Little God Big Cockroach

Chapter 140 Rumor Fermentation

The cost of real goods is high, and fake goods are made casually.

Lian Ze referred to the spell 'Martyr of the Clan', picked out the part related to the change of appearance, and made up a small, ostentatious spell.

He summoned a certain number of cockroaches, installed 'new skins' on them with spells, and then 'released' them all, and then came another batch...

When the last batch of 'release' is reached, the five real 'cockroach martyrs' will be mixed in, and they will be randomly scattered in the urban area of ​​Guiyu City. This is the end of tonight.

"I don't know how long it will take to take effect."


"Let's release another batch every few days."


'Martyrs of the Clan' is a good thing. After spreading it out, Lianze wants to see humans being fanatical and unscrupulous for it. However...considering human nature and other issues, the early winners should still speak loudly The proportion of wealth is more.

It may take a while for the heat to heat up.


Ms. Liu is an ordinary middle-aged woman. The life of a middle-aged person is full of feathers. There are two children, one big and one small, who are all studying; her husband works in a foreign trade company with a decent salary, which can barely afford the family; In order to subsidize my family, I found a job as a cashier in a supermarket; in addition to going to work, I was busy with housework, and the rare alone time was also occupied by various troubles. Only when I fell asleep, could I think about nothing and get a physical and mental rest .

At the same time, when a person reaches middle age, his body becomes fatter, and the maintenance of the skin has long been resigned, and the person becomes more and more bloated and more and more like a 'yellow-faced woman'.


"In a blink of an eye, I will be in my 40s. Looking in the mirror, I can't imagine that when I was my daughter's age, I looked more juicy than her."

"I wish I had taken a few more photos back then, but now I want to tell people about it. There is no evidence, and no one will believe me."


In the kitchen, while Sister Liu was cooking, she was worrying about losing her youth, being fat, sick and ugly.

The eldest daughter's voice came from the living room: "Mom! Is the dish ready? I'm hungry!"

Sister Liu turned her head and shouted: "Go and get your brother out! Also, come here and take out the bowl quickly!"

——One mouthful is the roar of the Lion in the River East.

After yelling, Sister Liu realized her loud voice again, and felt a little sad: Back then, I spoke in a soft voice, like a nightingale, which was nice, but now...

Put the fried vegetables in a bowl and put them away.

At this moment, a colorful cockroach suddenly crawled out from the gap in the cabinet.

"Huh? What is this? A dyed cockroach?"

Sister Liu felt strange at the same time, almost reflexively, she lifted her foot and stepped on the crawling route of the 'colorful cockroach' precisely, ending the opponent's life with just one kick.

Close your feet.

I saw the dead 'Colorful Cockroach' emitting colorful shimmers, and a light ball the size of a quail egg floated out of its body, and then suddenly bumped into Sister Liu's body.

Sister Liu had never seen such a miraculous scene before, she was so frightened that she screamed on the spot: "Ah!

! ”

When her husband heard the voice, he hurried over: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Sister Liu pointed at the cockroach on the ground, dumbfounded: "It, it, it—"

"What's wrong with it? Isn't it just a cockroach? You dare to pat it with your hands."

"It glows."


"It had colored lights and then a laser and it hit me."

"This... do you feel dizzy?"

"Wow! You don't believe me, do you?! Do you still want to eat this meal?!"

"Believe, believe, of course. Do you feel uncomfortable in your body?"

" seems not."

"Let's eat first, and we'll talk after we're done, shall we?"


At this time, Sister Liu looked down at the cockroach on the ground again, and found that this cockroach had turned into an ordinary cockroach at some point, without the colorful colors it had at the beginning.


Could it be that he was really dizzy?

——Middle-aged people don't believe in miracles other than winning the lottery.


A miracle happened. Ms. Liu began to pay attention to it. After eating, she chatted with the two children, and in a blink of an eye, she forgot about the 'colorful cockroach', as if nothing had happened.

At night, when everyone in this family is asleep.

The 'Power of Blessing' came into effect, causing subtle changes to Sister Liu's body...

the next morning.

After her husband woke up, he saw his wife and found that she seemed to have become a little prettier?

Maybe it's an illusion, or is it an occasional good condition?

When Sister Liu went to work in the supermarket, her colleagues said that she became younger today.

Then on the third day, her white hair was gone, and her bulging belly seemed to be flatter.

On the fourth day, the wrinkles on her face were less, and her skin was smooth to the touch?

On the fifth day, she weighed herself, and her weight changed from 153 jin last month to 130 jin now.

Next, the sixth day, the seventh day...

In just half a month, Sister Liu 'rejuvenated', from a middle-aged person in her 40s to a young man in her early 20s.

In half a month, the middle-aged aunt turned into a young woman.

Sister Liu's friends were shocked, and the news media who got the news were also shocked. The relevant departments tried to suppress the news, but they couldn't suppress it.

For a while, countless people came to ask the secret of returning to youth.

Ms. Liu, who has a graceful figure, fair face, and pleasant voice, replied: "That night, I trampled to death a colorful cockroach, and the cockroach released a small ball of light, which entered my body, and then Since that day, I've gotten younger and younger."

Keyword: 'stomping cockroaches to death'

The 'Quacking Duck Gossip Rumors' program also talked about this matter:

The host Da Ga said mysteriously: "According to one of Da Ga's close friends, that cockroach is the legendary 'lucky cockroach', as long as you step on it to death, you can get the blessing of the cockroach god."

The host Xiaoga took out a glass bottle, which contained a colorful cockroach, "Even if we are a nonsense show, please don't spread false rumors. This is a colorful cockroach caught by our director himself , it has nothing different from ordinary cockroaches except for its color."

Big Karma waved his hands and shook his head, making a look of 'refusing to accept reality': "No, no, you are a fake, others are just real materials, not every 'colorful cockroach' is a 'lucky cockroach' '."

Xiao Ga: "Whether it's in color or in a single color, friends in front of the TV, if you encounter a living cockroach in your life, I suggest you step on it to death."

Da Ga made an exaggerated expression: "The cockroach was sad when he heard it, and the cockroach shed tears when he heard it. Can this world be better?"


All in all, the story of the 'lucky cockroach' spread in the mandarin fish market.


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