Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 377 Another Unmarried Pregnant?

Old man Ge put his left hand on the pulse pillow, and Jiang Fei pressed three fingers on his pulse area.

Jiang Fei felt the pulse in silence, while Wei Jihong was also feeling the pulse of the villagers.

It's just that the villagers in charge of him stared at Jiang Fei with longing in their eyes. It was obvious that he also wanted Dr. Jiang to take a look.

Wei Jihong persuaded him for a long time before he agreed to let Wei Jihong take a pulse.

With so many villagers, it is impossible for Jiang Fei to see them all, and the villagers all know it.

So some clever villagers secretly calculated, in which position among the three doctors, it would be Jiang Fei's turn to treat them.

As a result, some shrewd villagers began to change positions with those in the same village, and those villagers who didn't know why didn't refuse.

It didn't take long for Jiang Fei to take his pulse, which was also related to the fact that there were too many patients in the villagers. If he followed the previous 10-minute pulse diagnosis with both hands, he would not be able to see too many villagers in one day.

Therefore, Jiang Fei's pulse-taking time has been reduced. Of course, the reduction does not mean that the pulse diagnosis hastily ended, but that he will not continue to take the pulse after he knows it well.

Jiang Fei took old man Ge's pulse, and the left and right hand pulses took a total of 5 minutes.

"Let me see the coating on my tongue."

Jiang Fei lowered his finger, gestured to Old Man Ge to open his mouth.

Old Man Ge opened his mouth, revealing his tongue.

The tongue is pale, and the coating is white and greasy.

As for the pulse condition, the slow pulse in both hands.

The end of the string is straight and long, like a bowstring, like pressing a piano string.

As for the bradycardia, it is deficient, but due to the decline of the ying blood and the excess of defensive qi, it is more common in colds, damp pathogens, and spleen deficiency.

As for the white and greasy tongue coating, it means deficiency of qi and blood, plus pulse diagnosis.

Jiang Fei can be sure that this old man Ge should be very blood deficient. As for the cause of the blood deficiency, it may be caused by bleeding.

Jiang Fei carefully observed Old Man Ge sitting on the chair, his buttocks were a little unsteady, and he was always moving around, with a painful look on his face.

And when old man Ge appeared in front of him, he could smell a stench.

Such an old age, and such blood deficiency and blood loss, plus his sitting posture problem.

Jiang Fei was sure that the old man should be caused by bleeding hemorrhoids.

"How about pooping?"

Jiang Fei opened his mouth to ask old man Ge, and the question was rather vulgar, but this vulgarity is in line with treating diseases at the grassroots level.

Old Man Ge answered Jiang Fei nervously: "Pooping is not good, it's very dry, it hurts my butt, and it's bleeding, it's been bleeding for the past few months."

"The barefoot doctor in the village said that I have a fleshy buttock, which is caused by continuous bleeding."

After Jiang Fei listened to Old Man Ge's words, he smiled and explained: "Yes, what he said is correct, but these things are called hemorrhoids, and your blood in the stool is so heavy, it should be internal hemorrhoids."

"If it is an external hemorrhoid, it will not be blood in the stool, but dripping blood, and the color of the blood will be brighter."

"Ah, I don't understand either. I just want to ask the genius doctor, can it be cured?" Old man Ge scratched his head, and asked Jiang Fei with a look of expectation on his face.

He didn't care about internal hemorrhoids or anything else, just asked if it could be cured.

Jiang Fei nodded and said: "It can be cured, but you need to take medicine, and you need to take medicine for a long time."

"Apprentice, write a prescription."

Jiang Fei looked at Tu Songjun and spoke.

Tu Songjun immediately took out the prescription and waited for Jiang Fei to read the prescription.

"Beisha ginseng ten qian, raw astragalus four qian, yuan ginseng five qian, raw land five qian, double flower seven qian, forsythia three qian, whole melon [-] qian..."

"Angelica seven qian, scutellaria baicalensis three qian, gardenia two qian, Burnet charcoal three qian, licorice one qian."

"Water decoction, prescribe seven pairs, three times a day for one."

Tu Songjun tore off the prescription and handed it to Li Shengli.

Li Shengli is Wei Jihong's colleague and a pediatrician at the Lai Town Health Center.

But here, he won't get the chance to sit in the clinic, so he can only help to grab the medicine.

Li Shengli is not picky, let alone dissatisfied.

He naturally knew Jiang Fei's name, and he also knew that he was a really capable young Chinese medicine doctor.

So he honestly took the prescription and went to get old man Ge the medicine.

"Old man, just go outside and wait for the medicine."

"Next person."

Jiang Fei had no time to waste. After sending Mr. Ge away, he yelled outside.

Hu Aiguo immediately waved his hand to let the next person pass.

When Jiang Fei received the second villager, Tang Shizhong from Westinghouse also shouted: "Next!"

