"Okay, let's eat noodles, but there seems to be no noodles here, why don't we go to the boat and eat buns?"

Su Xiyun has never been to West Street. She only knows that there is a big grocery market on West Street, but she doesn't know if there are any noodle shops.

At this time, Yueyue poked her head out from the carriage, pointed to a shop in front and said, "Grandma, that's where noodles are sold, and the noodles there are delicious!"

"Oh? Then let's go and have a look."

Su Xiyun was skeptical, and walked in the direction of Yueyue's finger, and at first glance, it was indeed a noodle shop.

Although the store is small, it tastes good.

Standing at the door, she could already smell the scent of marinade.

After the noodles came, Yueyue was eating by herself, Su Xiyun casually glanced outside, and happened to see He Xiang holding the child, and Qin Huaisheng walked past the door of the store one after the other.

It's such a coincidence that it's so frustrating.

Su Xiyun thought she was wrong, she got up and came to the door of the store, followed the direction they left to look...

It was He Xiang, Qin Huaisheng, and Jin Lai lying in He Xiang's arms, that's right!

However, this is West Street, the yamen is on Central Street, Su's family is on East Street, and the clothing store is also on East Street. Even Ding Yao's drug store is not on West Street, and only Grandma Sun's home is on West Street in the town.

But He Xiang definitely didn't go to find Mrs. Sun, and they didn't meet each other, so what was she going to do?

"Grandma, I'm full."

After Yueyue finished eating, she consciously wiped her small mouth, and seeing Su Xiyun standing at the door, she sat on a chair, quietly waiting for Su Xiyun to come and take her hand.

Children's eating is always like fighting a war. Su Xiyun cleaned up the battlefield, carried Yueyue into the carriage, and the grandparent and grandson set off again.

But after walking for a while, Yueyue couldn't sit still in the carriage.

Su Xiyun carried her out and let her sit on his lap. While driving the car, she coaxed Yueyue to talk.

However, she kept thinking about what happened to He Xiang and Qin Huai in private.

If they came to West Street just for shopping, it would be even more impossible. First of all, West Street is full of markets selling all kinds of building materials and groceries, without rouge, gouache and various small shops. Secondly, their footsteps Very anxious, as if going straight to the goal.

It's too weird.

Su Xiyun thought that during the few days when she left home, Yueyue was inseparable from He Xiang.

So she planned to ask something out of Yueyue's mouth.

"Yueyue, tell grandma, where did you and mother go to play during the few days when grandma was not at home?"

The little girl tilted her head and thought for a long time, then said in a fluttering voice: "Go to the store to see the business...go to the factory to get clothes...go to the street to take my brother to buy vegetables...go to the yard of Uncle's house to play with the chickens ..."

"Wait, Uncle? That Uncle?"

Su Xiyun instantly thought about the people she might know, but there was no such uncle as Yueyue was talking about. Her friends were all businessmen, and none raised chickens!

Yueyue said: "Mother said she would buy Uncle's house, so those chickens in the yard will be mine from now on."

After hearing this, Su Xiyun immediately understood.

It turned out that He Xiang had taken a fancy to a house on West Street, and that time he took Yueyue to look at the house.

So, they were in a hurry just now, did they go to see the house again?

At this time, Yueyue said: "Grandma, mother said, the chick belongs to me, but my brother lives in Uncle's house, and mother said that she has already put the chick of Uncle's family in the carriage, as long as I follow Grandma Go, the chick will appear, but why didn't I find it?"

"You...your mother really said that?"

Su Xiyun was a little suspicious of He Xiang's intentions.

"Yeah, mother also said, let me be filial to grandma, if someone asks who Yueyue likes, Yueyue must say grandma, and also said that if Yueyue is willing to live with grandma in her new house, grandma will be happier. "

The little tugging on the top of Yueyue's head moved with her speaking movements, and the cuteness and pity of the childishness were all reflected here.

Su Xiyun leaned against Yueyue's profile, secretly distressed.

The child probably didn't know that his mother didn't love him, so he tried to coax the child away.

But a child is a child, even if she doesn't need to be coaxed, even if she beats and scolds him, she will not feel jealous towards her parents.

"Do you remember where that Uncle's house is?"

"I don't remember, but there is a big tree in front of his house, it's so thick!"

"Then grandma will take you to look for it again? After you find it, grandma will buy the chicken for you, and we will raise it, okay?"

"Mmmmmm, good!"

"Then you close your eyes and sleep for a while. When you wake up, you can see the chick as soon as you open your eyes."

The little girl believed it, and really closed her eyes and pretended to fall asleep.

But the child, there was nothing hidden in his heart, the carriage shook slightly, the birds on the tree chirped, Su Xiyun hummed a lullaby, and Yueyue fell asleep immediately.

Su Xiyun turned his horse's head, and after several inquiries, he finally found the residence of "Abo" Yueyue had mentioned.

Sure enough, there were a few chicks in the yard.

The old man thought that Su Xiyun also came to buy the house, so he said that the house had already been sold.

In order to inquire about the matter, Su Xiyun showed deep regret.

Then, she bought the chickens. Before leaving, she asked the old man: "Uncle, I really like this house. If it is possible, can you tell me who bought the house back? I I want to discuss it with him, if it doesn’t work, we can add some money.”

As soon as the old man heard about the extra money, his eyes lit up, and he quickly took out the signed contract and said, "It's a family of three. The woman signed it, and her name is Qin Jinlai."

Su Xiyun took over the contract and looked at the words "Qin Jinlai", feeling a chill in his heart.

He Xiang, oh He Xiang, it's not like our family doesn't have this condition. Whenever you say that you have no money and need her, Su Xiyun's help to buy a house, she will agree.

She really didn't want to see a mother cheating her daughter for the sake of her son.

Su Xiyun handed the contract to the old man, and she drove the carriage away.

When the carriage came to the pier, she left the carriage at the storage place and boarded the boat with Yueyue who was still asleep.

This boat can be regarded as a relatively luxurious boat on the river, and the exterior decoration of the hull is very exquisite.

Su Xiyun doesn't know how to steer a boat, but some of the wharves can sail. This is an industrial chain. There are boatmen on the wharves all over the place who are waiting to help private boats sail. The money is calculated according to the distance of the journey. The waterway is difficult to travel. You earn more when you come down than working on land.

Just as the boatman was about to sail, suddenly, a group of officers and soldiers came ashore and stopped all the boats that hadn't left.

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