Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 237 Prescription Controversy

At 02:30 in the middle of the night, the village chief Zhou Dali and his son Zhou Bangxin followed the car, and brought their grandson to the Anzhen Health Center in Bai Xiaotian's car.

Jiang Fei naturally needless to say, he must follow.

Since he took over Zhou Dali's grandson with full power, he would not let him go.

The scale of the Anzhen Health Center is naturally much larger than the previous health center.

This was all obtained by Xiao Yumin's investment of real money. Today's Anzhen Health Center already has wards. Although there are not many beds, it is indeed an improvement.

Moreover, the medical staff of Anzhen Health Center has grown from the previous 20 people to more than [-] people, including nurses.

Sun Fang, the director of the hospital, is on duty today.

After Jiang Fei took Zhou's father and son and their children into the hospital, Sun Fang naturally followed them all the way.

She arranged a pediatric ward for the child.

"Director Jiang, if you need anything, just ask."

Sun Fang asked Jiang Fei with a smile on her face, not to mention that Jiang Fei is an old man who has walked out of their old clinic, just that Jiang Fei is now the director of the internal medicine department of the county hospital, which is enough for them to take it seriously.

If the Anzhen Health Center wants to develop and improve its medical level, it must establish a good relationship with the county hospital.

"Sun Yuan, I won't be polite to you."

Jiang Fei's answer was more straightforward. He was not polite at first, and he didn't have so much politeness in curing diseases and saving lives.

"Get a blood test!"

Jiang Fei spoke, this was his first request after coming to Anzhen Health Center.

Sun Fang smiled and nodded: "No problem, I'll let the nurse come over."

She agreed to Jiang Fei's request, and then called a nurse on duty.

After the nurse on duty entered the pediatric ward, she was surprised to see Jiang Fei standing here.

She didn't expect Jiang Fei to be in the ward. He was a famous figure in the Anzhen Health Center before, and now he has jumped from the health center to the county hospital to become the director of internal medicine and the leader of the emergency preparation team of traditional Chinese medicine.

The nurses usually chatted, and they often talked about Jiang Fei.

I think Jiang Fei is the winner in life.

Of course, this is also the result of his strong ability and hard work. If he didn't have the ability, how could he be valued by Niu Lao and be assigned to Jiang County People's Hospital.

She greeted Jiang Fei, drew half a tube of blood, turned around and walked out.

"Let the pharmacy give me a pair of deer deer antispasmodic powder."

"That's one penny for antelope horns, three cents for musk, twelve scorpions, and two centipedes, all researched together to make the final product."

Jiang Fei spoke again and looked at Sun Fang.

This is an essential powder to save this child, and it is also a medicine for relieving wind and convulsions.

Although Anzhen is a small place, and the Anzhen Health Center is not well-known, but after Xiao Yumin spent money to upgrade, many medicinal materials are readily available.

The pharmacy of Anzhen Health Center has all the medicines mentioned by Jiang Fei, and there are quite a lot of them.

"Yu Shudan also brought over a bottle and gave it to the child three times a day."

Sun Fang knew Jiang Fei very well, so she just wrote it down, but didn't leave the ward immediately.

She knew that since Jiang Fei wanted to prescribe medicine, he would naturally have a complete mix, not only powders, pills, but also prescriptions.

Sure enough, while she was waiting, Jiang Fei took out a pen and paper and began to write the prescription.

The child's syndrome is that heat and toxin are flaming, heat binds Yangming, arouses liver wind, and evil closes pericardium.

The concept of the treatment method is to clear the plague heat and detoxify, clear the Qi and cool the blood, clear away the evil heat, and open up the mind to relieve the wind.

The antelope deer deer Zhishangsan he prescribed just now is used to open up the mind and calm the wind and relieve convulsions, and the Yushu Dan is used to clear the qi and cool the blood, clear away the plague and detoxify.

So the prescription now prescribed is for comprehensive treatment.

Sixty qian for raw gypsum.

Danpi, comfrey, and fleas are five qian each.

Gold and silver flowers are twenty coins.

Forsythia, raw land, reed root, and Daqingye each cost ten qian.

Rhubarb five cents, licorice five cents.

