. Could it be that his whereabouts were revealed?

If it was really revealed, Roselle must be targeting him.

Nicholas has worked hard in the business world, but he has never fought in the battlefield. Especially now that he is in the unfamiliar Philippines, he has raised his vigilance. Otherwise, why bring so many bodyguards?

At this time, Mitrovsky played his role: "Boss, they had another conflict on the border two days ago. As before, the conflict has evolved into a small-scale battle."

Mu Sala smiled and said, "That demon king Roselle still wants to fight me. I think this guy is going crazy now."

Nicholas has seen Roselle's photo, and it is consistent with other people's first impression of Roselle, Nicholas thinks Roselle is not a good person just from the appearance, just like what Musala said "The Demon King of Confusion", he felt that this word was the most appropriate description for Roselle.

"Okay, let's go to the hotel first."

"There is not much conflict. We should be able to win today. I hope you can stay for a few more days this time. I will show you the rich natural mineral resources here."

"Let's chat first." Nicholas said with a smile.

"No problem, let's go to the hotel to talk first. By the way, we seized some diamonds last time, you can take a look."

As soon as he heard that the diamonds were seized, Nicholas immediately became interested, and even had a smile on his face.

Maqiyev has already had people set up fake base stations in hotels, airports and other places. These fake base stations are different from ordinary fake base stations. They are high-tech products smuggled from China. They can not only communicate with The role of the operator's bridging signal can also identify the user's mobile phone number within a specific setting range. It can be said that without advanced detection equipment, the pseudo base station will never be discovered.

When Nicholas and his party arrived at the hotel where they were staying, the technicians immediately started the directional search mode, and soon locked the unfamiliar number in this area.

There are eighteen in total.

And the entourage brought by Nicholas was only seventeen.

this means……

This naturally explains that Nikola is sure to have two phones.

Nicholas went to the appointment boldly. He was not unprepared. On the contrary, after arriving at the hotel, the two bodyguards immediately took out the equipment and started testing in the room.

Seeing the other party's professional appearance, the thief who turned into a waiter couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"No camera."

"No listening devices."


When the thief learned the purpose of the two bodyguards' detection, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. He thought they were searching for fake base stations, but he didn't expect that they were just detecting the cameras and bugs in the room.

But this also made him have to take this action seriously, after all, the opponent's performance was very professional.

How to steal that personal phone?

This is a problem.

The thief knew that the room where Nicholas lived was a suite. The living room outside was presumably occupied by bodyguards, and the bedroom inside should be where Nicholas lived.

In order to successfully steal Nikolai's mobile phone this time, Musala specially arranged for Nikolai to have this room. It has been specially modified, and it seems that it can be closed tightly inside. In fact, as long as the thief takes a special key, it can also be opened outside.

Right now, maybe the only chance is when Nicholas takes a bath at night.

In this shower room, they have also installed an independent water supply system for this room long ago, to ensure that when the hot water in the shower is turned on, the change in water pressure can be used to determine whether Nikolai is showering at the first time.

It can be said that the painstaking arrangement of Machiyev and Musala enabled the thief to successfully steal Nikolai's mobile phone.

After all, if Nikolai hadn't contacted Ivan's high-level insider, the fake base station would be of no use at all.

So stealing the phone is the most effective and wise way.

Even if they are lucky, they will not reveal any flaws.

The thief swallowed secretly at the thought of stealing that mobile phone and getting a hundred thousand dollars for himself.

For him, this is definitely a huge sum of money, a huge sum of money that allows him to marry several more wives.


In the living room of the room, Nicholas carefully looked at the diamond sent by Musala.

Although he is not a diamond expert, it is easy to see the quality of the diamonds through the size and color of these diamonds.

Suddenly, Nicholas said, "General Musala, if possible, can you take down the diamond mine?"

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