Be dragged into the room by the succubus

Chapter 118 Remaining Advanced Rituals


The originally chaotic and foggy consciousness returned to clarity as if stimulated, and Margaret suddenly recovered.


What did I eat! ?

There was a man just now, what did he say to me...

"Is he here to help me?"

Who is he?

The face in the memory is not clear, but judging from the body shape alone, it doesn't give her a familiar feeling, it seems that she is a person who doesn't have much contact.

Although the consciousness is clear, the memory of the previous period is still very confused.

She just remembered losing a lot of water in her body, and collapsed on the bed as if her consciousness was drained, and...

Margaret had already realized that something was wrong with her body, but she had no way to stop it. She could only sit and watch her collapse.

The blood vessels were stimulated, but out of control.

This kind of low-level problem, which was only encountered when the bloodline first awakened, unexpectedly became the last straw that crushed her.

The collapse in her heart at that time, just thinking about it would make her scalp tingle.

But now, although Margaret still didn't completely control the control of her body, she could clearly feel the changes in the blood vessels in her body.

The blood that was out of control is now equally crazy, but it is no longer a runaway wild horse, but has been put on shackles and turned into a well-trained war horse.

It keeps surging in the body, but it will not destroy the balance. Once there is a sign of crossing the boundary, it will be suppressed by another force.

In an instant, the flags and drums died down, and they became submissive.


how did you do that?

The blood of the red dragon is not a weak blood.

Giant dragon, even in the dark age, this kind of creature is a special existence standing at the apex of all things.

Let's say that.

As long as they are pure-blooded giant dragons, as long as they can grow up to adulthood safely, their strength will reach legendary.


Incredible, right?

But the injustice of the world, many times, is just so unreasonable.

Even if it's even more outrageous to be an old yin all the way than to hide, and sleep directly until adulthood, their strength is legendary!

If it weren't for the fact that the birth of pure-blooded dragons is very difficult and the population is scarce, and it takes too long to reach adulthood, the giant dragons definitely have the strength to dominate the world.

Of course, the strength of legends varies from high to low, and some gaps are extremely frightening.

There are countless examples of legendary dragons being hunted down by humans.

In the cleanup after the Dark Ages, almost every legendary master had a record of slaying dragons.

They either cooperated with each other, or crushed them with their strength, forcibly frightening those arrogant and arrogant creatures.

It is roughly estimated that [-]% of the dragons in the entire world have been cleaned.

Their corpses were used as various materials to produce a lot of legendary equipment, so that future generations could continue to slay dragons.

The title of Dragon Slayer has been passed down from generation to generation.

There are even records that the full body armor and weapons made by the first president after slaying the dragon are stored in the treasure house of the Overwatch Society.

There are still many weapons like this, but most of them have been eliminated and surpassed by later technologies, and have become a kind of thick history that has been sealed up.

And the blood of the red dragon that Margaret possesses can rank in the upper middle even among giant dragons.

Can easily suppress the blood of the red dragon, what about the other party's blood?

"……How did he do that?"

It seemed that something was handed to my mouth, and then I bit down uncontrollably?

That thing, seems to be hard at the same time, but also very elastic...

Is it a muscle?


Silently, she felt the changes in her body, and felt the excitement passing through her blood.

It's recovering, it's growing, it's...


All this, what happened?

While being confused, Margaret still had tension in her heart.

I'm not nervous about my own safety, but I'm worried about my previous appearance, whether it has been exposed to others?

Has anyone seen the dehydration process?

Born in a family with the blood of a giant dragon, for the sake of the purity of the blood, those clansmen adhered to the tradition of the so-called "nobility" and practiced the custom of marrying close relatives.

But for this somewhat morbid custom, not all people will accept it honestly.

There is never a shortage of rebels, and Margaret's mother is currently one of them.

For the sake of love, she and her lover chose to elope, and gave birth to the crystallization of love while escaping.

But like a clichéd tragic novel, their love for each other did not usher in a bright future in the end.

Both of them were killed in battle with the superhuman, and died shortly after returning young Margaret to the family.

Although the family was dissatisfied with the two of them, they still acted on the grounds of "for the glory of the family" and defeated the murderer.

Moreover, following the order of the patriarch, the clansmen were surprisingly good about the children they left behind.

But even so, Margaret can still feel alienated since she became sensible.

She doesn't belong there, doesn't like that place full of twisted love.

Margaret chose to fight against fate and the desire in her blood.

