Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 177 Jiang Fei is too arrogant?

"Yes, I prescribed Junchen Wuling Powder."

"Because the liver benefits the spleen and stomach, the spleen and stomach must be treated first for damp heat."

"As long as the dampness and heat subside, Guo Hui will naturally wake up."

Wu Xinge nodded, and explained to Jiang Fei.

His thoughts on treatment are relatively clear, and he has always been confident in his prescriptions, but for some reason, he just didn't wake up.

Jiang Fei frowned tightly, thinking carefully about Wu Xinge's train of thought, and he found that there are actually many reasons, and logically speaking, it should be okay.

But Jiang Fei always felt that something was wrong, as if something was missing.

He carefully stared at Guo Hui who was lying on the ground. Now Guo Hui's skin was no longer jaundiced, but he was still in a coma, throbbing and convulsing from time to time, and the vomiting was gone, but he would still gurgle and vomit. gas.

"Mr. Wu, do you need a medicine primer for this prescription?"

Jiang Fei gradually thought of something, which may be very important.

Wu Xinge's eyes lit up, he nodded quickly and said, "That's right, I asked for fresh lotus root juice with medicine, and then I took Junchen Wuling Powder."

He has become more and more appreciative of Jiang Fei. There are very few Chinese medicine practitioners who can see this step. He did not expect Jiang Fei, a young man, to see this.

"No wonder..." Jiang Fei understood what was going on when he heard the words, and then turned to Guo Wenmin and said, "Old Guo, there is nothing wrong with Old Wu's medical skills, it's the problem of the medicine primer."

"Because our hospital does not have fresh lotus root juice, there is no problem with the medicine prescribed by Mr. Wu."

Jiang Fei did not excuse Wu Xinge, but that the problem was indeed the case.

He also wondered why the apprentice of such a famous doctor as Mr. Wu would be defeated in the small Jiang County People's Hospital, and Guo Hui. It turned out to be the reason.

After thinking about it now, his doubts about Wu Xinge's medical skills disappeared.

Wu Xinge heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that no one would understand him, so he really thought it was his ability.

"However, Mr. Wu, although your differentiation is good, you still missed one factor."

Jiang Fei speaks very straightforwardly, saying what he should say, never beating around the bush.

This dialectic is still not very accurate, and the key point of the problem has not been found.

Seeing Jiang Fei say that, Wu Xinge was not angry, but asked curiously, "I want to hear your opinion."

Jiang Fei nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Guo Hui's pulse condition is slippery, his tongue coating is yellow and greasy, and he still had delirium and vomiting before, and he was unconscious."

"Among these certificates, the most important one is coma."

"Our Chinese medicine practitioners also need to distinguish between specimens, what is the specimen, and what is the origin."

"To treat a disease, treat the symptoms first, and then solve the root cause. The symptoms are urgent symptoms at the moment."

"So the most important thing to solve is the coma symptom, and why is he comatose?"

"According to the combination of four diagnostic methods, it is mainly from the pulse condition that it is caused by the invasion of the pericardium by damp-heat toxin."

"In the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, the pericardium is a philosophical thing. It is not the pericardium in Western medicine, nor does it refer to a certain part, but a soul-like existence."

"The pericardium has been invaded, so that dampness and heat will accumulate in the pericardium and trap the pericardium, which will lead to Guo Hui's coma."

"This is the mark!"

"As for this, it's what you've identified. Eliminating dampness and heat is the essence."

"So I originally planned to use Hepatitis Qingdu Drink for clearing away heat and dampness, and add Angong Niuhuang Pills for detoxification and rejuvenation, which can have a rapid and immediate effect."

"Ganyan Qingdu Decoction treats the essence, and Angong Niuhuang Pill treats the symptoms."

"Coma itself is a serious emergency in our traditional Chinese medicine, so the most important thing in emergency treatment is to treat it properly and in a timely manner. In addition, syndrome differentiation and medication complement each other, so that the patient can turn from danger to safety."

"Fortunately, the medicine you prescribed earlier is effective, so although Guo Hui's condition is dangerous, it's not at the point where a god can't save it."

When Jiang Fei said this, he could no longer pay attention to Wu Xinge's shaking his head. He was not here to discuss these things with Wu Xinge.

What he wanted to do was to save Guo Hui's life, regardless of Guo Hui's identity, and only regarded him as an emergency patient in internal medicine.

"Nurse, take an Angong Niuhuang Pill and let Guo Hui take the medicine by tapping his tongue."

Jiang Fei called out to the nurse.

Tongue point method, that is, tongue feeding.

"Okay, Director Jiang."

After hearing Jiang Fei's call, the nurse didn't dare to neglect the slightest bit, and immediately turned around and ran to the pharmacy to grab the medicine.

Jiang Fei took out a pen and paper from his pocket and began to write the prescription.

The last time I was writing a recipe, I was interrupted by Wu Xinge's sudden arrival.

