World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 309 The World's Smartest Wolf

The three of us walked out of the street.

Take a taxi to the supper stand.

Ordered a table full of dishes.

All order according to the dishes that sister Xu loved to eat and cook in the past.

Bian Wu is not here today.

As a chess piece to save my life, he wandered around with the unicorn and jade pendant.

But I think he should be able to feel our joy today.

Still pouring a full glass of wine into an empty glass.

I feel very sad.

Not because of anything else, but because of the dream last night.

I grew up without a home.

After following Sister Jiu'er, she is my master and is extremely strict with me.

What Sister Jiuer gave me is actually different from family affection. I have more admiration and awe for her.

Xu Qing was like a fleeting solitary light that suddenly appeared in my dark life, gave me the warmth and bond of a family, but died because of me.

But at the critical moment when I was avenging her, she secretly protected me and didn't let me do it myself.

She is my sister.

I saw that everyone's glasses were filled with wine.

I raise my glass.

Fatty Xiao and Xiao Zhu also raised their glasses.

I said, "Sister, I owe you all my life, and I can't pay it back, and you won't let me pay it back."

"But if the principal is not repaid, I have to calculate the interest, so don't scold me when Lu Xiaoxin is dead."

Fatty Xiao suddenly took off the fake finger in his hand, threw it into the garbage, and shook it to the empty space next to him: "Sister Xu, Xiao Lan will not wear this thing anymore, it can hold a knife and can Is the hand playing the piano even cooler?"

His fingers were cut off by Lu Xiaoxin.

Fatty Xiao wore fake fingers for a long time.

He lost it today.

The resentment in his heart was finally relieved.

Xiao Zhu's eyes were flushed: "Sister, I miss you."

The three of them drank the wine in their cups in one gulp.

I drank the wine in Xu Qing's glass again.

Fatty Xiao gritted his teeth and patted my shoulder: "Su Zi, from today onwards, our goal is the old manager! Dude, I have nothing to offer, so I will follow you and hate the manager!"

I replied: "Okay! Let's not mention anything today. We will eat meat and drink in big bowls. If we don't get drunk, we won't go home."

this evening.

We blew the autumn night wind, drank and ate meat, heartily.

Laughter echoed in the supper stall.

It wasn't until the boss urged us several times in a row that he wanted to close the stall that we left the night snack stall and went back to the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel.

Fatty Xiao and Xiaozhu each opened a room.

Fatty Xiao drank too much, so he went to sleep as soon as he entered the room.

Xiaozhu accompanied me into the room.

She helped me make the bed first, and then picked up the clothes to wash.

I told her not to wash it, and talk about it tomorrow.

Xiaozhu's beautiful eyes flashed at me: "Brother, can you take me to pick up leaks in a few days? Pick up miscellaneous items."

I asked, "Want to learn?"

Xiaozhu nodded: "Master said, I only understand theory, not practical operation, let me learn more with you."

Miscellaneous items are actually the most difficult of the four major items.

Calligraphy and painting, ceramics, and jade are also major items, but they are relatively simple. These three items have a relatively clear context to follow.But miscellaneous items are too complicated, common ones such as inkstones, coins, wooden lacquerware, fans, food stamps, dental horns, etc., special ones even sensational coffins, mummy...

It is really difficult to master.

However, there is one person who is very awesome.

That is the East China Miscellaneous Hades.

Yan Xiaoyue said before that her father invited me to visit his studio, and I promised to wait until the mad bugs were dealt with.

Now the mad bug has been solved.

I'll see if I can bring Xiaozhu in.

If he could go in, Xiaozhu's level would be improved qualitatively.

I replied: "Okay, I'll be fine for the next few days, I'll take you to see Miscellaneous Hades."

Xiaozhu replied: "Yeah."

But after speaking, Xiaozhu didn't leave.

I look at her.

She also looked at me.

After a while.

I asked, "Don't you rest?"

When Xiao Zhu heard this, her face turned red immediately: "Oh yes, I should sleep in the next room..."

She walked away a little embarrassed.

the next morning.

We went downstairs and were about to go out for breakfast.

A few people came up suddenly at the elevator entrance.

They showed me their IDs, and one of them said, "Is that Su Chen? Please come with us and ask you something."

Fatty Xiao and Xiao Zhu were both dumbfounded.

They actually didn't know the truth about Lu Xiaoxin's death last night.

When eating supper, because there were people next to me, I didn't tell them in detail.

Fatty Xiao hurriedly said, "No... Comrade, what's the matter with Su Chen?"

The other party replied seriously: "It has nothing to do with you, don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

I turned to Fatty Xiao and Xiaozhu and said, "It's okay, you wait for me."

After speaking, I went with them.

When I arrived at their office, someone first came in to inquire about last night's situation and took notes, and then no one paid any attention to me.

Eat box lunch at noon.

Continue to stay in the afternoon.

At night.

Another person came in, continued to ask, and made another record, mainly asking about Xia Xi.

They didn't let me out until the full 48 hours.

After I went out, I saw several people in the yard.

Fatty Xiao and Wei Feng were smoking and chatting.

Xiaozhu, on the other hand, was full of anxiety, walking up and down the yard anxiously.

Seeing me coming out, she looked extremely happy, and immediately rushed over, holding my hand: "Brother..."

I patted her head and said with a smile, "It's okay."

Turn around.

Spotted a familiar figure.

Yan Xiaoyue.

She stood beside her, with no expression on her face, she didn't even look at me, but stared at Xiaozhu instead.

How did this old six know?

I guess she went to the hotel and asked about the situation.

Yan Xiaoyue saw that I was looking at her, walked over, and asked Xiao Zhu, "Little classmate, who are you?"

Xiaozhu: "..."

I replied: "The last time we asked you to gamble, didn't you see it?"

Xiaozhu smiled and said, "Hello, sister Xiaoyue!"

Yan Xiaoyue patted her forehead when she heard the words: "Look at my memory...but you were not so close last time, could it be that your relationship has grown further?"

Xiaozhu blinked his big eyes, and deliberately replied: "Yes, yes."

Yan Xiaoyue rolled her eyes: "For your size! You can tell from the posture of Xiao Zang's hands and feet that you still can't do it!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhu glanced at his mouth.

Yan Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Let's go, my sister will clean up the dust for you!"

Wei Feng came over and sneered, "Okay, Su Zi, the fox has been eaten, and he hasn't caused trouble yet."

I replied: "It's mainly people who raise foxes, and they also have dogs. The dog killed the fox suddenly, and it really has nothing to do with me."

Wei Feng said: "But the bone that made them bite each other madly was thrown into the cage by you."


Wei Feng said: "I have something to go. However, I have to remind you that no matter how powerful the wolves are on the mountain, if they cross the border and hurt people, they will not be able to escape the hunter's gun after all."

I replied, "Thanks for the reminder."

Wei Feng smiled: "I believe you must be the smartest wolf in the world!"

After speaking.

Wei Feng drove away.

I'm about to leave.

In the blink of an eye, he saw Lu Cenyin who looked extremely haggard and had red and swollen eyes.

Accompanied by Uncle Wang, she came out of an office with a few pieces of paper in her hand.

She is Lu Xiaoxin's family member.

Need to come here to sign to confirm Lu Xiaoxin's death.

We look at each other.

Time seemed to stand still suddenly.

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