Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 366 Addition and Subtraction of Yinqiao Powder and Gardenia Soy Decoction

"Second Zhang, are you at home?"

Wang Rong yelled twice, and the dog at the door barked immediately. It was a big black dog more than half a meter high.

The big black dog barked immediately when he heard the movement.

With this call, Zhang Lao Er came out of the house.

He was dressed like a typical farmer, in his forties, patched his clothes and trousers, and came out smoking dry tobacco.

"Isn't this Wang Zhiqing? Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Laoer's tone was low, and he didn't look like he was smiling.

"These are experts from the county, treating our village."

"How is your son's illness?"

Wang Rong was in charge of introducing Jiang Fei and the three of them, and then he didn't forget to ask Zhang's second son.

Questioning is a matter of knowledge, and this Wang Rong has good logic skills.

Jiang Fei glanced at him, then looked at Zhang Lao Er.

When Zhang Laoer heard that the county had sent experts, his face immediately became ecstatic. He ran over, came to Tang Shizhong, and held Tang Shizhong's hand tightly.

"Old doctor, hurry up, show it to my son, he can't eat anything now, so he throws up whatever he eats, and it burns up and down."

He immediately valued Tang Shizhong, but there was no other way, as he was older, he naturally looked like an old expert.

Tang Shizhong glanced at Jiang Fei, and smiled inwardly, boy, if you don't know the goods, you still know the goods.

"Wrong, wrong, this is the expert in the county."

Wang Rong immediately opened his mouth and corrected Zhang's second mistake.

Although he knew that Tang Shizhong came with Jiang Fei and the others, he was obviously not in the same group.

That's why he called it wrong.

"Ah? Him?" Second Zhang's eyes widened, looking at Jiang Fei, who was about the same age as his eldest son, completely dumbfounded.

"This little kid is also an expert?"

"What do you say? This is the county..."

Wang Rong's complexion changed, and he quickly introduced Jiang Fei.

"Stop talking." Jiang Fei waved his hand to stop Wang Rong before he could finish speaking.

Then he looked at Zhang Lao Er and said, "Take care of your son first."

As he spoke, he led Tu Songjun towards the earthen house.

Tang Shizhong followed behind and shook his head.

Zhang Laoer's home is two earthen houses.

After entering, it was naturally dark, but after opening the window, the sun also shone in.

On the kang in the west room, a child of thirteen or fourteen was lying wrapped in a quilt, with a wet towel on his forehead.

"What's the situation? The head of the house?"

Zhang's second daughter-in-law is also a typical banker's woman, wearing a flowered dress, seeing Jiang Fei and a few people coming in, she asked her man nervously.

"Experts from the county can see a doctor in our village." Zhang Laoer stared nervously at the kang, and absently replied to his wife, his thoughts were all on his son.

He got married late, and he was only such an only seedling. If something happened to him, he wouldn't know how to live.

Jiang Fei opened his first aid kit, which contained everything, such as a thermometer, fever-reducing stickers, a mercury blood pressure monitor, a stethoscope, and so on.

"What was your son's original temperature? Do you know?"

Jiang Fei put the thermometer into the child's armpit, and then asked Zhang Laoer a question.

Zhang Laoer hurriedly replied: "The doctor in the village has seen it before, and the temperature was measured to be more than 38 degrees."

Jiang Fei didn't speak again. He took the towel off the child's forehead and touched it. It wasn't hot, of course it was because of the cold towel to cool down.

At the very least, when Jiang Fei touched the child's limbs and body, they were still very hot, especially the little one who was blushing.

"Xiao Jiang, what do you think?"

Tang Shizhong came to Jiang Fei's side and asked with a calm face.

When facing patients, he will no longer have any playful intentions.

And now I want to test Jiang Fei, so I asked.

Jiang Fei shook his head: "It's hard to say."

He took out the thermometer and looked at it, it was 37.8 degrees.

The body temperature has dropped a bit compared to what Zhang Laoer said, but it cannot be ruled out that it is caused by physical cooling.

But this kind of cooling has no decisive effect on the child's condition.

What is Chunwen?There are many factions that say it differently.

But spring temperature, summer temperature, summer temperature, winter temperature, these are actually the definitions of febrile disease school.

According to the theory of febrile disease, it is a warm virus that occurs in spring or the alternate seasons of winter and spring.

First seen in high fever, irritability and desire to drink, even to the point of high fever fainting, mainly acute febrile disease with interior heat syndrome.

But according to the Shanghan school or the Jingfang school, it is typhoid in winter and must be warm in spring.

That is to say, spring febrile diseases are all caused by patients suffering from typhoid fever in winter, sweating and catching wind during winter sports, so that pathogenic factors enter the body, but do not attack.

After the warm weather in spring, it will be completely induced.

This is the idea of ​​Shanghan or Jingfangpai.

These are also the thoughts of the two largest factions for thousands of years.