She did the opposite and chose the way of abstinence.

Consumed by several times of training, suppressed by the will to kill, filled with constant adventures...

As a result, instead of slowing down, her growth progress has been greatly improved, and she has been fighting until today.

She has always been in control of her body and her destiny.

And now...

She didn't know what happened to her, but Margaret knew very well that she couldn't go back.

After experiencing that pleasure, it is very difficult to change back to the past.

I could have endured the darkness if I hadn't seen the light.

Is this the fate of my blood?

With such uneasiness in mind, Margaret woke up from this terrified and intoxicated dream.

Then, a reassuring voice was heard:

"Captain! You're awake! How do you feel..."

"Yo, you look good, would you like a drink?"

Opening her eyes and looking at her teammates who were close in front of her, Margaret felt that most of the uneasiness in her heart had disappeared.

With them by my side, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Even bloodlines can fight, just like I once did!

Laughing, she said:



Who stuffed my mouth so full?



"I'm going to save him from the hands of the bad woman!"

Speaking of such ambiguous words, Jiang Wan left in a hurry just like when she came, leaving Xilin in a mess in the wind.

In the end, I could only turn the countless complaints in my heart into a sigh of emotion.

"She's... really energetic."

It's really admirable!

"Speaking of which, it always feels like she has become more attractive than when we met before?"

Although her face hasn't changed much, the change in Jiang Wan's temperament is still obvious.

She has matured a lot, as if she had become a woman from a girl.

"...Probably not."

She must have grown a lot out of going on a risky mission, that must have been it.

"Oh, this makes me want to go out for a walk..."

The previous adventures were purely to perform tasks and increase knowledge, and there was no fun at all.

But now Shirene feels that if she goes out again now, she will definitely have a different experience.


"My current status doesn't allow me to mess around, I can't leave."

Shireen is not the weak elf she used to be, and her current status does not allow her to act recklessly.

While feeling sad, her communicator suddenly made a sound.



It's not a special reminder that was set yesterday, but an ordinary business message tone.

According to Shirene's status, it is rare for news to reach her directly.

Not counting the latest mass message sent by the old man of insight, the last time I received such a message was two years ago.

"Who could it be... um!?"

After clicking on the message, her originally indifferent expression instantly became serious, and Shirene stared at the unfamiliar yet familiar name.





Lying in his room in the branch, Ning Feng looked at the ceiling in astonishment, and muttered to himself:

"Is this the end?"

There was some disbelief in the tone, Ning Feng clearly felt that the liquid he had left in Margaret's body had fulfilled his mission.

The ease made him a little unbelievable.

In his eyes, the opponent's legendary bloodline looked no different from a docile puppy.

As long as you use a little force, the other party will let you go on the rampage without any resistance, and even enjoy it...

Is it because the remaining blood in the opponent's body is too weak?

Or is it that the blood in his body is special, and the second level alone is strong enough?

Speaking of second order...

Ning Feng lowered his head and asked the black cat lying on his chest:

"By the way, how can I advance my angelic pedigree?"

The bloodline is already at the second level, so hurry up!

Opening her eyes lazily, Aryanna stretched her waist and lazily said:


"It's almost there. Your current state is in a position where you can hit the goal."

"You have already completed the most basic part of the trial angel promotion ceremony."



"It's done~ You can think about it, have you ever done anything related to the trial?"

Lying lazily in Ning Feng's arms, the black cat smiled and said:

"I think you must be able to think clearly."

Frowning, Ning Feng thought of a possibility that made the corner of his mouth twitch.

……No way?

"Yes, you are right, the ceremony of the second-order judge is very simple——"

"Just judge one sinner!"

And who the sinner was, he knew very well.

Ning Feng was silent, then nodded and sighed slowly.

"The foundation is complete, what about the rest?"

What is left?

Turning over, the black cat lay in Ning Feng's arms, looked at him, and said slowly:

"The judge, while judging the sinner, will also bear the crime of the other party."

"And the rest of the ceremony is not difficult, as long as you clear up the sin karma entangled in your body."

Frowning tightly, Ning Feng stared at the red eyes of the black cat, and said in a deep voice:

"How to do it?"

Looking back at Ning Feng's eyes, the black cat laughed and said:

"It's very simple..."

Ariana's smile was full of sarcasm.

I don't know if it's for this ceremony, or for Ning Feng who is about to fall into a decision.

she says:


"You just need to repent."

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