Little God Big Cockroach

Chapter 176 The God of Mushrooms

that evening.

The sky in Donggu City was gray, and suddenly, tiny snowflakes floated in the sky.

—It’s snowing, very, very, very snowy.

Lian Ze felt cold and didn't want to hang out, so he returned to the hotel early.

When passing by the front desk, the receptionist at the front desk stopped him: "Mr. Lian!"

Lian Ze stopped in his tracks, "Huh? Did you call me?"

Receptionist: "Yes."

"What's the problem?"

"An hour ago, someone who claimed to be your friend gave you this—"

While talking, the receptionist brought a basket from behind. The basket was full of mushrooms. At a glance, there were about six kinds of mushrooms.

Lian Ze asked strangely, "Why did he give me this?"

Receptionist: "Probably because you are friends."

"None of my friends told me about it. Did he tell you his name?"

"No. I asked him, and he said, as long as I tell you that he is your friend, you will know."

"Ha... that's a pity, I didn't know."

"He has a mushroom head and looks like this - he wears thick black-rimmed glasses, and he is about this tall - it feels very recognizable, do you know him?" - The receptionist said and gestured.

"I really don't know."

"Ah... If that's the case, it's our negligence."

"Forget it, maybe it's a friend who likes to play pranks on me, I want this basket of mushrooms."

"Okay. We have specially asked the chef to check these mushrooms. They are all edible and non-toxic mushrooms. They are of very high quality."

"I want to make a hot pot in my room. Please prepare it. The ingredients are the same as last time, but don't be alone."



Lian Ze walked into the guest room carrying a basket of mushrooms.

He made a pot of hot tea, and after drinking two cups, he picked out a Donggu from the basket, held it in his hand and looked around.

"What a beautiful mushroom."

He is not a 'glutton', and he doesn't have much enthusiasm for food, but after all, he has lived for a long time, no matter how he doesn't care about ingredients, he knows no less than relevant experts.

The quality of these mushrooms is very high, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are 'one in a million' among the same species of mushrooms.

But right now, this basket of mushrooms is all 'one in a million'.

Even if the laboratory carefully cultivates one by one, there are no thousands of 800 million, and this big basket cannot be cultivated.


Manpower is too difficult to do, that is strange power and chaos.

"Heh~ Never mind, let's talk after eating."


Not long after, the waiter brought hot pot utensils, tableware, ingredients and other items.

Lian Ze opened the window, and at the place near the window, a person started a hot pot.

Mushroom soup base is used for hot pot, the main material is mushroom, supplemented with fresh fish bones, shrimp, crab meat, red dates, goji berries, longan, lotus seeds and other materials.

The soup base is heated and boiled. After a little seasoning, take a sip. The taste is extremely delicious. The delicacy of mountains and seafood is all in one pot.

Rinse slices of tofu, add a piece of Xianggu slices, put a coriander, press a piece of fat beef, stack a piece of fish that comes out of the water, dip a little special dipping sauce made by the hotel chef, put it in your mouth, ( ̄~ ̄) chew!

"Meow~ Meow~"

Lian Ze shook his head and looked happy, with such delicacies, the emperor would not let him.

Then there was another big meal.

The deliciousness of mushrooms made him seem to have entered a new world.

In his field of vision, the air is filled with blue water, blue, white, and pink jellyfish float on the ceiling, groups of cannonball fish come and go through the wall, and a warm yellow sky light spreads from the window And to, like a high-speed passage to heaven.

A white-haired mandarin duck-eyed lion cat walked towards him step by step from the heavenly road step by step with arrogant model steps, but no matter how the cat walked, there seemed to be a distance that could never be crossed between the two.

Ever since, Lian Ze saw this cat that looked exactly like Snow White walking towards him... coming... coming... but never coming.

He put his head in his hands and cried out:


"You silly cat, why is it always you?!"

"Don't ruin my dream!

! ”

——He knew that what he saw was false.

Lianze's current situation is similar to that of mushroom poisoning, and what appears before his eyes are mostly hallucinations.

If the illusion is beautiful enough, it is not unacceptable, but... the beauty he saw has just begun, and it was destroyed by a 'white cat from the sky'.


Lian Ze didn't want to see the 'Paradise Cat', he turned around, with his feet on the back of the sofa, his head on the arm of the sofa, and his eyes looking at the ceiling.