Tang Shizhong was not slow, and finished prescribing the medicine. After that, Ma Anguo led the villagers out to grab the medicine.

Ma Anguo was also a gynecologist at the Lai Town Health Center, but at this time he also became a person who prescribes medicine, and was in charge of Tang Shizhong.

"Next person!"

Wei Jihong also prescribed the medicine for the first villager and shouted outside.

The three experts sat in the clinic, and it was going on like a raging fire.

Throughout the morning, Jiang Fei saw forty villagers in a row, and it can be said that he didn't even have time to drink saliva, and he didn't even have time to urinate after holding back a splash of urine.

Near noon, Jiang Fei finally signaled Hu Aiguo to stop, and he ran out to pee.

After returning, the consultation continued.

"Jiang Miracle Doctor, show me."

This is a woman, and she is still a young woman, only seventeen or eighteen years old, so it is more appropriate to call her a girl.

She sat on the stool next to her and put her hands on the pulse pillow.

Jiang Fei's three fingers rested on the woman's Cunkou vein area as usual, but just after touching them, his face couldn't help changing, and then he looked at the girl suspiciously.

He was very suspicious in his heart, but his pulse could not go wrong.

This is the happy pulse, also known as the pregnancy pulse.

In other words, the little girl in front of her was pregnant.

But he saw that the girl was still dressed in a girl's ponytail instead of a woman's hairstyle, which meant that she was not married.

An unmarried girl has a pregnancy pulse, and what she says will have a bad influence on the girl.

Jiang Fei's first thought was that this girl might be with another educated youth, and this child might have something to do with these educated youths.

But this is just a guess, and he dare not say it.

"You're not sick, you can go back."

Jiang Fei smiled at her, then shouted outside: "Next."

"Wait a minute, Doctor Jiang, I feel sick to my stomach, and Kui Xue hasn't come for a long time, I, I'm afraid..."

The young girl looked a little nervous at the moment, biting her lip and staring at Jiang Fei.

Seeing her reaction like this, Jiang Fei couldn't help guessing, perhaps she knew very well that she might be pregnant.

But she didn't dare to say it, she didn't dare to tell her family, and she didn't dare to speak directly, so she wanted to find herself.

Then the reason for looking for yourself is definitely not to let yourself diagnose that she is pregnant, but to let yourself abort her?

Jiang Fei felt that he had guessed the right idea, but ordinary Chinese medicine doctors would not do things like abortion.

This is something that damages Yin and morality, so it is very taboo.

Moreover, aborting the girl without the consent of the girl's family members is not good for him if he gets into trouble.

"You can understand it in your heart, but you are not sick with me."

"Next person!"

Jiang Fei spoke with a straight face, motioning for the girl to leave.

"Girl Zhao, come out quickly, and leave as soon as you are not sick, don't waste time."

Hu Aiguo urged the girl to come down quickly.

Jiang Fei continued to see patients, but what happened just now made him feel a little complicated.

But with new patients, you can't think wildly.

He temporarily withdrew his thoughts and continued to see the doctor wholeheartedly.

"Auntie, you have rheumatoid arthritis, which is called Bi syndrome in our Chinese medicine."

"I'll prescribe some medicine for you, that is, powder. You can take it with warm water when you go home. Take it for half a month."

Jiang Fei spoke to an elderly woman in her 60s in front of her.

Then he glanced at Tu Songjun, and said directly: "Five coins for Astragalus membranaceus, six coins for raw land, four coins for Scrophulariaceae, five coins for earth drilling wind, five coins for coix seed, five coins for bone grass..."

Tu Songjun immediately lowered his head and wrote the prescription.

He was already familiar with the procedure, but his hands were sore from exhaustion.

Because he didn't just write the prescriptions for Jiang Fei, he also wrote the prescriptions for Wei Jihong.

But the ones who were even more tired were Li Shengli and Ma Anguo, the two doctors in charge of dispensing the medicine, sweating profusely and busily busy.

Several large baskets of Chinese herbal medicines soon bottomed out.

The two of them had to take Chinese medicine from the sacks, and their backs and backs were so tired that they had to go back and forth between the two places.

The sun has risen three poles, that is to say, it is noon.

"Captain Hu, stop first."

Jiang Fei stopped Hu Aiguo in time, he couldn't go on like this, if they continued to sit in the clinic, they would all be exhausted and paralyzed.

When Hu Aiguo saw Jiang Fei call to stop, he immediately ran to Jiang Fei and asked, "What's wrong? Doctor Jiang?"

Good guy, he is now with the villagers, calling Jiang Fei a genius doctor...

Fortunately, it is now. If it was a few years ago, Jiang Fei would have been paraded through the streets just by relying on the word "miracle doctor".

"Let the villagers go back to eat and come back in the afternoon."

"We're going to take a break, too, to catch our breath."

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