World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 326 Sky Blue Waiting for Misty Rain

But I had to go on.

The topic was set by him, and the rules of the game are naturally determined by him.

Even if he said count down to pick out the treasure.

I can't help it either.

Zong Piao shook his head and said: "These little gadgets, with your astonishing ability, must be able to hit the answer soon, half a cigarette is enough time. I don't want to disturb you anymore, please aim at the target."

I didn't say any more, I kept my mind steady, focused my eyes, and looked at the ancient bookshelves opposite the bed.

There are too many things on the Bogu shelf.

It is impossible to see which one of the antiques is the most expensive in just over a minute.

I have to resort to elimination.

The first idea is to judge according to the placement situation. Under normal circumstances, the most valuable objects will be set off by other things, and they will be in the middle position.But this idea was immediately rejected, because the middle position of the entire Bogu shelf has a hollow shape, and the surrounding things are placed very casually, without any rules, and there is no intention to set off a certain object.

The second idea is to judge by the degree of rarity. Strange things that have never been seen on the market are often very expensive.This way of judging was quickly rejected as well. From a cursory glance, the antiques on the shelf seemed to be a large category of antiques on the market, and there were nothing out of the ordinary.

The third idea is to judge by uniqueness. If there is a crane standing among a group of chickens, there is no doubt that this crane must be the most valuable...

My eyes suddenly froze.

Because I saw a sky-green glazed melon edge teapot on the third shelf on the right hand side of the Bogu shelf.

The location of this thing is inconspicuous.

But it is very unique.

Because there are all four major items of antiques on the Bogu rack, and there are more than ten items of the other three items, which is dazzling to see, but the only major item of porcelain is this sky blue glazed melon edge teapot.

This is a unique item for the Bogu shelf examination questions!

I no longer looked at the Bogu shelf, but tilted my head slightly, half-closed my eyes, and observed the head of the boss.

Antiques are not playing with antiques, but playing with people.

I want to find clues in his demeanor.

Observed for more than ten seconds.

It was found that although the head of the boss had been staring at the Bogu shelf, but in the past ten seconds, his eyes had scanned other places, but it was obvious that he had always deviated from the objects on the right side of the Bogu shelf.

This is a kind of psychological direction that is trying to cover up.

The boss turned his head and didn't want to give me any hints, so I noticed this celadon-glazed melon edge teapot.

Push it the other way.

This is the directivity of the author!

The object is unique, and the author of the question points correctly, and the two are highly consistent.

The next thing to consider is the value of the sky blue glazed melon edge teapot.

Sky blue glazed porcelain is the characteristic of Chai Kiln.

Its name comes from a line of comments on porcelain by Chai Shizong of the Later Zhou Dynasty of the Five Dynasties: "After the rain, the sky and the blue clouds break the place, and this color is the future."


So far, no chai kiln site has been found.

Tianqing glazed porcelain antiques on the market are generally divided into three types, Song Ru kiln Tianqing, Song Jun kiln Tianqing, and Qing Kangxi Jingdezhen kiln Tianqing.

In terms of value, the first two types of azure are dozens or even hundreds of times higher than Jingdezhen kiln azure.

Here is a simple way to distinguish the three kiln sky green glazes.

Song Ru Kiln was azure and light blue.

Song Jun kiln is azure, light blue in color.

Qing Kangxi Jingdezhen kiln sky blue, pale gray blue.

As for the detailed identification method in it, because it is not an explanatory text, I will not repeat it.

Azure glaze is too difficult to fire.

Because the azure color on the glaze cannot be formed by natural calcination, the humidity in the surrounding air must be sufficient at the moment when the celadon is out of the furnace, so that the dreamlike azure color can be gradually formed.

The potters in ancient times did not have modern artificial rainfall technology.

In order to burn azure glazed porcelain, they will wait hard for rainy days.

As soon as it rains.

Celadon comes out of the kiln.

The smoke rising from the kiln and the drizzle falling from the sky reflect the azure color of celadon.

This is a wonderful picture unparalleled in the world!

after many years.

Jay Chou released a song called "Blue and White Porcelain".

There is a line of lyrics in the middle: "The sky is blue and waiting for the mist and rain, and I am waiting for you. The smoke from the kitchen rises up, thousands of miles across the river."

I was deeply shocked by this sentence.

I wonder which genius lyricist is the one who can perfectly combine the beauty and romance of Song Citianqing with love, obsession and affection.

Check the name, Fang Wenshan.

Let's go back.

The teapot in front of me is melon-shaped in shape, light blue in color, thick and stable in glaze, and has no external light in the visual area, which is very typical of the Song Ru kiln sky celadon.

This is a rare treasure!

After a cursory glance at the other antiques on the Bogu shelf, there should be nothing comparable to it!

The most expensive antique is the Sky Green Glazed Melon Edged Tea Pot!

Turn around.

The cigarette on the glass holder was about to burn out.

I was about to blurt it out.

But at that moment, I suddenly saw the corner of the boss's mouth, which seemed to be rising slightly.

My whole body was shocked.

Will it be that simple?

Song Tian celadon is naturally a rare treasure, but what if it is fake, or in other words, the things on this ancient shelf are all fake things made by master counterfeiters?

I am now separated from such a long distance, and I can't judge carefully at all.

Zong Piao came up with a halberd shooting game that made me fight for my fate, the purpose was to punish me for provoking Lao Liang Gang's door lintel before, and to prevent me from continuing to ask him for news.

He must really want to succeed.

This is the last dignity and the bottom line of the elders who have been in the army for a lifetime and who are about to die.

If I break the game.

It is equivalent to canceling all the previous matters.

I'm afraid he will be so angry that he wants to lift the coffin after he dies!

Will the general manager really put the most expensive antiques in the antique shelf?

"There are many antiques in this room. With your eyesight, pick out the most expensive one and you will win."

These words resounded in my mind like thunder.

The general manager said "inside the house" instead of specifically referring to the inside of the Bogu shelf.

I just concentrated all my energy on the bogu shelf!

Could it be that he was hit by a trick and shot a side halberd? !

Think about it.

I turned my eyes to the house.

At a glance.

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on the back!

Zong Piao raised his head and said lightly: "Young man, your time is up, let the old man come and listen to your answer."

I closed my eyes.

Uncompromisingly resolutely cut off the messy thoughts.

Open your eyes again.

He and Zong Piao looked at each other coldly for a few seconds.

I replied unhurriedly: "The most expensive antique in the house is not on the shelf."

"The big wooden bed the old man sleeps on is the most expensive antique in the whole room!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Zong Piao's face suddenly changed abruptly, and he began to cough violently, as if a mouthful of phlegm was stuck in his throat, he was out of breath, his eyes turned white, and he was about to die.

I was terrified to see him like this.

There is an emergency caller next to the bed.

I immediately press it.

After a few seconds.

The doctor ran in quickly with a few nurses just now.

They were shocked when they saw the general manager's head.

The doctor turned his head and yelled at me: "Didn't I tell you not to stimulate the old man?!"


They began to carry out emergency rescue on the head of the general dipper.

My heart immediately hung in my throat.

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