"Yeah, no, I sent people to the back kitchen to find someone. Whoever can be the master of the house, let whoever fried that plate of snails go!"

There are several women watching the fun laughing.

This is the case in places with a lot of women. One second, you were older than your sister and shorter than your younger sister. As long as you make a fool of yourself, the next second will start using you as an after-dinner conversation.

Hearing those women say this, Luo Shi felt very happy!

She hoped that Su Xiyun would die there, and it would be best if she didn't come back. If she could come back, she would make it impossible for her to stay in the back kitchen!

"Hey, come here a little bit, I know this woman, do you want to hear some private things about her?"

Luo Shi pretended to be mysterious and summoned all the women.

Of course the women were curious, one by two persuaded her, telling her to speak quickly before Su Xiyun came back.

Luo Shi moved a small bench, sat in the middle of the crowd, and began to make up nonsense.

"This Mrs. Su is a widow. Do you know why her man died? She starved to death! That's not counting, you don't know how she abused her mother-in-law..."

This side is talking about wind and water, but Su Xiyun over there has already been forced into the house by the officials.

The quietness in the house was in stark contrast to the noise in the kitchen.

As soon as she entered the door, the officer who escorted her in kicked her in the hollow of her knee. She suffered from pain, and at the same time her legs gave way, and she knelt down on the marble floor with a thud.

Everything, the piercing pain went straight to the heart.

How could her old bones withstand such torture!

"Don't be nervous, I'll ask you something later, just answer truthfully."

Sitting at the table was a man with a tall and well-built figure, and when he sat there, he didn't need to speak, and he had the aura of a man in the officialdom.

As soon as he raised his hand, the servant put the plate of snails in front of Su Xiyun.

"Did you fry this dish? The dish is a bit novel and tastes good, but we don't know how to eat it. Why don't you explain it?"

Although the man was serious, his tone was very gentle. He didn't seem to be deliberately finding fault, but he seemed to be really asking her how to eat snails.

Su Xiyun saw the opportunity coming, but there were many irrelevant people around her, so she had a plan and whispered: "Master Hou, this dish is not only magical in appearance, but also has something special about it, that is... There are exceptions for men."

Hearing Su Xiyun's words, the man frowned and his expression changed: "What's the benefit?"

Su Xiyun desperately scanned the room with his eyes, and finally his eyes stayed on the dishes.

The man immediately understood. He winked at the official around him, and after the official left, he asked Su Xiyun: "Tell me, what are the benefits of this snail? If you do well, you can tell why. If you can't tell, I will It will also take your head."

It seemed that Su Xiyun's request was too much, and the man suddenly became angry, with a lot of impatience in his tone.

Su Xiyun came to the table, picked up a snail, pierced it into the meat with the prepared toothpick, and with a slight twist of his wrist, he deftly took out the snail meat.

As soon as the snail meat was taken out, the smell became even stronger, the man couldn't help taking a deep breath, the hunger in his stomach became more severe.

"Master Hou, snails come from water, and most of our human bodies are water, so we can't do without water in our daily life. The snail meat is crystal clear and moist. If eaten in the abdomen, it can nourish yin and kidney, regulate qi and blood, Producing body fluids to quench thirst, dispelling phlegm and relieving cough, she is a beauty salon for women and a gas station for men, if you want men to regain their glory, eat it!"

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