Vladimir's amazing move was to copy all the bank cards in the excel file with bank card information, and then take the money away.

When he said this, Akinfeev was surprised and shocked at the same time.

He never thought that the boss would come up with such a trick.

"Can this work?" After a while, Akinfeev asked with doubts on his face.

Vladimir did not answer, but turned his gaze to Chernov who looked excited.

In fact, Chernov had already had such an idea. Renato's lair was destroyed. If he transferred all the funds in his bank card this time, he might not have a chance to make a comeback.

"Of course it can be done. Many international financial thieves do it like this, but it's just difficult." Although Chernov has never done this kind of thing, the principles are actually the same when it comes to informatization.

Corresponding bank-related chip deciphering chips, communication transmission equipment,...

After purchasing a complete set of equipment, it should not be a big problem.

In fact, the most important thing is to decipher the bank chip. As a hacker, it is not realistic to invade the bank, and the difficulty is as difficult as the sky. At present, the common practice in the world is to handle the corresponding bank card by yourself and use the POS machine to swipe back and forth to withdraw funds. deciphering in the background.

Chernov smiled and said, "Boss, we can try it. I feel that it is worth at least [-] million U.S. dollars. Compared with the cost, the profit is definitely considerable."

Vladimir was very satisfied, "Well done, I will reward you all."


Andrei made a special trip back to Moscow before going to Baxi to negotiate with that group of people.

In the manor, Vladimir gave him relevant information.

According to the boss's arrangement, this time he first had to negotiate with the local court, prosecutor's office, police station, prison warden and members of the local assembly of Rio State.

Naturally, their bargaining chip is the scandalous evidence of these officials.

If everyone can talk, then finally these people will be called together and a consensus will be reached, that is to capture Renato and let them take him away.

As a bargaining chip, all the evidence of these officials will be given to them, and they will not be held accountable.

Andre accepted the task without any complaints, but he also had his own considerations, "Boss, I feel that negotiating with these officials is not a big problem. It is mainly about arresting Renato. I am worried that the difficulty is still Not small."

"So we must put pressure on them. If there is pressure, I think Renato will never be able to escape. In the past, it was not possible to catch them in the information age, but now it is even more problematic in the information age." Regarding this point, Vladimir is quite confident.

"Understood, don't worry, I will do my best to complete this task."

"I'll give you twenty bodyguards this time. Don't go to other places for the negotiation. It's in the hotel. You are my plenipotentiary. I believe you can complete this mission." Vladimir had no idea about Andre's ability. There is no doubt that as a senior intellectual, he is proficient in Portuguese and other foreign languages. This time he has relevant evidence in hand, so he has more confidence at the negotiating table.

Andre only stayed in Moscow for one night, and the next morning, he took a flight with more than 20 bodyguards to Rio directly on the Maozi Airlines flight.

When they arrived in Rio, they booked an entire floor of the Hilton Hotel.

The first person to be interviewed was Police Chief Fierdio.

When Firdio received an international call, he thought it was a telecom fraud at first, but when the other party gave accurate information about him and his family, Fildio immediately panicked.

"where is it?"

"The 18th floor of the Hilton Hotel, I look forward to your arrival, Chief Phil."

"whats the matter?"

"Renato has your evidence, and now it is in our hands. We want to ask you to talk, mainly to destroy the evidence for you."

Fildio was still in the mood to work at the police station, so he immediately called a few trusted police officers, changed into plain clothes and went straight to the Hilton Hotel.

When the elevator stopped abruptly on the 18th floor, as soon as he opened the elevator door, Fierdio immediately found seven or eight men in black with tough faces in the corridor.

The man in black looked at them coldly, as if he had been waiting for them for a long time.

Mamelo, a local, sneered at the well-known Director Phil of Rio State, and said, "Director Phil, our boss is waiting for you in Room 1801, you can go alone, and the rest of the police follow us to the lounge. "

Firdio didn't know who the other party was, so he was still quite disdainful, with a hint of arrogance in his tone; "Dude, you don't have the right to order me on my territory."

Mamelo smiled slightly, "I'm sorry, Director Phil, this floor is occupied by us, and it's our territory now, I hope you don't know how to appreciate it."

Seeing Mamelo's arrogance, Fierdio's confidants were very upset. They didn't expect that the local police would be threatened by foreigners. These guys couldn't help but took out their guns and aimed directly at Mamelo and The head of the man in black: "Hey, man, be polite, you need to know who the guest in front of you is?"

The police took out their guns, and naturally the bodyguards on Mamelo's side were also unceremonious, and they also took out Uzi submachine guns one after another.

"Now in our territory, we have a large number of people, so you have to listen to us." Mamelo didn't change his face and his heart beat.

Fildio also knew that this group of people was not easy to mess with, so he put down the pistol that his confidant was holding high when both sides were at war.

"Don't mess around, they are guests, you rest, I will go to the meeting alone."

After finishing speaking, Fildio strode towards room 1801 with a big stride.

In fact, on the way here just now, they also analyzed that the other party must have found him because of the evidence in the safe. Since it was a talk, it meant that there was still room for maneuver.

There were also several tough bodyguards in room 1801. When he entered the room, Firdio was searched all over his body. After seeing that he was not carrying a weapon, he was let in.

Andre was standing by the window at this moment looking at the beach outside the window.

"Boss, the guests are here." Xavier said respectfully.

Andre made an understanding gesture, then turned around.

Seeing Andre's gentle appearance, Firdio felt that this guy was not like that kind of vicious gangster.

"Hello, Director Phil." Andre offered to extend his hand.

Firdio stretched out his hand expressionlessly.

"My name is Andre. I met you today mainly because I want to return your evidence." After saying this, Andre pushed the file bag on the table directly in front of him.

Firdio actually didn't know what evidence Renato, the bastard, had photographed him. He opened the file bag with full curiosity, and his expression immediately changed.

There are not many photos, either of Fierdio's ugly appearance with the call girl, or of accepting bribes, in short, there are many ugly images.

"Mr. Andre, what do you want to do? Let's just talk about it, and don't go around in circles." Fierdio said directly after reading it.

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