Coupled with the woman's urgent cry for help, Qiu Zhi finally couldn't help it anymore, his fists were clenched, and he didn't care about revealing his identity, he rushed over and started fighting with those men.

Don't look at the men's physical strength, even if they all add up, they are not opponents of hatred.

Seeing that Qiu Zhi is a practicing family boy, those men dare not go up, left a few cruel words, and fled with their heads in their hands.

The woman was rescued.

But the clothes had been torn to pieces by the men, Qiu Zhi looked away, took off his robe, and put it on the woman.

"Thank you Eng."

The woman saluted, then raised her head, it was Su Xiyun's face.

At this moment, she is already a helpless woman whose family has fallen in the city, followed her family to Jinyu Town to find relatives, and got lost with her family on the way.

"There is no danger now, you can go to your family as much as you can."

Qiu Zhi speaks very slowly, trying his best to pronounce every word in a correct and articulate manner, so as not to let the people in front of him know that he has an accent.

However, Su Xiyun is not deaf, and Qiu Zhi's accent is very loud, so it would be strange if she couldn't hear it at all.

"Isn't Engong a local? It doesn't sound very similar to the accent here. This is a mess, and Engong is here to find relatives, right?"

Qiu Zhi paused, nodded, "Yes, I'm leaving."

With that said, he took a step towards the intersection.

Su Xiyun quickly caught up and put on a pitiful look: "Grandfather, where are you going? Can you also take me with you? I'm not familiar with the place here, and I'm really afraid that those guys will come to trouble me again , benefactor..."

It was inconvenient for Qiu Zhi to take her away, but when he turned his head, two lines of hot tears had already left on Su Xiyun's handsome face.

" take me away, I really have nowhere to go...I, I'm afraid..."

Which man can resist the woman Lihua looking at him with rain?

Those eyes that are as gentle as water, your soft and weak voice, no matter how strong your willpower is, even if you appear calm on the surface, your heart has already turned into a puddle of clear water...

Qiu Zhi sighed softly, and finally agreed: "Then you can follow me, but don't talk too much."

Su Xiyun flashed a hint of joy, heyed, and hurried to catch up with him, following closely behind him.

When the two came to the intersection, Qiu Zhi dressed up as a businessman who went out to do business. He originally had no hope of going out, but Su Xiyun winked at the soldiers behind him, so the soldiers just found an excuse to leave temporarily, Qiu Zhi Taking Su Xiyun with him, he took the opportunity to sneak out.

After leaving Jinyu Town, Qiu Zhi bought a carriage and sent Su Xiyun to the east.

Dongpai is in the northwest direction, passing through two towns and a small town on the way, and then there are large stretches of endless fields.

Dayang Kingdom has a vast terrain, and the Eastern faction is far away on the northwest border, so it can't be reached in a day or two.

So, they traveled during the day and rested at night.

Fortunately, Qiu Zhi is a real gentleman, if he can't meet an inn, he will let Su Xiyun rest in the carriage, he leans on the wheel, rests and keeps watch at the same time.

After getting along for so many days, Su Xiyun actually felt that Qiu Zhi was not as violent as Xiao Qi said.

He never said a word, and his eyes were always on her body. She said that she was desperate and wanted him to take her in. After he agreed, he really didn't abandon her halfway. He was quite short on basic necessities along the way. , but took good care of her.

Sometimes Su Xiyun thinks that right and wrong in this world are relative terms. Perhaps, she happens to be on the side that she thinks is right, so she concludes that the other party is wrong. This conclusion is indeed a bit hasty.

Listening to the crickets outside, Su Xiyun didn't feel sleepy, staring at the night sky outside the window.

It's a little cloudy tonight, there is no moon, so it's extraordinarily dark around.

If there was no hatred outside, Su Xiyun would be a little scared.

At this time, the car curtain moved, and a big hand threw a piece of clothing.

Qiu Zhi's voice sounded from outside the car curtain: "It will rain tonight, you should put on more clothes."

Su Xiyun got up and brought in the clothes, put them beside him, and said, "It's okay, it will be cooler when it rains next time, Gong Gong, come in, don't get drenched in the rain."

Qiu Zhi still didn't get into the car, and only said: "The climate in the northwest border is different from other places. It doesn't rain easily, but as long as it is windy and rainy, the temperature will become very extreme."

As soon as Qiu Zhi finished speaking, Su Xiyun heard a rattling sound on the roof of the carriage.

Sure enough, it started to rain.

Su Xiyun lifted the curtain of the car, stretched out his hand towards Qiuzhi, and said eagerly, "Grandfather, come in quickly to hide from the rain, be careful not to freeze yourself outside!"

The rain came very fast.

At first, it was just little raindrops, and then it developed to the size of a coin, and then, the downpour fell with a bang!

Qiu Zhi didn't touch Su Xiyun's hand, and got into the carriage from the other side.

The carriage was not very spacious, and it was raining heavily outside. The two of them were crowded in the carriage, and the atmosphere was weird.

"Cough cough..." Su Xiyun coughed lightly, ready to find something to say: "Grandfather, you..."

"My name is Qiu Zhi."

Qiu Zhi glanced at her, then looked away again.

Su Xiyun pursed her lips: "Okay, then from now on, I'll call you Brother Qiu, shall I?"

"My surname is Cang Rong, and Qiu Zhi is my name."

He glanced at her again.

The Cangrong family is one of the largest families in the entire Eastern faction. Cangrong Qiuzhi is the eldest son of the family. There are two younger sisters, a younger brother, and cousins ​​of other uncles. They all have their own careers, and only the eldest one Live with the leader.

Before the establishment of the Eastern Faction, the people in the Northwest Gobi Desert were in a state of isolation. Under extreme weather, it was common for the people to suffer from hunger and cold. Since the establishment of the Eastern Faction, the leader Ge Ji organized the people to repair Houses, distribution of meals, establishment of laws, consolidation of political power, step by step until today, the Gobi Desert has stabilized.

The people of the Eastern faction regard Ge Ji as their respect, and the heavenly dynasty is far away. The task of saving the people from the fire and water should be the court's business.

But when the imperial court heard that Ge Ji had set up a faction in the Gobi Desert, he was afraid that they would have dissent, so he wanted to destroy the regime.

But how can this regime be destroyed so easily.

The power of thought power is enormous, Ge Ji sent Chou Zhi to fight against Xiao Qi, with such a strong backing of thought power behind him, he would naturally win consecutive victories, and directly forced Xiao Qi to Houqiu Mountain.

At that time, when Xiao Qi told Su Xiyun about his record of repeated defeats, she was skeptical.

How can a great general appointed by the imperial court fail to win even a single battle?

It turns out that it is the strength of unity.

To say that the imperial court was established again and again.

The Gobi Desert is far away from the capital, so they don't want to take care of them, they don't care, they can take care of themselves, but when the court found out, they were afraid that they would not be under their control, so they wanted to break their rule.

Thinking about it carefully, the imperial court actually felt a little "afraid that you will have a bad life, but also afraid that you will have a good life".

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