At this time, a voice sounded in his ear:

"Don't pretend, I know you are not deluded by hallucinations."

——Slightly immature voice, sounds like a fourteen or five-year-old boy.

Lian Ze turned his head and saw that the mushrooms on the table turned into cartoons one by one, and they all started to move.

One of them changed into big eyes and a small mouth, and the voice just now came out of it.

"Huh? What are you?" - a frivolous tone.

As he said that, Lian Ze flicked his fingers at the mushroom, sending him flying into the hot pot. ——This is a kind of warning, telling the other party that you are the 'big boss'.

Mogu next to him replaced Mogu who was thrown away. After changing his appearance, his tone became more humble: "I am the god of Donggu. Unknown god, I beg you not to destroy the peace of Donggu City. I like it very much." This city, if I could, I would stay here until the end of the world."

Lian Ze looked a little drunk: "Yawn~ Coincidentally, I am also a peace-loving person."

"You are looking for traces of the Great Bug God."

"This is about my Insect Palace."

"I can tell you where the Great Bug God is going."

"If you want to live, you better know nothing."

"I'm sorry, I'm rude." ——Weak little Donggu.

"I'm just playing a small game with them. Winning or losing won't affect the peace here."


Hearing this, the God of Winter Solitary felt a lot more relieved, he didn't think the other party would deceive people about this kind of thing.

After being silent for a few seconds, he felt that he had to disclose some information to prevent the other party from blaming him, so he said, "I still feel sorry... A few days ago, a particularly weird beast god passed by here. , I didn't mean to be overly concerned about many anomalies."

"Where did the beast god go?"

"To the southeast."

"Is it after the battle in the northwest a few days ago?"


"What's weird about her?"

"The evil spirit is extremely heavy, and the filth and darkness are unclear."

"Sounds like a killing god."

"I'm sorry to say something impolite. Seeing you, I think I can still live well. Seeing her, I just feel that I will be her food."

"If so, you, the 'God of Winter Solitary', should be more careful."

"Thank you for your concern."

"There's nothing else, just leave. If it's not safe here, you can go to the mandarin fish market."


The mushroom on the table made an effort to 'bend down' and bowed, and immediately changed back to an ordinary mushroom.

The phantom in front of Lian Ze disappeared, and the 'horizon' returned to normal.

"...It's a pity."

If there were no cats, such a world would be quite beautiful.




Headquarters of the 'Spicy Hot Pot' organization.

Xiong Shanshan is in a certain room, doing inspection work alone.

On the table in front of her, there was a pile of finely divided garbage, including dirty, smelly, kitchen waste, and paper scraps, which looked disgusting.

In addition to garbage, there are some tools and instruments on the table.

Xiong Shanshan holds tweezers in her right hand, picks up a small piece of garbage, and puts it under a special instrument that looks like a microscope. Then she moves her eyes to the "observation part" (the position of the eyepiece) of the instrument to observe.

——With the help of this instrument, the user can observe the magic residue of the object.

If the professional knowledge is sufficient, even from the observed appearance, the approximate original outline of the residual spell can be deduced.

Xiong Shanshan is not that professional, she only needs to find the 'spell remnants' and leave the rest to real experts.

"Hey... how disgusting, what is this, why is it like snot?"

"Cigarette butt, it's the first time I think you are so cute."

"Rotten oranges, tsk!"

"This disposable glove, oops, what a disgusting thing it's stained with, it stinks to death."



At this time, someone pushed open the door of the room.

——It's a 'insulated mug'.

She stood at the door and asked, "Sister Xiong, it's 10:30, do you want to stay and work overtime?"

Xiong Shanshan said dejectedly: "I and this pile of garbage, only one can live tonight."

"Hmm... that, I don't know what to say, this... Even if I find it, it doesn't seem to be of much help to the search for the 'Evil God's Box', right?"

"I'm too lazy to care about that box. If the world is going to be destroyed, it will be destroyed. I just want to find out what that evil god is!"

"Okay... good night, Miss Xiong. I left a supper in the refrigerator. Remember to eat it when you're hungry. If you don't, I'll have it for breakfast tomorrow."

"Understood~ Miser."

"That's called saving food, and, besides, I'm a poor ghost." After finishing speaking, he closed the door and left.



