"Hey, are you okay?" The woman squatted in front of the boy.

The young man also stared at her blankly, with big bright eyes, slender eyebrows, and snow-white skin. As an uneducated man, he really couldn't describe the beauty of this woman, but subconsciously blushed.

"No....it's fine."

The young man suddenly remembered that he was being hunted down by a group of alien species, and hurriedly got up and looked around, but there were no figures of alien species around him, and there were only ruins and the corpses of his companions.

I, by luck, survived?

"My name is Zheng Chuqing, a biologist. I found you by chance when I was passing by. How about you?"

"I... My name is Li Jinghong, the porter." When the young man said the last three words, his voice subconsciously dropped a little, and his head drooped down like a flower, as if he was quite inferior.

"Jinghong...what a name!" Zheng Chuqing smiled and said, "It's as light as a Jinghong, as graceful as a dragon swimming. I've read it before. It's from "Luo Shen Fu"."

The boy blushed and scratched his head shyly.How did he know what Luoshen Fu is, but he said in his heart that your name is actually better, and you live up to your name, just like the sun after the rain.

"Come on!" Zheng Chuqing got up and stretched out her white and clean hands.

Li Jinghong was stunned again, and hurriedly wiped his dusty hands on the same dirty clothes before he dared to grab her hand.

This was the first time he held a girl's hand when he was so old. It was warm and soft, many times more delicate than his calloused rough hand, but he still hurriedly let go.

"After escaping from death this time, what are your plans in the future? Do you want to continue working as a porter?"

"do not know......."

The boy suddenly thought of something and asked, "Why did you come here alone? It's very dangerous."

"Do research. Didn't I say, I'm a biologist, and I'm very powerful in combat!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Chuqing clenched her fist and punched the stone wall, immediately creating a hole in it.

It turned out to be a supernatural person... Li Jinghong was stunned. He wanted to become a supernatural person in his dreams, so that he could completely change his life, but it was just a dream after all.

"By the way, I'm short of an assistant, are you interested in following me?" Zheng Chuqing smiled.

"Me? Can I?" Li Jinghong pointed at himself suspiciously.

"Yes, I think you have talent!"

Therefore, Li Jinghong became an assistant with Zheng Chuqing, who treated him like a younger brother and taught him a lot of things and knowledge.

The young boy fell in love at the beginning, but because of the "gap" between the two, he kept his feelings buried in his heart. He worked very hard, but what can ordinary people do if they work harder?At most it's just hard work.

"Did you know? In fact, the scarlet flower grows by absorbing life energy."

One night, when the two were sitting outside chatting, Zheng Chuqing suddenly brought up this topic.

"It can be said to be my research result, or it can be said to be a guess. The reason why the scarlet flower chose to take root in a crowded city is because it can absorb the life energy of the surrounding humans after death, so it can grow as big as it is today. "

"So I have a guess, what will happen if human beings absorb enough life energy? Can they break through the cognition of the world and break through the boundary between life and death?"

Li Jinghong scratched his head: "I don't understand..."

"Back to life."

Zheng Chuqing's eyes were as bright as two night pearls.

How can the dead come back to life?This is common sense, no matter how strong a supernatural person is, it is impossible to do it, but at this moment, starting from the woman's mouth, the boy nodded unexpectedly.

"It's a pity, I only have this idea, but I can't do experiments. Hey, if I write it as a paper and publish it, I will definitely be called crazy."


The screen returns to reality.

Gu Yun snorted angrily: "I want to hear about your experience, not how you two fell in love!"

Li Jinghong was slightly stunned, he didn't expect that he accidentally said too much.

"So, how did she die?"

"We went to collect research specimens. That place should be called Chunhe Town. It used to only haunt low-level alien species, but a powerful ghost-level alien species suddenly appeared that day." that only)

I vaguely remember that the body of that ghost-level alien species was as huge as a mountain, and its entire face was almost covered with a mouth. The red light cannons emitted from its mouth could almost turn a building into ruins in an instant!

It spotted two people from a distance and began to attack. They ran and ran, but they were finally caught up.

A beam of energy light cannon hit, and Li Jinghong couldn't dodge it. Zheng Chuqing pushed him away at the critical moment, but her heart was pierced through, and a large amount of bright red blood spattered out.

At this moment, the boy's eyes were red and his blood was boiling.

But maybe the boy was too weak, the ghost-level alien seemed to have lost interest, and disappeared into the night without chasing after him.

That night, the cries, shouts, and roars never stopped.

Later, it stopped because the boy's voice became hoarse, he couldn't speak, and even his tears dried up.

The next day, he awakened his power.

SS level, space transfer, the strongest ability in the world.

This time, Li Jinghong was finally qualified to stand side by side with Zheng Chuqing, but there was a gap between life and death between the two.

Li Jinghong suddenly remembered the hypothesis about resurrection from the dead.

At a young age, he swore in his heart that even if the hope was slim, he must give it a try!

"Okay, okay." Gu Yun rolled his eyes: "So, you have some special obsession with white coats, so you gave me this clothes? Fortunately, I still treat it like a treasure, and I am reluctant to change it."

"You can't compare with her."

"Yes, yes, it's incomparable. She is your goddess, and I'm just a little girl. A good medical college student, if you didn't save me that day, how could I go on this road of no return."

Gu Yun laughed at himself.

Her story happened eight years ago, when she was still a female medical student in her prime, who knew that she was attacked by a scarlet infected person when she came home at night. When all her thoughts were lost, it was Li Jinghong who came forward to save her.

The picture is still clearly engraved in my mind, and it has been played back countless times like a movie.

The infected person was extremely crazy, almost jumping on her body, making her scream loudly, but the next moment, a man stood in front of her, and forcibly twisted the other person's wrist... ..

It's so handsome that it explodes!

After saving himself, he just disappeared without saying a word.

So Gu Yun began to inquire about the man's whereabouts and information about the "space power user". After several months of searching, he finally saw him wearing a mask on TV's "Wanted Criminal".

Even through the mask, she was absolutely sure that it was the benefactor she had been thinking about day and night, and Dang even was so excited that she couldn't control herself.

Later, with her own efforts, she found the Scarlet Order and asked to join.

A girl in the Mood for Love, who originally had a bright future, but wants to join an extremely evil organization, it's like a flower stuck in cow dung.

"I want to join the organization, I want to follow you!"

"Go back, I'm not a good person, the organization is not suitable for you."

"I'm a doctor, and I have supernatural powers. There is always something that can help you. Please accept me, please!"

"This is a road of no return, follow me and you will die."

"I'm not afraid!"

Later, Li Jinghong discovered that this persistent girl was the last piece of the puzzle to realize his plan.

Both of them have finished recalling the good times, and finally have to return to the present moment.

"Let's go, it's time to hurry."

"Oh, here we come."

Gu Yun quickly trotted two steps to follow behind Li Jinghong, looking at his reassuring back, just like back then.


(ps: In fact, I wrote these two chapters more seriously than pretending and teasing girls. While fulfilling the mission, I connected the whole story together, including foreshadowing)

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