Hualiu Director

Chapter 150 Receiving a Big Gift at the Celebration Banquet

Chapter 150 Receiving a Big Gift at the Celebration Banquet

November 11th is the so-called Singles' Day among netizens. Many people post dog food "nue" dogs on the Internet, or become licking dogs willingly in order to get rid of singles.

However, the group of bachelors in Hualiu Film and Television did not have time to think about the issue of leaving the singles, because today is the celebration banquet of their company "Life Kiss Me Pain".

Although Lin Hong is the chairman of Hualiu Film and Television, his seniority is too low. Whether it is a friend brought by Huang Li, or a teacher from Renyi or Jingying, Lin Hong must greet him at the door. He looks like a Same as the doorman.

"Oh, Mr. Jinshan, you're here. Thank you for coming. It's cold outside. Hurry up and get inside to warm up. There are many friends inside."

"Xiao Hai, come here quickly and give uncle a hug. I haven't seen you for a month and you've grown taller again. You can grow faster if you tell you to eat obediently!"


Just sent a few teachers from Jingying to the door, and saw a few familiar figures in the distance. They were Chen Ge's family of three, and there was a short, dark and thin man with him. Lin Hong was delighted to see it. Oh, isn't this Wang Baoqiang, a treasured actor who is seriously underestimated, no worse than the flower in Lin Hong's previous life.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, Mr. Wang. Kong Xiao, come here and take Director Chen Ge to your master. Chen Yu, you greet yourself. If you are too busy inside, you greet me."

Lin Hong was very grateful to Chen Ge for his help, and he was very close to their family. When Chen Ge heard that Lin Hong did not treat Chen Yu as a guest, but asked him to help greet the guests, he was not angry at all, but was very happy .

Lin Hong patted Chen Yu on the shoulder, and then Chen Yu and his parents signaled and went into the hotel first.

"Director Lin Hong, hello."

Lin Hong shook hands with several people respectively. When it was Wang Baoqiang's turn, Lin Hong found that his palms were covered with calluses. It seemed that the rumors that he practiced martial arts every day and returned to his hometown every year to do farm work were true.

"You all know me, so you don't need to introduce me. I brought Baoqiang here without saying hello to you. It's okay!"

"Director Chen Ge, look at what you said. I can't even invite a good actor like Baoqiang brother. It's too late for me to thank you for bringing me today."

Lin Hong's words are not polite. Wang Baoqiang is definitely a huge treasure in Lin Hong's eyes. He can do literary and commercial films, and his acting skills are definitely the ceiling among actors who are not trained in majors.

Wang Baoqiang originally thought that Lin Hong was only enthusiastic because of Chen Ge's face, but after talking for a while, he found that Lin Hong's enthusiasm was real.

"Brother Baoqiang, you and Director Chen Ge go to rest first, and I will talk to you later."

After sending a few people into the hotel, Kong Xiao looked around to see if there was no one there, approached Lin Hong and asked.

"Why, do you want to cooperate with Wang Baoqiang?"

Lin Hong gave Kong Xiao a thumbs up. This brother's ability to observe words and expressions is getting better and better, and he guessed it just from a few words between himself and Wang Baoqiang.

"Well, I heard that the film and television company under Huangmang Satellite TV has a film that will be released during the Spring Festival. I want to give it a try."

Lin Hong's light words made Kong Xiao's heartbeat almost stop on the spot in fright. His words were too informative.

Kong Xiao: "Spring Festival time?"

Lin Hong: "Yes."

Kong Xiao: "Just the Spring Festival in less than three months?"

Lin Hong: "Then what do you think?"

Kong Xiao: "Please, time is so tight, this is a theatrical movie, so be careful!"

Lin Hong: "Which of our films is slow to make, think about how long it took "Life Kiss Me Badly" from project approval to release, and I will ask you, is the Maserati you mentioned yesterday a show or not?"

Kong Xiao: "Sao."

Lin Hong: "Since it's a show, let's get busy starting tomorrow."


As more and more people showed up, the people on Lin Hong's invitation list were basically all there.

Just when Lin Hong was about to go in, another person appeared in Lin Hong's field of vision in a burst of flashing lights from peripheral reporters.

This time it was two uninvited guests, Mr. Huang and Han Jing. After the last dinner was fruitless, Han Jing was once again pulled by Huangmang Satellite TV to deal with the aftermath.

To be honest, Lin Hong not only couldn't bear to hate Han Jing, but actually had a good impression of him.

When Huangmang TV chose to support Wang Yang and Ke Dong, he was the first to visit Li Xian in the hospital, and later became a tool for Huangmang TV to communicate with Lin Hong. At that time, Lin Hong didn't give him a good face, but he Still not giving up, Lin Hong admired him just because of his face.

Everyone was a guest, and today was a celebration banquet. Of course, Lin Hong would not put on a bad face. He enthusiastically went up to shake hands with Mr. Huang and Han Jing. The reporters outside the hotel saw this scene and frantically took pictures.

Han Jing is the elder brother of Huangmang Satellite TV, and Lin Hong shook hands with Han Jing to make peace with Huangmang Satellite TV?

For a while, the photo of Lin Hong shaking hands with Han Jing spread rapidly on the Internet, and there were various speculations. At the same time, the news that Lin Hong held a celebration banquet in the capital also became popular.

Entering the banquet hall, hundreds of people are already playing their own games.

The celebration banquet is actually a rewarding conference. The organizer invites investors, hard-working employees and actors to reward them, and then others watch the organizer fill a cup, hoping that they can support the organizer's next film.This is the core of the celebration banquet.

On the stage, Lin Hong's good friend Chen Min acted as the master of ceremonies, and under his tandem, every guest felt at home.

