Before reporting to Artyom, the commander also made a detailed observation of the terrain of that place. With the help of a certain song map, the terrain was clearly seen, and it was indeed what Artyom said, that place Definitely a no-man's land off the beaten track.

But it is also because the natural conditions are so bad, it is completely able to achieve the effect of surprise soldiers.

The commander confided all his thoughts, which made Artyom nod involuntarily after hearing this.

"For now, what is the shortest distance that our mechanized march can get from that place?"

"The closest distance is about 50 kilometers."

"How about the daily marching speed?"

"ten kilometers."

"It means that we add the preparation time, and it will take a week at the earliest to get there?" Artyom is obviously very dissatisfied with such a long time, but objective reality conditions restrict all of this.

'Yes, sir, this is our quickest way, but if we go along the Nyar River, we reckon we can shave two days off the time. '

"The transportation of troops on the Niar River is also limited, right?"

"It's limited. We have a maximum of three hundred soldiers, but I can choose elite soldiers and strong generals."

"Well, we will implement it according to this plan." Artyom seemed to feel a little thirsty after saying a few words, and continued after taking a sip of the coffee on the table.

"First of all, we still have to launch an attack in front of them. Secondly, our personnel will be divided into two groups. The elite soldiers will use the water route, and the rest will use the land. Thirdly, our air force must be prepared for air fire suppression. Saturation ground attack on a place, you can contact Mr. Salma, so that the Nyar Air Force can dispatch bombers to bomb there." Artyom said the action plan he had conceived in his mind in one breath.

This plan seems to be not bad, and it can achieve a two-pronged effect while comprehensively considering all aspects.

However, the commander disagreed with one thing, and that was the plan for bombers to bomb that area.

From the commander's point of view, if they bombed there directly, without getting accurate information, it would be easy to sell Lev who was hiding inside Fred.

"The quality of the information this guy gave was very high. Although some of them were strongly requested by us to inquire, but I have to say that he was very hardworking. If we do this now, it is easy to sell him. When the time comes, the high-quality information will be There is no way to talk about it." The commander analyzed.

Artyom is not an egg biter either, he knows that the intelligence was successful, which means that they succeeded at least half of the way.

"The key is that we have to block their attack speed." Artyom also had his own plans.

The commander nodded subconsciously, "Boss, what I think is this, we can let the speedboat guys go to the other side to investigate first, and the air force will also be ready for combat 24 hours from tomorrow, but the best way right now is to use white phosphorus bomb."

"White phosphorus bomb?" Artyom couldn't help frowning, he didn't seem to have heard of white phosphorus bomb.

"Yes, it uses the property of white phosphorus to ignite spontaneously in the air." The commander said.

Out of curiosity, Artyom couldn't help picking up his mobile phone and quickly searched for "white phosphorus bomb" on the Internet.

I don't know if I don't search for it, and I startled him when I searched.

This thing is a colorless or light yellow, translucent waxy substance with a strong irritant, its smell is similar to garlic, and its ignition point is very low. Once it comes into contact with oxygen, it will burn. It emits a yellow flame and emits a strong smoke.It can be used to burn substances that are difficult to burn with ordinary combustion materials. It is characterized by being able to fully burn in a small space or a space with low air density. The general burning temperature can reach above 1000 degrees Celsius, which is enough to destroy all organisms within an effective range.

The white phosphorus bomb is very harmful. It burns continuously after it touches an object until it goes out. Therefore, when it touches a human body, the flesh will be penetrated, and then go deep into the bone.

White phosphorus incendiary bombs use this property. They are extremely dangerous and terrifying incendiary bombs. If they stick to the skin, it is difficult to remove them in time. The burning temperature is so high that they can burn all the way to the bones. At the same time, the smoke produced is extremely irritating to the eyes and nose.At first, the Americans used it to deal with the Japanese in the fortifications of the Pacific Islands, and it was very effective.Not much technical content.

For example: mk 77 white phosphorus shell is an attacking incendiary weapon, its function is similar to that of a flamethrower. The shell contains a large amount of viscous agent, which can stick to the human body and equipment and burn. It is usually used to strike naked or flammable targets, and has a killing effect. Excellent, it was once listed as a prohibited weapon by the United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons adopted in 1980, and it is not allowed to be used against civilians or in civilian areas.

After reading it, Artyom was taken aback. He didn't expect the white phosphorous bomb to be so awesome.

Of course, he also felt tremendous psychological pressure while breaking the news. After all, this thing is controlled and used.

Seeing that Artyom couldn't help frowning, the commander seemed to understand a little bit.

"Boss, I know this thing is controlled contraband and cannot be used for war, but we can say it is used for land reclamation."

"Open up wasteland and cultivate land in Fred's jurisdiction?" Artyom's brows became more tightly knitted.

"No, it's our newly occupied jurisdiction." The commander smiled slyly.

"I know the power of that thing. If the public opinion propaganda can be controlled in time, it will definitely increase the probability of our victory by a large percentage. But again, if the public opinion propaganda is not well controlled, we will be blamed by the international community." Aljo Mu's mind is relatively clear on this point. After all, he also has a domestic boss behind him to stand for him, so even if he is doing things in the Philippine mainland, he still has to have some concerns.

"Boss, I know, I mean we won't use this thing unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Yes." Artyom smiled slightly, "Let's go to Salma." "Okay, boss."

Now Salma is already wearing the same pair of trousers as Artyom, so when Artyom explained his purpose, Salma agreed without hesitation.

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening when we left Salma's villa. The commander held a combat meeting overnight without taking a break, and required all preparations to be completed by 11:30 noon tomorrow.

At the same time, the commander also put forward another requirement, that is, all people in this operation must hand in their mobile phones, and all communications must rely on radio.

Obviously, the commander was also worried that someone on their side would secretly provide information to Fred. If this was the case, their previous efforts would be wasted.

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

In this regard.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

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Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the bloody Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the bloody smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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