A few days later, Dongying, Edo Castle.

Hermes was wearing wooden clogs and walking on the noisy street.

He was covered with a long robe printed with cherry blossoms, a turban with sleeves, and a black cloth veil covering his face, only his eyes were exposed.

It's winter, and Edo Castle is covered with snow.

Most of the buildings here are made of wood. On both sides of the street, wooden buildings are next to each other, and there is no gap between them.

The fallen snow piled up, and the pressed wooden roof rattled.

The sun hung above the sky, and the sunlight did not bring warmth to the city.

The streets are full of izakayas and restaurants, and the aroma of meat wafts through the crowd.

Hermes came to a small noodle shop, sat on a stool, and said, "Boss, come for a bowl of ramen."

On the way here, he devoured the soul of a Dongying person, grabbed the information of Dongying language in the memory of the other person, and quickly mastered this language.

The owner of the ramen restaurant is a middle-aged man with a big belly and hair all over his face. When he saw the customers coming, he grinned and showed his yellow teeth.

"Guest wait a moment, it will be ready soon."

He threw the ramen into the pot, stirred it twice, waited until the noodles were cooked, put them in a bowl, cut the meat slices aside, piled them on the ramen, brought them over, put them on the guest table, rubbed his hands together, "guest please use."

This bowl of ramen is steaming and has a meaty aroma. It will greatly increase your appetite on a cold and snowy day.

However, Hermes didn't move his chopsticks. In his eyes, the bowl of noodles was red.

The lump of meat on the cutting board was uncooked and bloody.

Behind the door of the back kitchen, there is a Dongying woman who is missing a leg.

"Why don't the guests eat?" the boss rubbed his hands and asked.

Hermes turned his head to look at the panel boss, and found that his eyes were glowing green with weird vertical pupils, and a tail was hidden under his clothes, dragging on the ground and swinging back and forth.

"This side is not good."

As Hermes said, he suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch the boss's face, and pulled it violently, tearing off his face.

"Rat demon?" Hermes frowned.

The mouse demon pretending to be the owner of the ramen restaurant showed a ferocious expression: "I want to die!"

The noodles in the bowl suddenly changed back to their original appearance, and it turned out to be dense long hair, curling towards Hermes.

Hermes grabbed the long-haired hair and yanked it violently, pulling a long-haired female ghost out of the noodle bowl.

With a sound of "Teng", flames appeared in the hand, spread along the long hair, and attached to the female ghost.


The female ghost screamed, and was burned to black ashes by the strange flame in just a moment.

The mouse demon was startled, its eyeballs rolled around, and suddenly shouted: "Masters, a guest is here!"

Bang bang bang!

On both sides of the street, the doors of izakayas and restaurants were knocked open, and hundreds of people rushed out, staring straight at Hermes, all naked.

Hermes looked and found that these "humans" were transformed by ghosts and ghosts, and frowned slightly, "Is Edo Castle already occupied by evil things?"

The sound of dense footsteps came from far to near, and a dense crowd of people came running over the snow. They were dressed in black and wore samurai swords on their waists, looking menacing.

The leader knelt down on the ground, slid over by inertia, knelt down and kowtowed to these evil spirits: "Masters of the gods, the villain let this foreigner break into Edo City, disturbing the Yaxing of the masters of the gods, villain guilty!"

A one-eyed monk walked over, knocked on the wooden fish, and said: "If you are guilty, you should be punished. You can send three hundred virgins to make up for your crimes."

"Thank you, Master Qingfang, for your kindness!" the man said, and kowtowed in trepidation, "The villain will send people to search for it immediately, and within today, three hundred virgins will be brought here."

Lord Qingfang nodded in satisfaction, "As expected of the city lord, he is very responsible. I heard that you married a beautiful wife again. After I get rid of this foreigner, I will go to your mansion and pray for your wife."

The face of the city lord of Edo City changed, but he quickly suppressed the anger in his heart, and said flatteringly: "Thanks to Master Qingfang, I feel very honored by the villain!"

Qingfangzhu nodded in satisfaction, turned to look at Hermes, and asked, "Foreigner, how do you want to die?"

"A mere little demon dares to pretend to be a god."

Hermes looked at these monsters and shook his head in disappointment, "If the 800 million gods in Japan are all like you, then my trip will be in vain."

"Bold foreigner, when he is about to die, he is still uttering wild words!"

"kill him!"

More than a hundred demons and ghosts rushed forward together.

Hermes didn't panic at all, he held his right hand empty, and a magic staff appeared in his hand.

The main body of the scepter is made of gold, engraved with a pair of gold wings, and there are two snakes intertwined on the scepter, so it is also called the double snake scepter.

Hermes stuck the Scepter of Two Snakes on the ground, and a terrifying divine power gushed out from the scepter, forming a circular shock wave that surged around.

Wherever they passed, many ghosts and ghosts suddenly stiffened and fell straight, and the black-clothed warriors who were kneeling on the ground also fell to the ground one after another.

The shock wave of divine power continued to push into the distance, and countless monsters, evil spirits, and countless Japanese human races all fell to the ground.

The entire Edo Castle fell into a dead silence.

Immediately afterwards, in countless wooden buildings, on the streets, and in izakayas, snores sounded.

Countless snores came and went.

"Isn't it here?" Hermes frowned slightly, "In that case, you are lucky."

Hearing this, the two snakes entwined on the divine staff suddenly vomited, left the divine staff, turned into two hundred-meter-long giant pythons, and swallowed all the drowsy ghosts and ghosts into their stomachs .

Giant pythons roamed Edo, countless wooden buildings collapsed, and countless temples were destroyed.

at this time.

There was a voice in the sky:

"Since the envoy is here, why don't you come to my Ise Shrine for a drink or two?"

Hermes looked up, and saw a female god floating in the air, behind her was a huge shrine.

Feeling the fluctuation of divine power on the opponent, Hermes nodded in satisfaction, recalled the two giant pythons that had been wantonly destroyed in Edo, and flew to the female god with the Scepter of Two Snakes, "Are you Amaterasu?"

Amaterasu Omisami smiled indifferently, turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation, "God envoy please."

In Ise Shrine.

Hermes imitated Amaterasu Omiya, knelt down on the couch, took a sip of the drink brought by the other party, and shook his head, "It's too weak, like drinking water, Amaterasu Omiko should go to the Olympics Si, the king of gods must entertain with the strongest wine."


Susanoo slapped the table, "Don't push yourself too hard, do you think I, Gao Tianyuan, are afraid of you?!"

"Shut up!" Amaterasu said coldly.

Susanoo still wanted to say something, but he gritted his teeth, and after all, he didn't speak again, but just gave Hermes a hard look, got up angrily and left.

Amaterasu poured another glass of wine and handed it over with both hands, "My younger brother is not sensible, please don't mind the emissary."

Hermes did not take the wine glass, and said, "I am ordered by the Olympus God King to bring help to Gao Tianyuan."

He took off the skin pouch at his waist and opened it, pouring out the contents.

Amaterasu's body trembled, "This"

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