It cannot be said who is right and who is wrong, because both parties prescribe medicine and both will make the patient heal.

The magic of Chinese medicine is here, and there has never been a standard, a faction's way to treat diseases.

Some people like to use heat medicine for fever, which can actually reduce the fever, because extreme heat produces cold, and this method of attacking heat with heat is used.

Some like to use cold medicine for fever. After all, cold is used for heat. This is the most basic thinking.

The febrile disease school likes to use warming medicine for febrile disease, and warming medicine for typhoid fever. The main requirement is the golden mean, the way of prudence, and the mildest medicine can achieve the best curative effect without damaging the patient's yang. gas.

A hundred schools of thought are different.

"The pulse is slippery and the fur is white and greasy."

Tang Shizhong checked Jiang Fei's pulse first, and then checked his tongue coating.

Jiang Fei pressed his pulse again, but he didn't need to look at his tongue coating a second time, he saw it just now.

But feel the pulse, or believe in yourself.

Tang Shizhong almost laughed angrily when he saw this, this brat still doesn't believe in the old man's pulse diagnosis ability...

The old man's pulse diagnosis ability, not to mention in Jijiang Province, even in the entire Northeast region, is rarely comparable.

A few minutes later, Jiang Fei withdrew his hand and looked at Tang Shizhong in surprise.

This old soup is really accurate.

That's right, the pulse condition is slippery, and this soup is right.

"Tang Lao, I'm sorry, but please forgive me."

Jiang Fei explained and apologized.

It's not that he doesn't trust Tang Shizhong, but he trusts himself more.

Chinese medicine is a discipline that gives full play to subjective initiative. It depends on oneself to diagnose everything, and no one else can replace it.

Unlike Western medicine, it is not necessary to use a doctor from the examination to the prescription of medicine, because the Western medicine system is fixed, and it is the same for anyone.

"It's okay, I'm not angry." Tang Shizhong shook his head with a peaceful expression.

It's just that the hand holding the beard was very hard, which betrayed his mind.

"Your son, did you say that he was uncomfortable at the beginning?"

Now the child has a high fever and passed out, so Jiang Fei can only ask Zhang and his wife.

"As I said, he just came back from the field a few days ago, and then he developed a fever."

"Later, he told us that he had a headache, dizziness, nausea, and his body ached like his flesh was broken. He was thirsty when he had a high fever and drank two large basins of water a day."

Zhang Lao Er hurriedly opened his mouth and introduced his son's previous situation.

"How about pee?"

Jiang Fei continued to ask.

"I don't know about the stool, but the urine is very yellow. My son said that the urine is very hot."

Hearing this, Jiang Fei already had a judgment, combined with the current four diagnosis.

"He was drowsy due to the cold, his body was hot, he had a headache and pain in his body, he was delirium and couldn't understand people at the moment, and he was red when he was thirsty."

"External cold invades the body, internal heat accumulates."

After Jiang Fei figured it out, he muttered in his mouth.

After Tang Shizhong heard this, he nodded slightly and said: "Sweat through, after all, he is hot and has no sweat, and he must sweat through to relieve his condition."

External cold invading the body means that the surface cannot be penetrated, and the internal heat cannot come out.

So what is to be prescribed is the agent of Xinliang to relieve the appearance.

"Apprentice, write down all the syndromes and manifestations I mentioned."

"When we go door-to-door to see a doctor, if someone has the same situation as this child, we will prescribe the same prescription."

"It saves a lot of time and is better for the patient."

Jiang Fei thought about it for a long time. It is not enough to prescribe medicine for each family. It is still necessary to make a list, ask about the general symptoms, and clarify the four diagnosis, and then prescribe medicine according to the syndrome.

As long as the symptoms are the same, the same medicine can be prescribed.

This type of treatment is called systematic prescription.

Chinese medicine practitioners of later generations used this method to systematically prescribe prescriptions when encountering some infectious diseases and large-scale disease outbreaks.

Divide all patients into several syndromes, what medicine is used for this syndrome, and what medicine is used for that syndrome.

This can improve efficiency, reduce wasted time, and improve the efficiency of patients taking medicine.

Jiang Fei quickly prescribed a prescription, adding and subtracting Yinqiao San and Zhizichi Decoction.

Specifically, it is three qian for double flowers, three qian for green forsythia, three qen for jiaoshanzhi, one and a half qian for peppermint, one and a half qian for sage stems, one and a half qian for burdock seeds, one qian for bitter bellflower, and five fen for raw licorice.

Use two bowls of reed rhizome running water, and decoct medicine instead of water.

After taking the medicine for Zhang Lao Er's family, he did not wait for the child to take the medicine.

Jiang Fei took the people away directly and continued to run to the next house.

There is no time to see if the patient is taking the medicine and whether it is effective.

Of course, Jiang Fei also has this self-confidence. Prescribing the medicine will definitely have an effect.

So they had to go to the next house with the medicine basket on their backs without stopping.

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