Xiong Shanshan didn't stop moving her hands. She picked up a dead cockroach from the garbage, and said: "This girl hates cockroaches the most."

Put it under the instrument and look down...

"Aha!"—Suddenly excited.

"Found it! It's this cockroach!"

She endured nausea and rummaged through the garbage all night. If she found nothing, not only would she be depressed for three months, she might also be made fun of those hurtful jokes for three months.

Now it was confirmed that her hard work was not in vain, and tomorrow she would be able to appear in front of those people with dignity again.

"Hmph, little boy, let alone a cockroach, even if you are a maggot, this girl will dig you out of the trash!"


This doesn't seem like something worth comparing to bad, does it?

Looking down, "The cockroach."

Look up and think for a moment: "God of the cockroach?"

He lowered his head and took another look: "God Cockroach?!"


It is said that the more harmful a creature is to humans, the stronger the evil god it represents.

"How is that possible!"

Xiong Shanshan patted her forehead to blow away the wild thoughts in her mind, then took a bag and put the cockroach in it.

She had seen the appearance of the evil god during the day. The worm had sharp teeth and horny protruding mouth. It looked hard. It didn't look like a cockroach at all, but more like a stag beetle or something with a hard shell.

——In addition to this reason, it may also be because she is afraid of cockroaches, and she hopes in her heart that there is no 'God of Cockroaches' in this world.


Xiong Shanshan took the cockroaches that had observed problems and came to the entrance of the first floor.

knock knock ~

——Knock twice, wait for a few seconds, then push the door open and enter.

Inside is a small mushroom cultivating room, dedicated to a rare member of the 'Mage' in 'Spicy Hot Pot'.

After Xiong Shanshan came in, she yelled, "Gutou Mo, I know you're here, come out quickly."

As soon as her voice fell, a boy with mushroom hair came out from a dark corner.

Both eyes of 'Mogutou' were covered under bangs, and his voice was a little immature: "Sister Xiong, it's so late, what can I do for you?"

Xiong Shanshan extended her right hand: "Help me analyze it."

"This is... a cockroach?"

"I found traces of the evil god's spells on it?"

"What do you want to know?" ——'Mo Gutou' took the small bag, looked at the contents, and spoke a little absent-mindedly.

"I want to know what that guy's body is, and... see if there is any matching data from 'Tianling'. Hey, did you listen to me?"

"...Yes, of course."

"Hey, tell me, is it possible that the evil god is the 'cockroach god'?"

"No...not possible."

"Although I also think it's impossible, I just can't help worrying. The thought of a cockroach god makes me feel uncomfortable."

"The evil god is full of tricks and unpredictable changes. He is not necessarily the insect god."

"I saw him with a worm's head."

"But the 'vegetarian bird' spell obviously has nothing to do with bugs. And it's possible that the bug's head was deliberately changed by him to confuse you, including this cockroach."

"Wow - what you said made me enlightened. When I was on the construction site that day, I saw that he had hands, but when he was in the dessert shop, he hid his hands. This, this, this evil god is too cunning !”——angrily.



'Mogutou' then flickered... Oh no, it was a few reminders, and finally turned around with the bag in hand: "Spell analysis is not so fast, I will send you a message when the results come out."

Xiong Shanshan had an 'honest' expression: "Thank you, I will treat you to hot pot some other day."


After the other party left, Mo Gutou put the bag containing the cockroaches on the experiment table, while he folded his arms and sat on the chair for a long time without saying a word.

Blattella, also known as cockroach.

The gods related to "cockroach" here are only one great god of the insect palace, "general cockroach".

Cockroaches will come here to look for traces of the giant stink bug. — This is very reasonable.

The probability of this guess is very high.

Now, he faces a difficult problem: whether to test the cockroaches.

It's like a scumbag facing a test paper that hides the score.

After looking at the score, if the score is very low, then the mood will not be good for the whole day, and if the parents find out, they may have a meal of belt buckle meat;

But if the score is not low...

"Give up fantasy and keep your feet on the ground."

'Mogutou' didn't dare to go deep after all, he grabbed the bag on the table and threw it into the mushroom incubator beside it.

Mycelium spread in the box, covering the bag in a short while, decomposing the bag and its contents.

——The Great God is like an abyss, and the abyss cannot be seen.

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