Entertainment 2004 began with supporting roles

Chapter 245 Which heroine to choose as wife

In the few days since she came back, Shen Xiu first worked out the songs to be sung in the Spring Festival Gala.

In fact, there was already an idea in his mind, after much deliberation, he decided to slap his head and grab the wool of the second brother Wang.

This song, although the melody is very simple, but the lyrics are very rich.

Shen Xiu could already imagine that when he finished singing this song on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, there would definitely be overwhelming reports the next day.

The only pity is that it is not yet the era of Weibo. A certain wave just launched this software at the end of the year, and no one takes this platform seriously.

Otherwise, maybe just after singing, it will directly airborne to the top of the hot search, with countless super words.

So on the second day after I came back, I first wrote the lyrics at home, and then took out my computer and made a simple demo.

Then, Shen Xiu went to Haidish during this period of time, and borrowed their equipment to perfect the tune.

The speed of making music out of thin air and making music with a score in mind is not at the same level at all.

Originally, it took at least a month to polish a song like this, but Shen Xiu only took about a week to complete it.

In the end, I sang it a few times in the recording studio to get familiar with the breathing rhythm, and the song was completed.

"This song is the song you want to perform in the Spring Festival Gala. It's very powerful."

Bi Xiaoshi applauded while admiring. If nothing unexpected happened to this song, as long as he finished singing on stage, he could already think of the follow-up reaction.

"It's okay, time is a bit tight, I can only write the melody simpler."

Shen Xiu accepted the compliment without changing her face, and said Versailles by the way.

After the two chatted for a few words, Shen Xiu left here.

The song is done, and the rest is just to go there and rehearse it when the time comes. As for whether to let him lip-sync, let's talk about it.

He didn't care about whether to turn on the microphone or not. This kind of stage was not a place to show off his skills. What he wanted was to avoid accidents and be orderly.

But after this matter was settled, Shen Xiu didn't have time to rest, and immediately followed the crew to attend the press conference of the premiere TV station.

There is nothing to say about this press conference. In terms of grandeur, it is naturally not as grand and grand as when Shen Xiu participated in the Divine Sculpture last time.

However, last time I was not the lead actor, the whole process had nothing to do with me.

But this time, during the press conference, the host had to cue himself twice from time to time, asking himself to answer various small questions.

Still at the scene, let him and Brother Hu perform a martial arts scene in front of the audience.

Afterwards, Liu Sisi was also asked to play a set of Yang's guns on stage, but the girl seemed to be out of shape today, she was a little unsteady after several moves, and almost threw the wooden gun in her hand.

Fortunately, he recovered his form in the end, and after making a beautiful return to the carbine, he closed the move.

After handing the wooden gun to the staff, Liu Sisi returned to her seat.

Because the seats are arranged according to roles, Liu Sisi sat next to Shen Xiu, and Shen Xiu couldn't help feeling a little worried when she saw that her face was pale.

Shen Xiu moved her head closer, and asked in a low voice of concern, "What's wrong with you today? Are you feeling unwell?"

Liu Sisi suppressed the discomfort, and said softly, "I don't know. When I woke up in the morning, I felt a little dizzy. I don't have much appetite today."

Seeing that her complexion was so bad, Shen Xiu suggested, "Why don't you go to the hospital to have a look after the show is over."

Upon hearing this, Liu Sisi shook her head slightly: "No need, it should be fine tomorrow."

She felt that maybe she just didn't have a good rest, and she didn't want to make Shen Xiu worry too much.

Seeing this, Shen Xiu could only hide her worries in her heart and wait until the show was over.

The entire press conference lasted for two hours. Although Liu Sisi was a little uncomfortable at first and didn't speak much, she seemed to regain some vitality and began to smile, occasionally interjecting a few words to show her presence.

All Shen Xiu's attention was on her. Seeing that she seemed to be in good condition later on, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After the press conference, the team was divided into several groups, each of which accepted live interviews from different media.

Shen Xiu and Liu Sisi were naturally assigned together, after all, their roles were husband and wife.

In a room with a simple layout, three people sat on high chairs. They were interviewed by an entertainment talk show on a certain network, and the host was a relatively young female host.

"Welcome everyone to watch. Today we are broadcasting entertainment interviews for you. The handsome men and beautiful women who came to our studio today are Yang Kang and Mu Nianci who played the roles of the new version of Shooting the Condors. Welcome both of you."

"Hi everyone, I'm Shen Xiu"

"I'm Liu Sisi, it's a pleasure to meet you all."

