Hualiu Director

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Mao Tanglong and Song Yuemei lived in the same neighborhood since they were young. The parents of the two families had a good relationship. They were classmates in elementary school and junior high school. Tang Long was only a little mischievous, Song Yuemei's perception of him was not that bad.

Later, when she grew up, Song Yuemei helped out in her family's noodle shop, while Mao Tanglong entered a state-owned factory under the operation of his father and got a job.

Later, Song Yuemei's father coveted that Mao Tanglong's family were all regular employees of the state-owned factory, so he deliberately matched the two young people.

Song Yuemei didn't have any opinions at that time, and she listened to whatever the family arranged for her, but Mao Tanglong had long been salivating at the graceful Song Yuemei, and naturally agreed wholeheartedly.

In all fairness, Mao Tanglong's parents were pretty good, they lived in harmony at first, and Song Xiaohan was born the next year.

But when Cai Fang appeared, Song Yuemei's nightmare began.

Cai Fang is not a local, but moved from another area. It is said that she used to work as a waiter in a hotel in Shanghai, and then returned home after suffering from a serious illness. No one knows what the illness is.

Later, Cai Fang recognized a production team leader as her brother, and then entered the state-owned factory where Mao Tanglong worked.

At that time, Mao Tanglong's father was still the director of the department in the factory, so Cai Fang quickly followed him, and Mao Tanglong was seduced by the coquettish Cai Fang, and he became out of control ever since.

Soon Song Yuemei noticed something strange about her husband, but in exchange for her more careful and gentle care, Mao Tanglong became more unscrupulous.

Soon Mao Tanglong got mixed up with Cai Fang's older brothers and younger brothers, and he was all infected with pornography, gambling and drugs.

In this way, the originally happy Xiaojia began to break down. Mao Tanglong also showed his ferocious side after sinking again and again. From the first time he hit Song Yuemei after drinking, he was out of control. He fully proved that The correctness of the sentence "there are only 0 times and countless times of domestic violence".

The young Song Xiaohan also begged her father not to beat her mother from the beginning, and then she became beaten together with her mother.

After two or three years of endless domestic violence, one day Mao Tanglong brought Cai Fang back home with a big belly. Song Yuemei had no choice but to cry and beg her parents-in-law to uphold justice, but Mao Tanglong just said "I did b Fuck it, it's a boy."Since then, Song Yuemei lost the last person who was willing to speak for their mother and daughter.

It's not that Song Yuemei has never thought about getting divorced, but her natal brother has already married, and her sister-in-law is unreasonable. She was afraid that the elder sister would go home and compete with her for the family property after the divorce, so she sent a message early in the morning, saying that even if Song Yuemei got divorced, she could not go back to her natal home. .

Although Song's father and Song's mother went to Mao's house to quarrel several times, they didn't let their daughter divorce in the end because of their reputation.

In addition, Song Yuemei was a lonely woman who wanted to give her daughter a complete family and a place to stay. In the end, she swallowed all the humiliation and acquiesced to all of this.

until that happened.

Mao Tanglong has never changed since he got into those bad habits. Once he lost too much in a gamble, he was really not good enough, and even colluded with creditors to make his wife faint...

After Song Yuemei woke up, she went to call the police, but both the creditor and Mao Tanglong insisted that it was masturbation. When the police saw Mao Tanglong's husband, they all said it was masturbation, and finally let it go.

The desperate Song Yuemei thought about committing suicide, but she let go of her young daughter Mao Xiaohan, thinking that if she left, her life would be ruined.

Divorce, this time Song Yuemei was extremely firm, her only request was to take away her daughter Mao Xiaohan, and the Mao family couldn't wish for this request.

So on the night when Song Yuemei's mother and daughter moved out of Mao's house, Cai Fang grandly entered the Mao's house with the child in her arms.

"He has never given my mother a penny for so many years, all my living expenses and tuition fees are earned by my mother doing odd jobs.

Later, my mother couldn't bear to be judged by outsiders, so she took me to Shanghai to work. From the beginning, she worked as a nanny for others, and then she opened her own noodle shop step by step.

Six years ago, my mother accidentally learned from a fellow villager that my patriarchal grandfather had passed away. My mother thought he was my blood relative after all. She hadn’t seen my grandparents for several years, so she took me back to my hometown. .

I thought that my mother, who was already financially independent, would get the respect she deserved when she went back, but she didn't expect to be humiliated and cursed in return.

That’s when I swore that I would become famous, earn a lot of money, buy the best house in my hometown, display the most expensive wine, and make everyone who looked down on my mother envy her.

But because I was not good enough at a young age, it was difficult to keep up with my studies, so I had the idea of ​​becoming an artist, and finally went to Korea as a trainee..."

Song Xiaohan finished telling the story between her and her mother, and it was the first time she told people about it. Although there were tears in her eyes for some reason, she felt much better.

After listening to Song Xiaohan's story, Lin Hong really felt distressed. This small body bears so much pain and hatred, and the responsibility she is willing to shoulder. How did she bear it? How hard it must be ah.

Lin Hong got up and sat beside her. At this moment, he just wanted to give him a hug as a comfort.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, it's okay, it's okay."

Song Xiaohan may have broken her defenses psychologically. She hid in Lin Hong's arms and cried wantonly. The waiters who passed by wanted to come up to ask, but Lin Hong waved her away. At this time, letting her cry is more important than anything else. .

In this way, Song Xiaohan cried for more than ten minutes. When she finally calmed down and stopped crying, she realized that the current state of the two of them was too ambiguous, so she quickly let go of Lin Hong's embrace, her face The blushing looks like a thick blush, but the two eyes are also a little red and swollen from crying.

