Little God Big Cockroach

Chapter 138 'A Wonderful Plan'

Di Tiantian and the old master were regarded as a half-teacher-student pair. Although they didn't talk much when they parted, they were reluctant to part.

After the master gave the gift, he said a lot of words of encouragement, finally hardened his heart, waved his hand, and set foot on the way to leave.

Di Angel watched the other party's back gradually go away, thinking in his heart that he didn't know when we could meet again.

Let's say goodbye now, and if we want to meet again, maybe it just depends on fate...

"Master, you must take care."

——This is his most simple blessing.


After returning home, Angel Di looked through the little book that his master gave him, and as expected, he couldn't understand a single symbol of the spells and incantations recorded on it.

If you don't understand, there is really no other way. You can only take it to Brother Lian to have a look at another day. The other party has great powers.

the next day.

Then I was busy at school yesterday afternoon. This morning, a "big man" was coming to the school to give a speech. The school leaders attached great importance to this. A series of arrangements and arrangements made the school atmosphere more grand than ever.

"Di Angel, good morning~"

"Good morning~"

"Your shoelaces are loose."

"Did you do your math homework?"


——Say hello and jokes among students.

Angel Di came to the school and saw "decorated lights" along the way. Compared with yesterday when he left school, there were many more decorations, and he looked very festive.

At this moment, he finally felt something strange, and muttered to himself: "Last year the mayor came to speak, and there was no such standard. Could it be someone from the province?"

His classmate 'Guo Na', who has a crush on him, followed behind him at some point.

After Guo Na heard him talking to herself, she stepped forward quickly, and said with a smile: "It is said that a senior leader of 'Yongye Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.' is coming to our school."

Angel Di frowned: "'Eternal Night Creature'? What are you doing in our school?"

Guo Na pointed to the balloons and colored strips on the trees by the side of the road, "Donate money or buildings, big companies usually do this, otherwise why would the school be so grand?"

"For no reason, why donate money and donate buildings?"

"Hmph~~ I heard from the gossip that the high-ranking figure in 'Eternal Night Biology' likes a teacher in our school."


Angel Di thought for a while, then suddenly remembered what happened in the principal's office yesterday, "Mr. Su? That person likes Mr. Su?"

Guo Na was surprised: "Huh? I haven't said it yet, how did you guess it?"

"It doesn't matter, do you know the name of that 'high-level person'?"

"Hmm... I vaguely remember that his surname seems to be 'Chen'." - I don't remember the name specially, and it is easy to forget it another day.

"Chen Yang?"

"Ah yes, it seems to be the name."


What happened?That Chen Yang actually likes Teacher Su?

——Di Tiantian felt a little dazed about this.


Morning school assembly.

At the meeting, that Chen Yang really appeared and delivered a 'false and artificial' speech. At the end, representatives of teachers and students went up to present flowers respectively.

Angel Di stood in the line with an expressionless face the whole time, uncharacteristically.

He noticed that Teacher Su was not in the teaching team, and thinking about what happened yesterday, he guessed that the other party might also feel disgusted with Chen Yang, so he didn't show up directly.

"..." Teacher Su seems to be a very powerful transcendent, she should have a way to deal with Chen Yang, right?

——In Di Angel's 'smart' brain started to work.

He has always felt that Mr. Su and Brother Lian are quite compatible. If Mr. Su feels distressed about this matter, maybe this is the opportunity for Brother Lian to get out of the single...


After school in the afternoon.

Angel Di went straight to the Dalian dumpling shop.

After putting on the work apron and working for several hours, I finally have time to 'sneak'.

He came out of the window area stealthily, stood behind Lian Ze, took another opportunity, and said like a "dog-headed military adviser": "Brother Lian, this morning, Chen Yang from the 'Eternal Night Creature', come here I'm in school."

Lian Ze was currently wrapped in a thin quilt, sitting on the sofa in the rest area and watching dramas, his attitude was quite perfunctory: "Oh..."

Angel Di continued to create an atmosphere of 'planning a big event': "Did you know that that guy is actually pursuing Teacher Su Tingsu!"

"Oh...I don't know."

"Why don't you know each other? You talked to her when we went to climb Emerald Mountain last time, and you came back together when you came back. You two had a tacit understanding at that time. After you came back, everyone said that you two are very cp feel."

"Don't play cp, get out." - Lian Ze has no plans to fall in love for hundreds of years.

"Brother Lian, I think this is an excellent opportunity. We can join Teacher Lasu and deal with the 'Eternal Night Creature' together."

"The mountain people have their own clever plans, and I don't need you to give me bad ideas."

"Unity is strength, brother."

"If it weren't for my cold feet now, I would definitely kick your ass."

"Brother Lian, don't you want to piss off that Chen Yang? Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"It's cold, I don't want to move." - This is the habit of insects.


Di Tiantian saw that the other party was not good, so he couldn't talk to the other party at all.

Helpless, he had no choice but to change the subject: "Brother Lian, can you understand the spells and incantations of the evil god?"

Lian Ze opened his mouth and said, "I don't understand, why? You want to study the culture of evil gods?"

"No, yesterday evening, the old master asked me to say goodbye. Before he left, he gave me a small book, which recorded a spell. I couldn't understand it, so I wanted to ask if you could do anything."

"I can't read it either, but I know someone who can."

"Then I'll bring the little book over another day, is that okay?"


"Thank you brother ~ brother, do you want to think about Teacher Su again?"

"Go, go, pinch your dumplings."




Many bugs don't survive the winter.

When Lian Ze became a 'human', his physical hardware could not ignore the cold and heat, and his mind was so bad that his 'primitive instinct' revived. Whenever it was cold, he became lazy and didn't want to move - although it was quite comfortable .

At eight o'clock in the evening, Guiyu TV's "Quack Duck Gossip Rumors" started broadcasting on time.

The host, Xiao Ga, is always serious and serious: "It is reported on the Internet that a chemical factory in a certain city secretly discharged chemical waste into the river at night, causing a large number of fish and shrimp in the river to mutate."

The host Daga laughed as usual: "Xiaoga, I think this is an opportunity to become a superhero. If you are bitten by a mutant crucian carp or a mutant crayfish, you might become a crucian man or a lobster man. From then on, you can help justice and punish the evil spirits." Promote good from evil and be a river of justice."

Xiao Ga (serious face): "There is no specific city in the rumor, and sensible netizens have expressed that the rumor is pure nonsense."

Da Ga (bitter gourd face): "I'd rather believe it, this is my closest chance to become Da Ga Xia."


——The above is an intercepted program content.

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