This kind of feeling made the pores of my whole body stand up, and I was immediately excited.

Finding the flaws of imitations in the world is nothing more than focusing on two areas: inside the item and outside the item.

Hu Sansiao's cloisonné gourd paired lock, the flaws were placed inside the object, and after breaking it open, his words were left inside.

I have been following this line of thinking before, trying to find clues to the identification basis of the fake Mianyan imperial hat, but in the end I fell into a dead end.

Just now, by accident, I took a small blood jade from a fisherman.

Those antique shops believed that there was an impossible object in one place, and the blood jade would never be found in the sea, so they refused to accept it.

According to this idea, I pushed the crown cap backwards.

Suddenly discovered an extremely important detail.

That is the "Banning Copper Order" throughout the Tang Dynasty!

At the beginning of the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, due to the peasant uprising at the end of the Sui Dynasty, the world was chaotic, and the phenomenon of private minting of copper coins by the people was extremely serious, resulting in the flood of various currencies in the whole country, and the economy almost collapsed.

In order to save the country's economy, the think tanks of the Tang Dynasty Empire put forward the decree of "abolishing five baht coins and issuing Kaiyuan Tongbao coins", ordering the prohibition of private minting of copper coins nationwide, and identifying private minting of copper coins as "bad money".

At the same time, the empire also introduced a series of extremely severe measures to prohibit private trading of copper materials and the manufacture of copper ware. According to historical records, it was "prohibited to sell copper and tin and make copper ware". Very strict controls.

This measure was fully implemented from beginning to end during the Tang Dynasty's reign.

In addition to the necessary daily necessities such as bronze mirrors that have been handed down before, the use of copper for folk sacrifices, Buddha worship, and living utensils has been greatly reduced.In order to make up for the inconvenience caused by the ban on copper, the Tang Empire began to vigorously promote the ceramics, lacquerware and dyeing and weaving industries.

Porcelain art developed vigorously, and multi-system porcelain kilns appeared, such as celadon Yue kiln and white porcelain Xing kiln.

It is against this background that Tang Sancai, which is well-known both at home and abroad, appeared.

As for this imperial hat, almost the entire body of the hat is mainly made of copper!

one might ask.

In the Tang Dynasty, private casting and buying and selling of bronze wares were only prohibited, but the official casting was allowed. The Mian'an Emperor's Hat is a thing of the Hanyuan Palace, which belongs to the official casting items, and copper can be used.

That's right!

But this is where Miscellaneous Hades is extremely clever.

Once a high-level appraiser thinks of this, he will immediately deny himself and stop abruptly.

But in fact, the most important point is the unique nature of the crown hat.

The crown hat is the symbol of the emperor.

Emperors usually don't wear them, they only wear them on extremely important occasions.

What is a major occasion?

The major events of the country lie in sacrifice and Rong.

The two most important things in the feudal dynasty are war and sacrifice.

When the Hanyuan Hall was built, it was the time when the Tang Dynasty was full of vigor.

After the completion of this hall, every New Year's Day and winter solstice, the emperor will hold a sacrificial ceremony here to receive greetings from all countries.

For this reason, the imperial hats made during this period not only have the sacrificial function, but also have an extremely solemn diplomatic function, and are a symbol of the national image.

May I ask, which emperor of a big country who enforced a national ban on copper would wear a crown made of copper to appear at the grand ceremony on such an important occasion? !

Prohibition of copper is a virtue.

The emperor needs to take the lead in demonstrating his benevolent government to the world.

As soon as the copper hat was put on, not only did he slap himself in the face, but he also slapped the entire Tang Empire in the face.

Not to mention the emperor, even the department in charge of rites and music in the Tang Dynasty will definitely not let this major mistake happen!

This is where an impossible object appears.

Miscellaneous Hades This forgery is really ingenious.

Ordinary appraisers look at form and structure, first-class appraisers look at culture, and top appraisers understand people's hearts.

The realization is still the heart of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago!

I quickly returned to the hotel.

The most important part of this game has been conquered!

Originally, if I couldn't realize it, I would have to take some more difficult methods to forcefully pry out the identification evidence from Miscellaneous Hades.

Now it's not needed, it's much simpler.

Before I went to the manor to appraise the imperial hat, I deliberately turned the phone to silent. Now I took out the phone and found that there were dozens of missed calls.

It was all from Lu Cenyin.

I did that to her some time ago.

According to her personality, she will definitely work crazily when she is extremely sad.

There were dozens of serial phone calls suddenly today. There is no doubt that she must have visited her father during work breaks and found that the unicorn jade pendant was missing.

Through the screen of the mobile phone, I can imagine her madness.

I put my phone on the table and smoked.

At this moment, Lu Cenyin's phone calls continued to come in.

After playing a dozen more.

Did not continue to fight.

There is a message.

"Su Chen, what are you doing?!"

Judging from the information, she should have guessed something.

I can't give her any illusions, just turn off the phone.

Using the newly purchased phone card, he called Fatty Xiao.

"In the future, if you contact Xiaozhu with my number, the original number will basically be turned off. Don't tell anyone about the new number."

"Okay, how are you doing over there?"

"It's going very well, how about you?"

"I'm not doing well here. The imaginary fish hasn't approached me yet. Xiaozhu sold the house, and the price went up to 300 million. I can't tell that this girl is very good at business."

"Don't worry, the fish is approaching, hold on to the waves."

"Understood. Miss Lu's condition has been very bad recently. Today she went crazy and came to look for me."

"What did she say?"

"She's very smart, she didn't say much else, just asked where you are now."

"How did you return?"

"I'm an actor, so I'm not stupid! My buddy snorted coldly, and ignored her directly. Is this temperament okay?"

"Very good!"

The dark thread beside Lu Cenyin is not that stupid, it is impossible to get close to Fatty Xiao so quickly.

This person must still be watching in secret.

Xiaozhu's house was sold out, and Lu Cenyin showed signs of missing important things, so the dark thread approached Fatty Xiao proactively.

The time has come to night.

Three sunspots are here.

"Is everything done?" I asked.

Sanheizi replied: "Small cameras are placed in the corridors and at the entrance of the hotel."

I asked, "Where are your men?"

Sanheizi replied: "Everyone is waiting outside in the dark, when shall we start?"

I said, "Now."

After speaking.

I went out, and under the camera, I went through the process of entering the room from the hotel lobby again.

Of course, during this process, Sanheizi specially adjusted the lens, only showing my figure, not my appearance.

At [-]:[-] in the evening, Yan Xiaoyue called: "Where are you?"

I told her the hotel and room number.

Yan Xiaoyue said viciously: "My boy, wait for me!"

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