cry!The old woman has hundreds of billions of property in her hand and still farms the land

Chapter 203 Su Xiyun Decided to Go Deep Inside the Eastern School

At this time, the rainstorm stopped in good time.

Qiu Zhi opened the car door to look, then turned to Su Xiyun and said, "We don't need any messengers. If the court comes again, we will continue to fight. When the rain stops, you can go. Just pretend that we haven't met."

After speaking, he jumped out of the carriage, walked a little far away from the carriage, turned around and said, "Drive this carriage back. Although the road is difficult, the people behind you will protect your safety." , the mountain is high and the road is far away, so I won't send it off."

Qiu Zhi imitated the social posture of the Central Plains people, clasped his hands together, then turned and walked into the night.

Su Xiyun pursed her lips and thought for a moment, then turned the carriage around, and ran towards the wide grassland behind her.

Xiao Qi has been following them with his troops. In order to prevent being discovered by Qiu Zhi, they have been following them from a long distance. Sometimes he is afraid of being lost. He will ride a horse and approach them quietly. After confirming their whereabouts, he will lead a large army to follow them. superior.

As everyone knows, Qiu Zhi is a genius, with excellent detection and counter-detection abilities.

He had discovered Xiao Qi's person a long time ago, but his goal hadn't been achieved yet, and he didn't want to expose him early.

Seeing that the Dong faction was ahead, he knew that if he didn't reveal his identity at this moment, Xiao Qi would lead the people to break into the door directly, and both sides would jump over the wall in a hurry, and a scuffle would break out immediately.

So, he kept saying that they don't need any messenger, and isn't Su Xiyun the messenger?

He hoped that Su Xiyun could tell Xiao Qi when he went back, that Dongpai was not an outlaw lunatic with outlaws in their mouths, but that he raised a bright light for himself in a place where the sun couldn't shine.

The soldiers patrolling in front of the garrison saw a carriage running towards them from a distance, and immediately called up the resting soldiers, and all of them entered the state of readiness for battle.

Xiao Qi stood at the front holding the sword.

As the carriage got closer and closer, Su Xiyun waved to Xiao Qi and the others while driving. After Xiao Qi saw clearly that it was Su Xiyun, he dismissed the soldiers.

The two found a place where no one was around. Su Xiyun repeated to Xiao Qi what Qiu Zhi had said to him, and showed that the Eastern faction had no rebellious intentions. Instead, the court needed to reflect on itself. They did not take into account the people in the Northwest Gobi Desert, they are also the people of Dayang Kingdom.

Su Xiyun thought that Xiao Qi would feel the same, but Xiao Qi didn't, and asked Su Xiyun instead: "How can you be sure that what he said is true? Maybe it's the ecstasy array they used?"

"He put me back, isn't that enough to explain the problem? In fact, the Dongpai also wanted to turn the war into friendship with the court. If not, after he found out my identity, he could just kill me. Why did he let me go? Where am I coming back?"

Su Xiyun felt that he was reasoning with a friend who had mistakenly entered an MLM organization, and the other party was as if he had been brainwashed, and he wouldn't get in.

In any case, she has already decided to go to Dongpai, no one can say it won't work.

"General Xiao, if you trust me, you might as well allow me to go to Dongpai with Qiu Zhi. You can take your team to station here, and I will send news at any time. If..."

Su Xiyun frowned in thought, before her voice stopped abruptly.

Xiao Qi asked: "What if?"

"If... if you feel that the Dongpai must attack, you can send troops at any time, and you don't have to worry about my safety. Just pretend that I am gone."

Su Xiyun's words seemed to be confessing his last words.

Xiao Qi shook his head lightly, his tone was unbelievable: "Heneng Zhi is full of tricks!"Do you really want to abandon your family to save those barbarians who don't get in? '

Hearing this, Su Xiyun suddenly looked down on Xiao Qi.

"What are wild people? Obviously, your court forgot about them first. Before Ge Ji established the Eastern School, there was a mess of sand. They gathered the people in the Gobi Desert and taught them how to survive, realizing what you said. The country is peaceful and the people are safe, those people are like frightened birds, and your sudden concern is like a stone hitting a bird, scaring them to guard their homes and unite against foreign enemies."

In the past, Su Xiyun felt that the country's political affairs were far away from him, so he clearly knew that something was unfair, but he had nothing to do with it, so he held it high.

But now, after she heard what Qiu Zhi told her, she really felt that, as a member of the common people, she would be treated unfairly in various ways at any time, just like the people of the Eastern faction.

Especially if the other party is still pretending to be good for you, even if you refuse, it's not easy to refuse, and if you don't refuse, you can't live.

It had just rained, and the air was quite humid.

But because the sunlight time is too long during the day, the place is extremely hot and dry. After it rains at night, the moisture in the air increases, so the dry heat becomes humid and hot, like squatting in warm water, and the body is sticky and wet.

Xiao Qi walked slowly with his hands behind his back, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly, accidentally, he tripped over a hard stone and hurt the sole of his foot.

Su Xiyun said with a smile: "Chou Zhi said that the further you go to the northwest, the more hard stones there are on the ground. In this kind of land, it is impossible to grow crops. Before the establishment of the Eastern faction, they didn't even have bark. They gnaw, and rely on digging weeds to satisfy their hunger, so they are considered old when they are 50 years old."

After she finished speaking, Xiao Qi still didn't speak.

Su Xiyun thought that her persuasion was hopeless, and was about to pack up her things and prepare to chase Qiu Zhi, but she didn't expect that just as she was about to turn around, Xiao Qi suddenly said: "Anyway, it's still far away from the capital, if you want to go to Dongpai, then go."

Seeing that Xiao Qi agreed, Su Xiyun was suddenly relieved, and let out a long breath.

She clasped her fists in both hands, with a gratified smile on her face: "Thank you General, I believe the General also has difficulties, but there are thousands of problems, and the solution is not just fighting. If you can subdue the Eastern faction and lead them away from the Gobi Desert, This can be regarded as accumulating great virtue.”

Xiao Qi hummed lightly, and told her: "You must pay attention to your safety during this trip. If you can't guarantee your own safety, then don't take the risk of sending a letter. Safety is the top priority in everything."

Su Xiyun waved his hand: "It's okay, my safety is absolutely fine, but you, General Xiao, you should take the troops back first, I'm afraid I'll have to stay in Dongpai for a while longer, there's no way to go to the village or back to the store, The conditions were too harsh."

Xiao Qi squinted his eyes and asked: "We're going back like this, how do you send the news?"

"You don't need to worry about this, I have my own way, you just need to live in the villa... Oh yes, I opened the villa, after you return to the capital, remember to promote it for me!"

Su Xiyun said with a smile.

She sat back in the car, pulled the rein with both hands, and waved to Xiao Qi: "General Xiao, I'm leaving first, you go back and wait for the good news!"

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