World Tibet Bureau

Chapter 411 Sentry

I first asked the driver to drive a certain distance to the opposite of Beimen Township.

Then go around the small road and quickly drive to Beimen Township of Mangshan Mountain.

Stop and go all the way.

After repeatedly confirming that there are no people or vehicles behind you.

I asked the driver to pick up speed.

The night is already deep.

Fortunately, the moon is relatively large tonight.

The car was approaching Wangjiazhuang.

I asked Fourth Master Ni to explain the basic situation.

Fourth Master Ni coughed.

"Masters, judging from the previous interrogation, the counterfeiting base is a family workshop. The owner's name is Lu Fang, and there is a big red birthmark on the cheekbone on the right cheek. Lu Fang's home is located in the northeast corner of Wangjiazhuang. A small three-story glazed tile western-style building."

"And the location of the counterfeit workshop is on the back mountain of his house, and it can be directly connected to the workshop from Lu Fang's house. But the inner ghost doesn't know how to get from his house to the back mountain, because he went to find Lu Fang When he entered his house, he was blindfolded and taken away by Lu Fang. This is the general situation."

I nodded and explained the main tasks of this trip.

"Our goal today is to enter Wangjiazhuang, go to Lu Fang's house to catch him, let him take us to the back mountain counterfeit workshop, take all possible measures to destroy all the molds and drawings of the den, and then give the leader Lu Fang Take it away, even if the task is completely completed."

"In order to avoid impact, we did not report this operation to the public, and we can follow the methods of the rivers and lakes. But because of this, everyone must strive for the fastest speed, the least movement, and the lowest impact during the operation, so that the battle can be resolved quickly without disturbing To the villagers of Wangjiazhuang. I don’t know if everyone understands?”

Everyone replied: "Understood!"

I turned to Fourth Master Ni and said, "Fourth Master, show everyone the sketch."

Fourth Master Ni took out a sketch he had drawn with a pencil.

Everyone took a look at the blueprint.

After all, the layout of Wangjiazhuang was drawn according to Ouyang Shanwen's confused dictation. It is very rough, but it is better than nothing.

After reading it, Mr. Cui asked, "Walk or drive into the village?"

I replied: "After arriving at the entrance of the village, everyone abandons the car and walks, and quickly disperses under the darkness. When everyone arrives at the gate of Lu Fang's courtyard, act together!"

Mr. Cui looked at his watch and asked, "Are you there in a few minutes?"

I replied: "Don't be stuck in time, people! Everyone must rush to the courtyard entrance as fast as possible and wait for me. After I arrive, regardless of whether anyone has not arrived, the action will start immediately!"

Mr. Cui asked again: "How will Lu Fang's family members and workshop workers deal with it?"

I replied: "All dizzy!"

Mr. Cui nodded, then turned around and asked everyone, "Do you have any questions?"

Did not wait for everyone to speak.

I said, "Don't ask any more questions, just adapt to the situation when you arrive at the scene!"

Mr. Cui's buttons are really too thin.

It is estimated that this is a habit he has developed for a long time as Xu's old bodyguard.

But a perfect plan is always based on an extremely clear understanding of the other party's situation.

Now the question is.

We acted urgently as soon as we got the results of the trial more than an hour ago. The situation of this family-made counterfeit workshop is actually very vague.

It is useless to formulate a more detailed plan.

Wangjiazhuang in Beimen Township is located in a mountain depression.

There is only one dirt road to enter the village.

On both sides are rice fields.

The van is bumpy on dirt roads.

When it was a few miles away from the entrance of the village.

We saw an old farmer in front of him, carrying a hoe on his shoulders, his trouser legs were turned up, and his calf was covered with mud, walking on the dirt road.

It is normal for rural people to come out to work at night.

Putting water at night, electric fish, guarding melon fields, catching frogs...

We honked a few times.

When the old farmer heard this, instead of getting out of the way, he gestured to us with his hands, looking very anxious.

He spoke in tongues.

I don't quite understand.

I asked Fourth Master Ni: "What is this uncle talking about?"

Fourth Master Ni frowned and replied, "I didn't hear clearly."

The driver had to stop.

The old farmer was very angry, so he rushed over and hammered the door of the cab with a hoe.

The driver had to roll down the window.

"Master, what did you say?"

Hearing the driver speak Mandarin, the uncle looked up through the car window, looked at the situation inside the car, and began to say in Mandarin with a strong local accent: "You squashed my fish basket! The fish are all dead!"

Dare to feel that the old Nongda put fish baskets here at night.

I let the driver go down and deal with it.

The driver went down, turned to the back of the car to look at it, and came back and said, "Master, I can't see clearly when driving at night, so please be patient! Half of the fish is crushed to death, can we buy it?"

The uncle asked, "How much did you pay?"

The driver replied: "You make a price!"

The uncle asked again: "How much did you pay?!"

The driver replied: "It's hard to say if I go out more or less, you should say it."

The uncle asked repeatedly: "How much did you pay?!"

The driver was very speechless and scratched his head: "Can I give you two hundred lines?"

The uncle was stunned for a moment, and replied: "Okay, bring it."

The driver gave him 200 yuan.

Grandpa just let us go.

Drove a little way.

I said, "There seems to be something wrong with this uncle!"

When everyone heard this, they were extremely surprised.

Lu Cenyin asked, "What's wrong?"

Mr. Cui also frowned and said, "I also feel a little weird."

I carefully recalled the whole process.

The headlights of the car were very bright in the night, the old farmer should have spotted us long ago, he could actually stop us before the car hit the fish basket, but he didn't do that, he just waited for us to crush the fish to death and beat us Horn, he just turned around and troubled us.

After the driver opened the car window, his first reaction was not to talk directly about the fish, but to take a closer look at the people in the car.

We asked him to make an offer, and he responded in a very strange way, repeatedly asking how much we would pay, which felt like a code word.

The most important thing is that the fish is only half killed. Under normal circumstances, after the car drives away, ordinary rural people should pick up the other half of the live fish, but it can be seen from the rearview mirror that he did not do so. Instead, he left quickly.

I explained the situation to them.

Mr. Cui asked: "Mr. Su, what is your judgment?"

I turned my head and asked Fourth Master Ni, "This old farmer may be a sentry."

Fourth Master Ni replied: "No way!"

I asked him: "Did Ouyang Shanwen say that you need to match the password when entering the village?"

Fourth Master Ni scratched his head: "I was only thinking about asking the location, and I forgot to ask about these things... But we acted very fast, and the news didn't leak out. How did Lu Fang know we were here?"

I replied: "It may not be a matter of leaking information."

Lu Cenyin asked, "What's the problem?"

Mr. Cui replied for me: "It is obviously an organized behavior to send a sentry outside the village in the middle of the night. Mr. Su means that the entire Wangjiazhuang may be involved in the counterfeiting. The counterfeiting base may not be Lu Fang's family workshop at all. , Lu Fang may just be the leader."

I nodded: "Yes, this is actually consistent with the way villagers send people to prevent the enemy from entering the village in war movies."

Lu Cenyin asked, "What should we do now?"

I thought for a while and replied: "It's just a guess at the moment, move on, and slow down a bit."

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