World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 227 You are too insulting

Although Lu Xiaoxin escaped.

But she was seriously injured, and she didn't have two or three months, so she probably wouldn't even think about getting up from the bed to pee.

The old manager's original plan for the Jun family of the Lu family was to let Lu Xiaoxin win the position of head of the family, get the most treasure of the Lu family, and get the tomb-opening artifact of the Lu family.But he failed, Lu Cenyin won the Patriarch, and the unicorn jade pendant is now also hidden by her.

The old manager's original plan for the mysterious Jun's family was to fish out the hidden golden turtle from the sea and obtain the tomb-opening artifact from the golden turtle.But he still failed, the golden turtle was already frightened, and it would only sink deeper.

All of this is thanks to me.

The reason why the old manager has not moved me.

There is only one reason.

I have been in the open all the time, and I don't have the artifact that opened the ancient tombs of the Western Regions on me.

It is actually very simple for him to move me, but it is useless to move now.

this time.

Because the old manager didn't know that Lu Cenyin had found the unicorn jade pendant, she was safe.

And the mysterious Jun's house is even safer.

I am also safe for the time being.

The old manager will definitely use this short period of time to rethink the countermeasures and start all over again.

This is not a situation I want.

For a long time, I have been constantly breaking the bureau set by the old manager.

Very hard and passive.

A certain amount of breathing space has now been earned.

I can't let the old manager sleep too soundly.

I want to fight back!

Be proactive!

When I came to the dark ship this time, I actually got some very valuable clues.

The value is no less than catching Lu Xiaoxin.

I want to use these clues to get the old manager and Lu Xiaoxin to jump out and get into my trap!

A prototype of a plan came to mind.

Not yet perfect.

It also needs repeated precipitation and scrutiny.

The three returned to the city.

That night.

We found a restaurant for dinner.

According to the usual practice, we deliberately vacated a seat and poured Xu Qing a glass of wine.

I still drank this glass of wine in one sip first.

I asked Fatty Xiao: "I didn't catch Lu Xiaoxin this time, do you regret it?"

When Fatty Xiao heard this, he suddenly laughed.

I said nothing and let him laugh.

After laughing.

Fatty Xiao said: "No regrets! Didn't you see that buddies don't scratch their fake fingers now? The serious injury you caused to the thief woman probably has broken a lot of ribs and serious internal injuries. She will have a back injury in this life. My revenge!" It's a good report, my fingers are no longer itchy!"

"But sister Xu's revenge hasn't been avenged yet, so let's take it easy! Su Zi, the last sentence you said to Feng Zi, the explosives will definitely kill them. I like it so much. Wei Feng doesn't believe it, but I believe that sooner or later she will be blown to pieces by you!"

"Anyway, we have to eat the funeral of the thief wife, we are not afraid of being late for a good meal!"

Xiaozhu also said very seriously: "Brother, I believe it too!"

A few words from them are enough.

Bodhisattvas are carried by everyone.

The fairy gong clears the way.

Only when the person carrying the sedan chair is confident and stable can I continue to practice the practice on the sedan chair.

I ate for a while.

Xiaozhu's big eyes blinked, slightly tugged at my clothes, and pretended to pick up vegetables with chopsticks, but the chopsticks wrote two words lightly on the turntable: "Someone."

I actually found out too.

A beggar with a scar on his forehead came into the store just now, wandered around the door of our box a few times, begged a box lunch from the waiter, and went out.

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass of the box, the scar-faced beggar has been sitting on a stone squat under the tree, eating slowly with a box of lunch, and seems to be looking at our box from time to time.

The people from the Laoliang Gang are really well informed.

As soon as we got back to the city, they were already watching.

However, this method of tracking is far from that of the person who stole the door.

It was probably sent by Yan Xiaoyue.

She said she would definitely come to me.

It seems that the relationship between the irritable girl and the Lao Liang Gang is very good.

We pretended we didn't notice it, ignored it, and continued to eat with peace of mind.

Fatty Xiao said, "Suzi, if you don't hurry back to Jinling, let's go see a friend tomorrow."

I asked, "What friend?"

Fatty Xiao munched on the vegetables, and said, "A friend of the Baggage Army in Shanghai, I met in business, and we have sold foreign films together a few times before. He is very nice and loyal!"

"His family ancestor was a hero of the [-]th Army, who died fighting for the country. He was determined to kill foreign devils when he was young, but his dream of fighting on the battlefield could not be realized in peaceful times. It happened that he stepped into the antique business again, so he painstakingly Studying the technology of pulling foreign films, and only deceiving foreigners who covet our country's treasures, to win glory for the country."

"Although this kid's eyesight is poor, but his sword is not good enough, he specializes in eloquence, and he has mastered more than a dozen foreign languages. He fools foreigners. He has really saved a lot of money over the years. Let's do it together."

"This time he knew I was coming, and he didn't know why, so he had to do something to see me. Anyway, you decide, I will refuse him if I don't have time, and I will take a look at him when I am free."

I replied very readily: "Okay!"

Fatty Xiao was stunned when he heard the words: " promise to be so straightforward, I'm a little uncomfortable."

I replied, "We'll go with you and eat his meal."

Fatty Xiao slapped his thigh, his expression was very happy: "That's great! Damn! You've always been cold...ah bah! You have a cold personality and don't like to meet strangers, why are you so enthusiastic this time?"

This is Fatty Xiao's misunderstanding of me.

It's not that I don't want to meet strangers.

Before, it was because Sister Jiu'er didn't let me make friends with others, which led to the development of my character.

Later, when I had a chance to get in touch, this kind of personality appeared, and no one else liked me.

The reason why I agreed so readily.

Because the main battlefield of my next game will be in Shanghai.

Fatty Xiao, a friend who mastered more than a dozen foreign languages ​​and was able to make a name for himself in Modura foreign films, must have a very wide network of contacts and information.Moreover, Fatty Xiao described this friend as "very nice and loyal".

There are not many people who can make Fatty Xiao have such an evaluation.

I want to make friends with this person.

Several people settled their bills after eating and went out.

The beggar was still sitting on the stone pier, and when he saw us coming out, he bowed his head to pick up the rice.

The box lunch has been eaten for half an hour.

As long as he didn't have a mouth ulcer, it wouldn't have dragged on for so long.

I went straight over.

The beggar saw me passing by, stretched out his dirty hand to me, waved it, and pretended to ask me for money.

I took out a note and handed it to him.

"Boss Yan Xiaoyue, the above is my hotel room number. I come to the room to talk at night if I have something to do. Why do you follow me in this outfit?"

"Also, we didn't touch the dish you added to us. We emptied the trash can. I guess the shop owner will eat it for the pigs, and the pigs will thank you."

The shaking of the beggar's hands stopped in the air, and his expression froze.

I turn around and leave.

Squinted glimpse.

The beggar angrily took off his dirty hood, uncovered the fake scar on his forehead, wiped the plaster on his face twice, and revealed a face that resembled Li Jiaxin.

She threw the headgear on the ground fiercely, with a look of shame and anger, pointed at me, and said angrily: "Su, you are too insulting!"

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