World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 217 Old Vinegar

When Xiaozhu heard this, her pretty face was puzzled, and she glanced at the empty boxes again.

The box is made of that kind of thin plastic, which is slightly transparent.

From our point of view, there is no shadow of any object in the box, which means that the five boxes are empty.

At this moment, the waitress was carrying a small washing box, took out a dry rag from it, and was plastering the lids of the five large glove boxes with a concentrated expression.

I explained in a low voice: "The dishes are in the small box of washing tools in aunt's hand."

At that time, Miscellaneous Hades told me that things would be placed in the No. [-] box near the door of the theater cabin.

There are five large glove boxes next to the play cabin.

With normal thinking, we will definitely think that it is placed in the second large glove box.

However, before and after the replacement of the large glove box just now, there is no crown hat in it, which has been confirmed.

After the waitress came, she carried an inconspicuous small washing box in her hand. I saw a small number "2" written on the small box, which seemed to be drawn on it with random graffiti.

Close to the theater cabin, box No. 2—it meets the conditions mentioned by Miscellaneous Hades, and it can only be the small box with a number in her hand.

The old Jianghu played a trick on me.

He not only told me the specific delivery address according to my request, but he didn't point it out directly.

let me guess.

Guess right.

It's none of his business if you can't guess.

It was too late to explain to Xiaozhu.

Because the waiter's aunt's plastering action was very neat, and in just a few tens of seconds, the lids of the five glove boxes were all wiped off, and she turned around and was about to leave.

If I had bad eyesight and didn't stare at her and the items in my hand just now, I would have completely missed this flash of information.

at this time.

A middle-aged man who had been eating dumplings in the corner turned his head and said, "Waiter, let me have some aged vinegar. I want it to be older and more fragrant!"

This sounds normal, but there is a subtle difference in the middle.

When we eat dumplings, we use vinegar, either mature vinegar or balsamic vinegar. The concepts of the two kinds of vinegar are different, and they are rarely combined to say "Old mature balsamic vinegar".

I guess.

Dumplings represent deals.

Lao Chen represents second-hand goods.

Balsamic vinegar represents the case.

I'm glad I didn't call Fatty Xiao to watch just now.

With this handover signal, if I hadn't been hit by Sister Jiu'er for ten years with hydrocephalus, I wouldn't be able to turn around.

Upon hearing this, the lady waiter put the rag in her small toolbox, hurried to the counter next to her to get a bottle of vinegar, walked quickly to the middle-aged man, and put a bottle of white vinegar on the middle-aged man's table.

That's right, she deliberately didn't follow the middle-aged man's request, but put white vinegar instead!

Can't run!

After putting the white vinegar, the waitress pretended to take a dry rag and started plastering the table stools. She inadvertently placed the small tool box on the ground next to the dining table. After plastering, she went to another table to wipe the dust. leave soon.

The small toolbox had been secretly kicked under the tablecloth-covered table by the middle-aged man.

As expected, Lu Xiaoxin did not come to trade by himself.

She sent this middle-aged man here.

The crown hat is in that little tool box!

Neither Xiaozhu nor I moved, we stared at the middle-aged man secretly.

The middle-aged man does not eat the dumplings fast, but slowly, feeling that the vinegar is not enough from time to time, and sprinkles some on top.

The time has come to around nine forty.

After the middle-aged man finished eating the dumplings, he bent down and unzipped the package on the ground, as if looking for something inside the package.

From my angle, I saw that there were only some toiletries in his package.

He looked like he didn't find anything, and started to look under the table. The tablecloth was so long that it almost covered half of his body, and the package had been quietly moved under the tablecloth during his search.

After half an hour.

He picked up a mobile phone from under the dining table, with a look of finding it again, picked up the package, and left the theater cabin.

Xiaozhu and I got up immediately.

Follow the route he walked and walk forward.

When passing by that dining table, I inadvertently brushed the tablecloth with my foot.

That little toolbox is gone!

It has already entered the package in his hand!

I hugged Xiaozhu and walked forward step by step, my mind was spinning rapidly.

This time to the dark ship.

Originally, the only purpose was to catch Lu Xiaoxin, but now there is another one, to prevent the mysterious Jun family from appearing.

Although my desire to know who the Mysterious Jun Family is is no weaker than that of the old manager, but now is not the time to meet him.

To catch Lu Xiaoxin, he had to follow this middle-aged man relentlessly until she appeared.

There are two ways to prevent the golden turtle of Mysterious Jun’s family from surfacing: prevent the Mian’an emperor’s hat from appearing in the dark ship trade, and expose it as a fake when it is put out for trade.

The second way is too risky.

In case the golden turtle can't wait to appear, the process will be very difficult to control.

I plan to take the first method, to replace the official hat in the toolbox in the middle-aged man's hand.

But now he can't leave his bag, it's very difficult to deal with.

At this time, I miss Bian Wu very much.

We can only bide our time.

Waiting for a moment when the package in his hand leaves his hand for a short time, and he becomes dazed for a short time.

As the time for the transaction was getting closer, there were more people in the cabin, and many people were walking around in the corridor.

The middle-aged man did not go back to the room, but went to the bathroom.

There are not many bathrooms on this chartered boat, one at each end.

The other is only open during the day and locked at night for staff use.

If you want to go to the toilet at night, you can only go to the bathroom in front of you.

There are people in the bathroom.

Two or three old men and women who were invited to cover up for sightseeing, probably finished washing and getting ready to go to bed, were waiting at the door of the bathroom.

The middle-aged man was also waiting at the door of the bathroom with a package in his hand.

My brain jumped.

This is an excellent opportunity!

When he uses the bathroom, the package will always be placed next to him briefly.

As for making him confused, there are ways.

I immediately turned my head and whispered something to Xiaozhu.

After Xiao Zhu finished listening, he turned around and left.

I pretended to be waiting for the bathroom, and waited anxiously by the side.


The people in the toilet came out.

An old man who was queuing outside first wanted to go in, but the middle-aged man was very rude. He grabbed the old man and rushed in quickly with the package, closing the door with a bang.

The old man staggered and almost fell down.

The old man was so angry that he slammed on the toilet door a few times: "Who is this? He even jumped in line after shitting!"

The old man and the old woman next to him were so angry that they crossed their legs and looked uncomfortable.

"It's so unqualified!"

"The old man can't hold back, this guy is too much!"


At this time, Xiaozhu came back.

There are three more things in her hand.

A seaside sightseeing cap.

A mineral water bottle filled with pale yellow warm tea water.

a few magazines.

I turned around and unscrewed the mineral water bottle, took a sip, let Xiaozhu block me with his body, and poured half of the warm tea on my pants.

After a while.

I could hear the water flushing in the bathroom and the sound of the middle-aged man whistling easily after going to the toilet.

He should be done.

There are old men and women who have already blocked the door of the toilet in advance, wanting to rush in immediately.

I put on the peaked cap and lowered it, quietly carrying half a bottle of mineral water and warm tea in my hand, and suddenly pushed away those old men and women who were restlessly knocking on the toilet door, shouting in my mouth: "I can't hold it anymore, I can't hold it anymore..."

He slammed the toilet door open.

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