can let your teacher take a look. If you think Jiang Fei is good, you might as well accept him as a disciple. In this way, Jiang Fei can also make up for the regret of not having a famous teacher to teach, and he can also supplement his footwork.

It is also very important to practice medicine in the field of Chinese medicine. Having a teacher who is a famous doctor and having an identity inherited from a faction can avoid a lot of trouble.

The first trouble that can be avoided is that once the wrong medicine is prescribed and medical disputes arise, Shimen can help you make up for it and deal with it, so as not to be swallowed alive.

But if you don't have a teacher, it will be even more difficult for you to handle this matter well.

His teacher, Weng Hai, can be said to be the academic authority of TCM in the entire Jijiang Province, and even has a high reputation in the whole country. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was the first batch of TCM masters to work in Beijing.

Like Pu Fuzhou and other famous doctors, he has practiced medicine in the capital for more than ten years, and also dealt with the epidemic meningitis in the capital in the mid-50s. He only returned to Jijiang Province in [-].

Tang Shizhong, Mr. Tang, is his teacher. The teacher is also a master of the classics and prescriptions, and also a junior fellow student of the famous classics and prescriptions master Hu Xishu.

Hu Xishu's achievements in Jingfang School are very high, and he can be said to be a leader.

His teacher Tang Shizhong is also not bad, and he has also made great contributions in the field of classic prescriptions, such as "Basic Theory of Classical Prescriptions", "Derivation of Classical Studies", "Golden Chamber Prescriptions" and "Shanghan Benjia" are all his works.

Now the teacher Tang Shizhong is no longer a doctor. The 75-year-old man has officially retired from the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, he also likes to teach at the Provincial College of Traditional Chinese Medicine from time to time, contributing his last little strength to Chinese medicine.

Thinking that the teacher had a dream of congestion in Chinese medicine, Weng Hai felt a little blocked in his heart, and he didn't know if the teacher's dream could be realized.

The teacher hopes that one day those who study Chinese medicine will be blocked at the door, and they will not even be able to get in. That will be the time when Chinese medicine will really flourish.

Jiang Fei saw Weng Hai's face change from time to time, as if he was thinking about something.

He didn't care, but looked at Elder Sun, and said, "Old Sun, you now understand the situation of your grandson."

"The prescriptions I prescribed go back to decoction. Soak them in cold water for two hours before decocting. Sour jujube kernel powder, fried cypress kernels, and raw chicken inner gold do not need to be soaked. The rest of the medicines need to be soaked for two hours before decocting."

"As for the powder I prescribed, you should also remember that the monkey dates must be shriveled and not too fat, and the antelope horn powder must be the best one."

"After grinding the fine powder together, take it for a few days, not more than five days, and stop taking the powder after five days, regardless of whether it has any effect."

In a responsible manner, Jiang Fei told Mr. Sun everything that needed attention.

Elder Sun was very worried about his little grandson's situation, so Jiang Fei nodded his head and wrote down all his instructions.

His youngest son also kept it in mind, after all, it was his grandson, the youngest son's son, who was sick.

"Jiang Fei, do you have time?"

At this time, Weng Hai raised his head, looked at Jiang Fei with a smile on his face and asked.

Jiang Fei turned around. He was a little bit puzzled after he had just finished his doctor's orders. Why did Weng Hai ask himself this way?

Does he have any time for himself? Does it have anything to do with him?

To put it bluntly, the two met by chance, and even almost caused a small friction.

But Weng Hai asked himself with such a smile, he must have something to ask, or something to say.

"Doctor Weng, what do you mean?"

Jiang Fei didn't say whether he had time, but asked clearly what Weng Hai meant.

He didn't like Weng Hai's way of questioning, so he said it directly when he had something to say, and didn't want to lay ambush and dig a hole.

Similar to the communication software of later generations, some friends and classmates did not contact you after a few years, and suddenly asked you if you were there?

Is this one there? I just stare at the screen and don't know what to do.

It's a little impolite not to reply, but if you reply, the friend's next sentence will probably be that I'm getting married next month, or I'm short of money, can I borrow some.

So Jiang Fei doesn't like this kind of questioning. If he has something to say directly, if I can agree, I will definitely agree. If I can't agree, I will refuse directly. There is no need to dig a hole for me.

Weng Hai looked at Jiang Fei with a smile for a long time, which made Jiang Fei baffled.

What does Weng Hai mean?What are you staring at yourself for?