Lin Hong sat back in her seat, and in order to relieve Song Xiaohan's embarrassment, she could only bring her food.

"Come and eat a piece of potato, if you don't eat it, it will be rotten!"

Song Xiaohan didn't refuse this time, she picked up the chopsticks and took a bite, which really relieved a lot of embarrassment.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Lin Hong poured another glass of coconut juice for Song Xiaohan, and scooped up another ball for her.

"I want to make my debut first, and then sign a brokerage company. I will still focus on singing. Although singing and dancing are not bad, I still like slow songs, because I want to sing songs that my mother can understand and like!"

Song Xiaohan is actually a little unconfident when talking about these things. The current music scene is getting more and more difficult. Many albums of famous singers cannot be sold. The top sales charts are basically dance music and rap of traffic stars.

"Then I'll sign you!"

Lin Hong fed another piece of fat cow and extended an invitation at the same time.

"Were you serious before?"

What Song Xiaohan asked was what Lin Hong said to the Mao family in the morning.

"of course."

Lin Hong was very sure.

"Why? I mean if you want to sign a singer, many famous singers will be willing."

"You may know from the news that I formed a film and television company with a few friends, but Li Xian and I didn't have an agency contract with our company, nor did we sign an artist. It's too troublesome.

And the music company I'm preparing for is purely because of the needs of my younger sister Lin Qinglan. I don't want her to be bullied in other companies. There is a place where she can purely make music.

The same goes for wanting to sign you.

I just want you, like Lin Qinglan, to have a place to purely make the music you like, without being influenced by the outside world.

In this company that serves only the two of you, you have the greatest freedom to express your musical talents to the fullest.You just sing and leave the rest to the company. "

Song Xiaohan ate a piece of fat cow. She was not particularly satisfied with Lin Hong's answer, because Lin Hong avoided a very important question.

"You want to chase me?"

Lin Hong originally wanted to feed a quail egg, but when he suddenly heard Song Xiaohan's fierce question, he was so frightened that he couldn't hold it, and a piece of red oil splashed out. Otherwise, you have to make a mess.

But thinking about it, Song Xiaohan is not an ordinary woman, she is a cool drama heroine who can tear up the sluts and fight directly, so it doesn't seem to be a big deal to ask this question.

"Yes, I've thought about it from the first time I saw you. Although some of what I said to the three of them were to bluff them, what I said to you was true.

I've made up my mind, when this show is over, I'm going to chase you formally, and I'm going to visit my aunt in Shanghai with you. "

Since Song Xiaohan is a special girl, then Lin Hong can't be cowardly, men should always be thick-skinned.

Song Xiaohan didn't seem particularly happy, nor angry, but continued to eat what Lin Hong fed.

"But you are already a famous director, and you will cooperate with many beautiful actresses in the future, I'm not sure if you will change your mind like him.

So, I thank you for every kindness you have given me, and I can also appreciate your concern and love, but I am sorry, it is impossible for me to accept you, maybe I will never accept anyone in my life.

Thank you for everything you do for me, really appreciate it.I will return the medical expenses you paid in advance and today’s money to you as soon as possible, and thank you for the signing of the company, but I cannot accept it.Sorry! "

Seeing Song Xiaohan bowed his head to eat to cover up his emotions, Lin Hong couldn't think of a better way for a while.

It is said that childhood misfortune takes a lifetime to heal, and Song Xiaohan's childhood experience can no longer be described in just the word shadow, it should be a nightmare.So Song Xiaohan's mentality of refusing to love and be loved by Lin Hong is completely understandable.

Lin Hong is a little lost. He has traveled to this world for more than half a year, and he has continuously proved his worth with his works. Not to mention that he is worth hundreds of millions, he still has tens of millions. Moreover, he became famous at a young age, and he also has a lot of connections in the entertainment circle. up.But why were the courtship rejected twice in a row?Thinking of these Lin Hong could only helplessly smile.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing. I thought of a red-haired fool who was said to have been rejected 50 times. I hope I won't be as unlucky as him!"

Although he was rejected tragically, Lin Hong did not give up. He didn't just change Yingmu Huadao when he was rejected.Song Xiaohan is different from Yao Yao, she is not disturbed by the outside world, but because of self-enclosed, such Song Xiaohan, how can Lin Hong stop liking her.

"Let me tell you a story!"

"Story? What story?"

"Scientists discovered a whale called Alice during the marine scientific research. The strange thing is that no matter how Alice calls, she can't get any response from the same kind. In the eyes of other whales, Alice is like a dumb.

Later, scientists discovered that the frequency that Alice emits is 52 Hz, while the frequency that normal whales can receive is only 15-25 Hz. Her frequency has always been different, so the sound she makes cannot be received by the same species at all.

Alice has not had a single friend for many years, no one hears her when she sings, and no one pays attention to her when she is sad.Therefore, she is also doomed to be alone all her life.

However, Alice did not complain, nor did she stop her footsteps. Tracking records show that for decades, Alice has been singing alone, migrating and searching all the way, and she still did not stop until the last time she was recorded by humans. "

After Lin Hong's story was finished, Song Xiaohan's heart felt sad again, sad for the lonely Alice, and also for herself.

"In fact, there must be many people like Alice in this world. They live in loneliness and pain, but they don't have the same courage as Alice.

Xiao Xiao, no matter whether you accept my pursuit in the end, I hope you don't live in pain all the time, you can be as brave as Alice.

Don't stop looking for your own happiness, and don't block the happiness that is close to you.

Believe me, you, like alice, deserve a better life! "

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