World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 245 Dead End

"It's unreasonable. There is still half an hour before the end of our appraisal, and a door stick came..."

While dialing the number, the bald man was still resentful.

Xia Xi is really a fool.

He forgot to tell me such an important detail.

There are counterfeiters and appraisers in the manor every day trying to win the gold list. Under normal circumstances, the old pheasant will only care about the results of the appraisal and will not ask about the process.But if the bald man makes this phone call, Lao Pheasant will definitely find out the abnormality, and call the security guard outside to investigate, and he will definitely be exposed.

This is the end of the whole game.

Xia Xi and I may still be defeated.

This is where the game-making process is treading on thin ice.

There may be mistakes in every detail, and a little mistake will lead to the loss of everything.

But the loopholes can be filled in time.

This is the true ability of a master of the game.

I snatched the phone from the bald man's hand, and asked loudly, "Lei Wah?! Everyone has half a day? Why do I only have one hour?!"

This time, they were all stunned.

The four of them looked at each other.

I pretended to be extremely annoyed, and pressed the bald man like a cannonball, why did you only have one hour for my gold list appraisal, but you have half a day, do you treat me differently and bully me from other places?

The main contradiction must be transferred first.

The bald man looked extremely embarrassed when I forced him to ask, and asked back: " it?"

I replied: "Of course it is! Wang Pingtou told me that I will come for the appraisal from five to six today! The time is too short, I came half an hour earlier! Also, 300 million gold coins, the appraisal results, I Half, Wang Pingtou is going to share half, do you want to give Wang Pingtou any money?"

They were suddenly dumbfounded.

From what the bald man said just now, it can be known that they ended at five o'clock today. If the result is given, the gold list of 300 million will be pocketed in full.

I deliberately proposed an unfounded Wang Pingtou, and said that my appraisal time is only one hour from five to six o'clock, and the money from the gold list can only be divided into half of Wang Pingtou.

As long as they have a normal IQ, they will definitely think that I must have been tricked by Wang Pingtou, and that Wang Pingtou may be a second-hand dealer who transfers gold list tickets inside Lao Pheasant.

Dude is a proper weakling!

In front of me, they suddenly became the advantage.

I asked: "Who is that boss Xiong? Damn, did you make a mistake? Why don't I know him!"

"Is this his phone number?! I'm going to call to find out!"

After speaking.

I immediately took Baldy's cell phone and started calling.

When the bald man saw this, his expression suddenly changed, he immediately grabbed the phone, frowned and said, "Don't call!"

My eyes bulged: "Why?!"

The bald man reacted very quickly, and said: "Then what... my friend, don't get excited, you may have misunderstood. I guess... Jinbang is an hour for one person, and the four of us, of course, have a four-hour appraisal time in one afternoon. And , the result is that we are divided among four people, and the money is even less than yours."

The reason why he said this.

In their eyes, Gein, this is an internal problem after the old pheasant was released on the gold list.

The few of them are just here to make money, and they don't want to involve the internal conflicts of the old pheasant because of them. Not only will it be very troublesome, but it will also be of no benefit to them. "Wang Pingtou" complained fiercely.

People in the rivers and lakes have always put their interests first.

I borrowed the donkey from the slope and asked, "Really?"

A few people next to him beat the side drums one after another: "It must be like this, don't think too much... You have come here, it's a fate, let's appraise it together."

I thought about it for a while and replied: "It seems to make sense! Okay, after I finish the appraisal, I will ask Wang Pingtou later!"

Let's start watching together.

At this time, everyone stopped talking.

They were worried that their opinions would provide me with ideas for appraisal.

After all, they have no idea what my level is.

I picked up the imperial cap with tweezers and watched it for five or six minutes.

It mainly depends on whether there is any breakthrough point inside.

Hu Sanmiao's imitation of cloisonne gourd locks is also old material, old recipe, and old art, which is similar to Miscellaneous Hades.

But the key to verifying the counterfeit of Hu Sanmiao's works is that his words are left in the things.

I suspect Miscellaneous Hades will take this approach as well.

But I looked at it carefully for a long time, and there was no trace left in it.

Think about it too.

There are many people coming and going these days, and there are many experts among them. The imperial hat itself has been flattened, and everyone can see the inside of it. If there are traces left, it is impossible that no one has discovered it so far.

I stopped looking at it and said, "Look at the chicken feathers, you can't see it at all!"

"Wasting my travel fare, it's just a handjob!"

After I finished speaking, I walked away in a big sting.

Seeing this, the bald man seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

I can't get the gold list money, but they still have time to continue the appraisal.

My ears are sharp, and when I left, I heard the bald man whisper two words.

What he said was, "Balm!"

I can't be bothered to talk to him.

After leaving the gate of the manor, my mind was still stuck on the fake imperial crown hat.

This thing keeps replaying and reflecting in my mind.

I am like a ship sailing lost in the darkness of the sea, trying to find the lighthouse that guides the course.But Miscellaneous Hades' things are so real that there are almost no flaws, and no breakthrough can be made in terms of materials, methods, and workmanship.

I have some raw pain in my temple.

I must have fallen into a dead end.

There must be an exit from this alley, but I can't think of it now.

I simply stopped thinking about it.

Inspiration is sometimes like the wind.

If it doesn't come, it's useless to ask.

It was coming, and it was caught off guard.

I still have time.

As long as I take a serious look at this Crowned Emperor Hat, it will linger in my mind, and there will always be a time to check its flaws.

I went to the mobile phone store and bought another mobile phone.

Now I have two phone cards, one used in the past, and one dedicated to contacting Xia Xi through a single line. It is inconvenient to remove the old cards.

After buying a mobile phone, I found a situation.

I basically put my money with Xiaozhu. This time I didn’t bring much cash. I stayed in a high-end hotel and paid for Sansuizi a few days ago. I spent a lot of money and I have very little left.

I'm too lazy to ask Xiaozhu to send money.

Making money is not a big deal to me.

I took the small brush washer I bought in the dark boat, turned around and went to an antique shop, and sold the brush washer.

The store offered a reasonable price of 28 yuan, and I used the money counter to count the cash for me on the spot.

I had nothing to pack, so I had to go out with cash in a black plastic bag.

Just after leaving the entrance of the antique shop, I walked more than ten meters.

I suddenly turned around and asked, "Are you trying to steal my money?!"

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