Then he was scolded by Guo Wenmin again.

But now that I prescribe my own prescription, this situation will not happen.

Guo Wenmin let alone scolding Jiang Fei, he doesn't even have the intention of angering Jiang Fei now, he just wants to make his son get better soon.

He didn't want a white-haired man to give away a black-haired man, especially since he had only such a son...

"Hepatitis Qingdu drink, there should be Huoxiang and Magnolia officinalis, right?"

Wu Xinge frowned and asked.

In the minds of many Chinese medicine practitioners, there are actually many prescriptions, which can be taken out whenever they want to use, and then added or subtracted at any time according to different syndromes.

"Yes, Huoxiang is an aromatic medicine. It is used to refresh the brain and rejuvenate the mind. Magnolia officinalis lowers the Qi and relaxes the middle, and dries dampness and eliminates drink."

Jiang Fei answered Wu Xinge with a nod, but he did not forget to continue writing the prescription.

Wu Xinge came up and glanced at Jiang Fei's prescription, the more he looked at it, the more he was amazed and surprised.

How can a young guy be so powerful?

It doesn't feel like someone in their twenties, but rather an old doctor with enough experience in treating diseases for 30 to [-] years.

"Four qian of fungus Chen, three qian of Huoxiang, two qian of Magnolia officinalis, five qian of coix seed, one qian of white coix seed, four qian of honeysuckle flower, two qian of forsythia, three qian of Zhiren, one and a half qian of Shichangpu, one and a half of Guangyu gold Half the money, Mutong two dollars."

"Okay, it's well used." Wu Xinge spoke in admiration, and gave Jiang Fei a thumbs up.

Both honeysuckle and forsythia are used to clear away heat and detoxify.

Bai Kou promotes qi and appetizers, helps nourish the heart qi.

Coix seed dehumidifies, Shichangpu resuscitates and eliminates phlegm, Akebia clears heat and detoxifies, relieves urine and dehumidifies.

With so many medicines combined, it can really be said to be a fully mechanized army.

The enemy army, that is, the sickness, was immediately frightened and retreated after seeing it, without even the confidence to resist.

A soldier who surrenders without fighting is the strategy of the superior general.

"Director, An Gong has brought it back."

A female nurse in her 20s came in wearing a white nurse uniform and motioned to Jiang Fei.

"Touch the tongue, let Guo Hui take the medicine."

"Warm water with tongue."

Jiang Fei gave an order, and then handed the prescription to Liang Huadong at the door with the prescription in his hand.

"Old Liang, please decoct the medicine yourself, decoct it with martial fire, and bring it here."

Naturally, Jiang Fei didn't just randomly assign the old Chinese doctor to grab the medicine, he wasn't so domineering yet.

He was one of the doctors who knew about internal medicine, among which Liang Huadong's Wuhuo decoction was the best, even Jiang Fei couldn't compare to him.

This is also the reason why Liang Huadong was able to stabilize in internal medicine even though he was suppressed in the past.

It is because of his martial arts decocting medicine that many pharmacists sighed.

After Liang Huadong took the prescription, he didn't talk nonsense, and turned around to grab the medicine.

Now Guo Hui's patient is not only a matter of face for Mr. Wu Xinge, but also tied to the Internal Medicine Department of Jiang County People's Hospital.

If the medicine Jiang Fei prescribed didn't work, it would be a big joke.

Moreover, the reputation that Jiang Fei had accumulated so hard will disappear with this failure.

This is the case with Chinese medicine. You can accumulate countless reputations, but as long as there is a big news, you will be a quack doctor in the future, and all your previous efforts will be denied in an instant.

But Western medicine is different. Even if some surgeries fail in the hands of the surgeons, leading to the death of the patient, it is not the responsibility of the surgeons. They are still powerful surgeons.

This is a kind of customary thinking logic of people. I always feel that it is unforgivable for Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine to eat dead people.

But it is normal for Western medicine and surgery to kill people.

The reason for this is actually very simple, it is just bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

If Chinese medicine becomes the formulating party of medical rules one day, do you think anyone would dare to criticize Chinese medicine like this?

Liang Huadong's Wuhuo decoction is indeed fast, in just 10 minutes, the first bowl of medicine has already been served.

Jiang Fei touched the medicine bowl, but it was not hot. It was obvious that Liang Huadong had cooled it down.

"Give him medicine."

"It's 02:30 in the afternoon. If the situation is good, you can wake up before five o'clock."

Jiang Fei glanced at the pendulum clock on the wall, and said casually to several people in the ward.

What he said had no intention, but the listener did. Both Guo Wenmin and Wu Xinge paid attention.

It is normal for Guo Wenmin to be concerned, because this is his own son.

But Wu Xinge didn't believe it, and felt that Jiang Fei was bragging.

But he didn't say much, just wait slowly.

It will be known before five o'clock.

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