There are usually singing and dancing performances at the celebration banquet, but this time there is no need to invite foreign aid. The two leading actors, Li Xian and Guo Ying, each contributed two songs, and Lin Qinglan was also arrested by Lin Hong. A "Snail" has now become the official theme song of Hualiu Film and Television, especially in line with the image of their opening animation and corporate logo as a snail struggling to make progress.

After the song and dance performance, there is a red envelope distribution session that everyone loves to see. The red envelopes of Hualiu employees have been distributed in the company yesterday.

The people who got the red envelopes were all smiles. From the thickness of the red envelopes, it can be seen that Hualiu really spent his money this time.

The next link is the producer Huang Li's speech.

Today, Huang Li is wearing a black suit, looking extraordinarily energetic.

"Thank you, thank you for coming tonight. Friends who know me know that unless the movie wins an award, I will not hold a celebration banquet, and even if I do, I will not invite so many people.


Because my movies basically never made any money! "

Huang Li's wave of self-deprecation won everyone in the audience to laugh. It is already a meme in the industry that Huang Li loses money in filming. Now it is a bit painful for him to say it himself, is really funny.

"Think about it, everyone. How can I even think about having a celebration party when I lose money? With this money, I might as well get the next movie to lose money!"

There was another burst of laughter in the audience, but this time everyone applauded.Huang Li is like this. Although he has lost money, he has never stopped thinking about making movies. As long as he has a good literary script, he can always continue his money-losing career with enthusiasm.If it's not because of love, then what is?

"I'm an old man in the film industry. It's the first time I know that making movies can really make money. Thank you Lin Hong and Hua Liu. It's you who gave me the first taste of having a celebration banquet after making money. This wine is really fragrant. ah!"

Speaking of which, Huang Li raised the wine glass in his hand and took a sip. There was applause from the audience, and many people also raised their glasses to clink glasses with Huang Li and then took a sip.

"This time "Life Kiss Me Painfully" is a big hit at the box office. Hualiu is the producer, and we Chunlei are the producers. You just gave out red envelopes, but we haven't done so yet."

Huang Li's words made the people who had just received the red envelopes cheer, how could Huang Li's red envelopes be so small at this time.

"Besides the cast and crew, who am I most grateful for?"

"Lin Hong~"

Everyone in the audience shouted out this name very cooperatively. Huang Li was obviously a little excited today. He drew two circles in the air with his fingers and then snapped them.

"That's right, it's Lin Hong. So far, the two of us have collaborated on two films. "Three Monks" won two awards for best short film in Cannes and Berlin, and this "Life Kiss Me Bitterly" is even better. Let me back a big mouthful of blood!"

Lin Hong in the audience took the lead in applauding. Although it seemed that Huang Li made money because of Lin Hong, in fact, without Huang Li's support, how could Lin Hong go so fast.

"Lin Hong, in order to commend your talent and hard work, Uncle Huang, I have prepared a small gift for you."

Lin Hong smiled cheerfully. It is normal for the producer and producer to give each other big red envelopes and gifts after making money. Lin Hong had ordered a box of Cuban cigars worth 25 yuan before and sent them to Chunlei. And what will Huang Li give Lin Hong?

This is what everyone is curious about, and Huang Li enjoys this kind of look that everyone is looking forward to.

The next moment, Huang Li's assistant came to the stage and handed him a delicate box. Huang Li waved to Lin Hong to signal him to come on stage.

Lin Hong was not too polite, he stepped onto the stage in two or three steps, and a staff member immediately handed over the microphone.

"Uncle Huang, what are you packing here?"

Lin Hong is very polite, he knows that Huang Li has a good face, so he creates a stage for him to hold glasses when he comes on stage.

"Originally, I wanted to give you a watch, but I was afraid that the girl would not like it!"

The news that Lin Hong fell in love with Song Xiaohan at first sight after buying a watch has spread all over the entertainment circle, but Huang Li was also playing this meme.

Hahaha~, the audience in the audience burst into laughter, especially Sister Hu who laughed the most. She has been drinking a lot of votes recently.

Lin Hong was a little embarrassed to be teased like this, he clasped his hands together and begged to be let go, and the scene became even more lively for a while.

"Okay, I'm not joking with you, take it, and open it for yourself."

Lin Hong took the box, it wasn't heavy, but he was shocked when he opened it.

Inside the box is a red key. At first glance, it looks like the key of a battery car, but the handsome Lima logo in the middle makes Lin Hong's heart beat faster.

"I know you're going to buy a car, so I bought one for you first. The car is at the Fourth Son's store. You just need to bring your ID card and driver's license to go."

"Uncle Huang, this is too precious."

A car is something that every man needs, and Ferrari is the dream car of most men, but Lin Hong thinks Huang Li's gift is too exaggerated.

"It's not expensive. Compared with the money you made me, this car is just a fraction."

Well, there is nothing wrong with Huang Li's words. This time his 1500 million has a return of nearly 2 million, which can be described as a huge profit.

Not to mention that the follow-up "Life Kiss Me Painfully" may win many awards, and this is what Huang Li values ​​most, so a Ferrari f400 worth more than 8 million yuan is nothing at all.

None of the investors and bosses present envied Huang Li's investment this time, but they didn't have a good relationship and didn't have a channel to invest in Lin Hong's movie. This is affection.

"Thank you, Uncle Huang!"

Lin Hong knew that if he refused at this time, it would be embarrassing for Huang Li, so he accepted it generously. Anyway, the days to come are still long, so he won't suffer.

"You're welcome, next time I have a good script, I'll just keep thinking about you, Uncle Huang."

"Okay, I'll write a script tomorrow, how about trying to get it released during the Spring Festival?"

As soon as Lin Hong's words fell, the banquet hall was instantly silent, and then the next moment it was coaxed and it became noisy.

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