Five qian of Glauber’s salt (chonghua), three qian of Qingdai (including fried)

This prescription is used to detoxify and relieve heat, clear qi and cool blood, including clearing away evil heat, resuscitation and relieving wind, all of which are called syndrome differentiation and treatment.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Fei's prescription needs to be clearly judged, and then boldly prescribed.

The so-called emergency use is urgent, and it should not be too conservative under normal circumstances.

Of course, there are also some masters who use medicine lightly and quickly, who can lift weights like light and turn rigidity into softness, such as Pu Fu Zhou Pu Lao and so on.

But there are also some who charge bravely, directly knocking down the enemy soldiers, that is, sickness, without leaving them a chance of survival, such as Li Ke and Li Lao.

What Jiang Fei is using at this moment is Li Ke's old Chinese medicine method and prescriptions, including Lingshe Zhishang San, which are all prescriptions prepared by Li Lao, which are very effective.

If you talk about Li Keli, an old Chinese doctor, you can say that you can't finish it all day and night.

Among Jiang Fei's most admired masters, Li Ke, an old Chinese doctor, can be ranked in the top five, or even higher.

Chinese medicine is actually the battlefield, and Chinese medicine practitioners are the generals on the battlefield. Whether the general is brave or not depends on the use of troops.

Therefore, the monarch, ministers and assistant envoys are matched, that is, to order soldiers and generals. Whether to drive the enemy out, kill them, or directly destroy their roots depends on the ruthlessness of the generals.

Chinese medicine practitioners are generals, and medicinal materials are soldiers in their hands.

Jiang Fei does not have a fixed style of prescribing medicines, because he has not yet found his own model. His own style of treatment often uses the medical prescriptions of famous experts flexibly, so as to achieve good results.

Of course, with Jiang Fei's current strength, in fact, according to later generations, he is already considered a famous doctor.

But Jiang Fei wants a lot more. If Chinese medicine doctors are divided into levels, it is not the level of professional titles, but the level of strength.

Probably the lowest level is the entry-level apprentice, and after a few years of study, he becomes a doctor. Above the doctor is an old Chinese doctor, then a famous master, and finally the ranks of traditional Chinese medicine.

Among them, Chinese medicine is also divided into several levels, famous old Chinese doctors with normal Chinese medical standards, great Chinese doctors who are proficient in medicine, and the ultimate chief Chinese doctor.

According to such a division of strength, Jiang Fei reckons that he is only a doctor at present, not even an old Chinese medicine doctor.

Old Chinese medicine does not mean it literally, it does not just refer to old Chinese medicine.

It is rich experience, many years of clinical experience, and many years of seeing doctors, so that you can become an old Chinese medicine doctor.

If a Chinese medicine practitioner starts learning at the age of three, sees a doctor at the age of eight, becomes a doctor at the age of 20, and becomes a senior Chinese medicine practitioner at the age of 40, because he has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years.

Jiang Fei also practiced medicine at the age of three in his previous life. According to this calculation, Jiang Fei also has more than [-] years of experience in Chinese medicine, and he is not far from an old doctor.

Of course, this is just something for Jiang Fei to entertain himself and boast about. After all, he dare not talk about the experience of his previous life, who can believe it?

So in this parallel time and space in the 70s, he was just a newcomer, at most a talented newcomer to Chinese medicine.

When Jiang Fei was contemplating, Sun Fang had already picked up the prescription.

Jiang Fei woke up, raised his head to look at Sun Fang, but saw that Sun Fang's face was a little dignified, and her hands were trembling.

"Here, is this sixty yuan raw plaster? Is it too...too much?"

"The patient is only a ten-year-old child."

Sun Fang pointed to the raw plaster that Jiang Fei prescribed, which cost a total of [-] yuan, which made her look extremely ugly.

Although it is said that cold medicine should be used for severe fever, will it be too much?

Once something goes wrong, there may be no room for recovery.

I have heard pediatrician Wang Weiguo and others say before that Jiang Fei is very bold in prescribing medicines, and sometimes they are terrified when they see the prescriptions.

But she hadn't had a chance to experience it yet. At this time, she saw Jiang Fei's prescription with her own eyes.

Only then did I truly feel what it means to be ruthless!

This is not only cruel to the disease, but also cruel to the patients.

One must know that this patient is only a boy of eleven or twelve years old, can he bear such harsh medicine?

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