First, he made a simple opening, and then the camera pointed at the two of them, and they also faced the camera and greeted the audience watching the live broadcast.

It might be the first time for the hostess to meet Shen Xiu face to face, her tone was a little trembling, obviously very excited.

However, he calmed down immediately, and first talked about some issues that had nothing to do with the TV series as an entry point.

"What have you two been doing in the past few days, can you briefly tell everyone, especially Shen Xiu, we haven't seen you for a long time, please tell me first."

"Me? I just returned to China some time ago, and I've been staying at home since then, occasionally going out for shopping or something." Shen Xiu calmly replied with a natural look.

"How about you Liu Sisi, tell everyone what you've been doing recently." The hostess continued to ask, as a professional host, she couldn't favor one person over another.

It was originally a simple question, but it made Liu Sisi a little difficult to answer for a while. The reason was that the real situation was that she and Shen Xiu had been staying together recently, but there was no way to say this.

Her little brain couldn't quickly make up a set of rhetoric, so she could only subconsciously look at Shen Xiu.

It was Shen Xiu who saw that something was wrong, and said directly to save the situation: "I guess she must be at home recently, because when we met and chatted together a few days ago, she said that she hadn't gone out for several days."

"Yes, I've been staying at home recently, and the company doesn't have any arrangements, and the Chinese New Year is coming up soon, so I'll help the family with some work." Liu Sisi followed Shen Xiu's words, and it was considered to have settled the matter.

The host didn't suspect him, but when he heard the two of them say that they had been in contact recently, their eyes lit up and they continued to ask: "Speaking of which, both of you are from Yanjing. Will the two sides make an appointment to get together?"

Faced with this question, the two looked at each other, and it was Shen Xiu who took the words: "Actually, we are usually very busy at work, and there are very few opportunities for everyone to come out to meet each other. This year, the two of us will be the same as before." After filming, when we went back to Yanjing together, we went out for a walk the next day."

Liu Sisi nodded in agreement with a smile, she couldn't make up such a freshly made up words, it all depended on Shen Xiu.

"Really? I'm curious about one thing. Do you usually wear sunglasses when you go out? Liu Sisi, tell me first."

I have to say that this hostess is very dedicated, seeing that Liu Sisi doesn't speak, she will specifically roll her name.

"Well, I usually don't wear it when I go out, because no one knows me, but I know that Shen Xiu will definitely wear it. He not only wears sunglasses, but also wears a mask. Every time I see him, he They are all tightly wrapped around their faces.”

Liu Sisi answered this question very easily, and even helped Shen Xiu answer it together.

"Haha, it seems that you understand this aspect very well."

"Yes, because every time I see him, he looks like this."

The two women couldn't help laughing out there, it seemed that this incident hit their point of laughter.

The whole atmosphere also became a little cheerful, and after the three of them chatted with each other for a while, both sides became acquainted.

The host asked Shen Xiu mischievously, "Who do you think is handsome, you or Brother Hu?"

Shen Xiu pretended to be embarrassed, pointed at Liu Sisi and said with a smile: "I think it's better for girls to answer this question, I can't say it."

The host turned his gaze: "Then Liu Sisi, what do you think?"

When Liu Sisi was asked, she first glanced at Shen Xiu with a smile on her face, then covered her mouth and snickered: "Me? I think Shen Xiu must be handsome."

The host smiled and asked, as if he didn't think it was a big deal: "Is it because Shen Xiu is sitting next to you today that you said that?"

Liu Sisi glanced at Shen Xiu with a smile on her lips, and said bluntly, "Hahaha, no~"

After chatting about daily life, the host also brought the topic to matters related to TV dramas.

"Because after the two starred in this TV series together, many netizens felt that the two of you are a good match. May I ask, how is your usual relationship?"

After finishing speaking, Shen Xiu and Liu Sisi glanced at each other, the corners of their mouths were unconsciously smiling, and Liu Sisi even covered her mouth to prevent the camera from capturing the corners of her crazily raised mouth.

"We have a good relationship, and we both belong to Yanjing, so we usually keep in touch."

After Liu Sisi calmed down, she sat there with a smile on her face, watching Shen Xiu's performance.

"Then what kind of girl do you think Liu Sisi is in your eyes?"

"I think she is actually a very simple girl, she usually sits very quietly and doesn't make noise, so everyone in the crew likes her very much."

"What about Liu Sisi, what kind of person is Shen Xiu in your eyes?"

"Me, let me think about it." When Liu Sisi was asked, she subconsciously glanced at Shen Xiu. She carefully searched for the word in her mind, trying to make up some words, but she didn't know how to describe it. I spoke out my true feelings.