This is the era, but in the era of future generations, he might feel horrified, thinking that he has met an old hooligan who likes men.


At this time, Old Sun stood up, looked at Weng Hai and Jiang Fei and spoke.

Jiang Fei came to his senses and was immediately taken aback when he saw Elder Sun standing up and bowing to himself and Weng Hai, moreover at a ninety-degree bow.

Jiang Fei's reaction was quick, and he immediately helped Mr. Sun up.

"Old Sun, what are you doing? You can't do that."

"Yes, Mr. Sun, get up quickly, don't do this."

Weng Hai didn't expect Mr. Sun to give such a big gift, he had vaguely guessed that the veteran in old military uniform in front of him must be Mr. Qiao's old comrade in arms.

For such a person, Weng Hai did not dare to neglect.

Now seeing the old man saluting and bowing to himself, he was naturally startled.

Elder Sun pushed Jiang Fei and Weng Hai away with a serious face, and bowed again.

"I've bowed to many doctors, not just you two."

"I only hope that this time, in exchange for the recovery of my grandson's illness, and not letting him continue to sleepwalk, I will be content."

Old Sun has been tortured by his little grandson's sleepwalking card, and he has no temper at all.

He was famous for his violent temper in the army back then, but now he has no temper, as long as he is a doctor who treats his grandson, he will bow and salute.

As a grandfather, it is not easy for him to achieve this step.

After all, with the high fertility rate of this era, it is obvious that Mr. Sun cannot have only one son and grandson, but must have many grandchildren.

But Sun Lao can still do this for his little grandson, that's enough.

"Don't worry, your grandson won't be tortured by sleepwalking this time."

Jiang Fei spoke to Old Sun with an extremely serious expression, and bowed to Old Sun in turn.

It stands to reason that a doctor who practices medicine and sees a doctor cannot make a guarantee casually, because if the guarantee comes out of his mouth, if it is not achieved, it will be a big trouble.

The patient's family members will question you, didn't you say it's okay?Will it be cured?Why are people not only bad, but also serious?

You must be a quack, hit him!

Jiang Fei has been a human being for two lifetimes, and he has been a doctor for two lifetimes. How could he not know this simplest truth?

But he still made a promise today, because the sincerity of the old man Sun and his sincerity in treating his grandson infected Jiang Fei.

It is really difficult for patients and their families to see a doctor...

It is even more difficult to find a good doctor and a good Chinese medicine doctor.

When Jiang Fei worked in the emergency department in his previous life, their department director at the time joked that a patient looking for a good western doctor was like looking for a first prize among a pile of third prizes.

Because the basic level of Western medicine has a bottom line, what you have learned in school plus several years of clinical experience can become a very good doctor.

But if a patient wants to find a good Chinese medicine doctor, it is like looking for the third prize in a pile of thank you for your patronage.

I understand everything I know, so I don't need to say more. Good Chinese medicine is really rare.

Even pure Chinese medicine practitioners who are proficient in seeing, hearing and asking are very few.

The so-called pure Chinese medicine is not the kind of combination of Chinese and Western medicine.

"Thank you for your kind words, thank you, thank you."

When Old Sun saw that Jiang Fei promised to make his grandson heal and get better, his eye circles were a little red, and he nodded deeply with his fists in his hands.

Jiang Fei was the only one among so many doctors he met who assured him that his grandson would be fine.

"Don't be like this, go to the pharmacy of the hospital to prescribe medicine."


Jiang Fei mentioned taking medicine, and then he remembered that he had prescribed the medicine. He couldn't do it in the Provincial Military Hospital, because he was not a doctor here, so he was not qualified to ask the Provincial Military Hospital to prescribe medicine.

He could only look at Weng Hai, hoping that Weng Hai would make it easier for Mr. Sun based on his medical qualities.

"Isn't it just to prescribe medicine?"

Seeing Jiang Fei staring at him, Weng Hai smiled slightly, signed his name, and handed the prescription to Elder Sun's son.

"Let's prescribe the medicine this time, I guarantee it will come out."

His signing means that he will bear the same risk as Jiang Fei.

Once there is a problem with the prescription, both of them are responsible.

However, Weng Hai is still very confident in the prescription Jiang Fei prescribed.

In addition, if I want to bring Jiang Fei in front of the teacher, I naturally have to give Jiang Fei a little 'favor' first.

Otherwise, he and Jiang Fei met by chance, and he couldn't open his mouth to mention it.

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