"I think he is a very stable person, and he is very mature, and he usually takes good care of me. Of course, not only me, but also others."

"Okay, did you two read the original book before filming this movie?"

"No." Liu Sisi replied straightforwardly, and smiled embarrassedly.

"What about Shen Xiu, have you read it?"

"I've seen it, but I only watched Yang Kang's part."

"So you're not a Jin Yong fan?"

"Well, strictly speaking, I don't count, because I only read a few books, and I haven't read all of them."

Shen Xiu has nothing to hide about this matter. If she has seen it, she has seen it. If she has not seen it, she has not seen it. There is no need to set up a person, otherwise it will easily overturn.

"Then if you were asked to pick the favorite heroine in Mr. Jin Yong's book as your wife, who would you choose? Would it be Xiaolongnu?"

The host was obviously trying to mess things up, and he asked Shen Xiu to answer such a question with a gloating expression on his face.

Shen Xiu forced a smile, and cursed inwardly, who prepared this question, are you sure you didn't want to mess with me?

Before he could answer, he felt a scorching gaze on his face. Who else could it be? Naturally, it was Liu Sisi staring at him, showing a faint smile.

"Well, I think I'll pick Mu Nianci."

Shen Xiu is directly full of EQ. If he dares to say other answers to this kind of question, especially the answer to Xiaolongnu, if he goes back tonight, Liu Sisi will inevitably be "beaten up"

"Really? Why?" The host pretended to be surprised, but in fact he sighed in his heart, and the good news was gone.

She had already figured it out, if Shen Xiu replied that it was Xiaolongnv, she would immediately publish a report.

Answer Mu Nianci, but there is no hot topic, because the audience will only think that he is promoting a TV series, so he said so.

"Because Mu Nianci has an obsession with love, which is very attractive to me. I think that kind of quality of devotion to his lover is very valuable."

"I heard that you washed Mu Nianci's feet in the play, is that true?" The host continued to ask Shen Xiu the next question.

"Yes, actually, when we were filming, we both washed each other's feet. However, the scene where she washed my feet didn't pass, so it was deleted."

"Will you feel embarrassed? It's time to shoot again."

"I think as an actor, if this kind of thing is needed by the plot, it's nothing."

"What about Liu Sisi, how did you feel when you washed his feet?"

"Haha, it's okay. At that time, what I thought in my heart was that it's not a bad thing for me to wash the handsome guy's feet."

"Speaking of which, Liu Sisi, it's also your first kiss scene in this drama. According to our understanding, this is your first on-screen kiss. Did you feel nervous when filming?"

After Shen Xiu listened to the host's question to Liu Sisi, she felt happy. He knew that when the two kissed, they didn't even borrow their seats.

Liu Sisi also thought of the scene at that time, and said with a shy expression: "Well, it's okay, I will be a little nervous, mainly because there are many staff members around, and that feeling will be very strange."

"Then which scene left the deepest impression on you? Was it the first kissing scene?"

"Actually, the scene that impressed me the most was in the Chinese Paladin III we just finished filming some time ago, when I played the role of Solanum nigrum, there was a scene where for some reason, I only needed to wear colored contact lenses for two hours. , I shot for a whole day, and then my eyes became inflamed..."

Liu Sisi answered seriously and shared her experience, but she seemed to have forgotten that this was an exclusive interview with Shooting Condors.

Seeing that she was so absorbed in speaking, Shen Xiu could only "cough", stretched out her hand and patted her shoulder, interrupting her speech.

Liu Sisi was taken aback by his sudden movement, and looked back at Shen Xiu in doubt, not understanding why he did this.

"We are now an exclusive interview with Shooting Condors..."

Shen Xiu reminded her softly, and Liu Sisi suddenly realized, she lowered her head in embarrassment, realizing that she had committed a crime.

It was the host who saw the opportunity to smooth things over, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't have to be this drama, it's okay."


Time passed quickly, and this interview is drawing to a close.

The host saw that the time was almost up, and he also finished it: "At the end of the show, tell the audience who supported you, and tell them New Year's wishes."

Liu Sisi put her hands together first, smiled at the camera, and said, "Then let me wish you all a happy new year. I wish you good health, smooth career, and progress in your studies."

Shen Xiu also smiled at the camera and said: "Then I wish my fans a new start in the new year, and I will continue to work hard to give back to everyone with good works."

"Okay, that's the end of our live broadcast for today, all viewers, see you next time."



The three of them waved their hands at the camera, and then, after the live broadcast was cut off, several people lowered their arms, and this interview came to an end.

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