I have a thousand acres of space

Chapter 114 New Members on the Island

The small robot has been completed, and Rufeng is debugging it. It has been integrated into the automatic system and can be controlled remotely, which means that the small robot can accept new operating instructions without face-to-face assignment tasks.

In Rufeng's view, it may not be a robot, but just a machine.

In order to call this new member more conveniently, Rufeng Ruxue named it Ruyu together.I almost threw up when I heard it.My name is Chen Lingyu, they call this dwarf like rain, are they sincerely against my master?

And Rufeng told me with his fingers.

"Like the wind, like the snow, like the rain, we are one family!"

I'm speechless.

Call it whatever you love, as long as you can work for me.

With Ruyu, instead of just arranging it to clean up the chicken manure as I imagined, Rufeng handed over the entire chicken farm to it.

From now on, Ruyu will be responsible for managing the chicken farm.If Rufeng Ruxue went to feed the chickens, it was just that Ruxue wanted to feed the chickens, and she no longer regarded it as a job, but purely as a hobby.

Picking up eggs, packing egg trays, packing cartons, and even helping me transport eggs outside the space has become a job like rain.

As for cleaning chicken manure, it is just one of them.But this work will not be done overnight.

Without professional processing equipment, Ruyu's manufacturing precision is a bit poor. The speed and precision of movement are not as good as those of Rufeng and Ruxue, but they are still quite impressive.

According to my on-site observation, this dwarf can support at least 10 workers. The most important thing is that it doesn't know how to get tired and can keep working until the battery level alarms.

I thought that the quality of the battery I bought was not very good, and I blamed myself, I should have bought a better quality battery.

Rufeng explained.

The battery is fine.It is the precision of the rain that affects its output efficiency, and the internal consumption is too large, which shows that it consumes more electricity.The actual work has proved that the battery can be used continuously for 4~6 hours, and then it can be charged.

It can only be charged once a day like wind and snow!

It takes 4 hours to charge once, which greatly delays the rainy labor time and cannot make full use of the good time during the day.So, I decided to look for high energy batteries.

I became very interested in how Ruyu cleans up chicken manure, so I went to the site to observe.

I saw it took a shovel, shoveled the chicken manure into a plastic bucket, carried it outside the chicken farm, and piled it up.Its movements are rather fast, similar to ten people working at the same time.

There is a forklift in the space, I asked Rufeng why he didn't let it be used?

Rufeng answered.

The forklift is used to shovel food, if it is also used to shovel chicken manure, it is unhygienic.This is not the main problem.

The outstanding performance of the high efficiency of mechanization and electrification is that it is fast. Forklifts driving at high speed in the chicken farm will endanger the lives of chickens.Although measures can be taken to isolate the chickens and work in blocks, this is also temporary.It works the first time, but not the next time.

Fresh chicken manure is produced all the time, and the distribution is extremely uneven. Large forklifts can only shovel the soil but cannot clean up the thin chicken manure.

Big forklifts are out of use.Rufeng suggested that I might as well buy a small one and let Ruyu do random cleaning, but the efficiency is much higher.After the chicken manure is dry, it can be used to load cars, send chicken manure to the fields, and use it to fertilize.

Meeting their needs is the consciousness I should have as a master.I went to the agricultural machinery market and bought a miniature forklift, which is small and handy.

It is really suitable to send it into the space and go for a test drive in the rain. Coupled with an electric tricycle, it is handy to use to go to and from the chicken farm.

Since then, tricycles have been used to pull chicken manure.To transport the eggs, Rufeng had to use the 8-ton dump truck.

The blue bricks and cement were used as building materials, and the drivers unloaded them all into the factory compound.I was a little annoyed when I saw it. How can I efficiently transport it into the space after unloading the car?I can't lose my temper with them openly about this matter, so I can only figure out a way by myself.

Rufeng smiled strangely.

"This job can be handed over to Ruyu!"

To bring Ruyu out of the space, there is an 8-ton dump truck, a forklift, and I got a dozen more wooden pallets from the cannery.

Rufeng demonstrated to Ruyu how to stack green bricks on wooden pallets and then use a forklift to load them onto a dump truck.Ruyu is indeed very smart, he can learn it quickly, and the speed of loading cars is very fast.

After the car is loaded, I will bring the car into the space, and the unloading will be done like snow. You only need to issue a command on the computer, and the 8-ton dump truck will automatically drive to the designated place, unload the car and return, and then I will transport it out space.

I still have to find time to do this job, and I don't want the driver who comes to load the car to see it.As soon as they came, I let Ru Yu hide in the truck, and the driver drove away, and let him come out to continue working, so that the efficiency was greatly reduced, and the building materials were not delivered in one afternoon.

Ruyu's battery level was alarming, and I sent it back to the space to charge.Fortunately, this job is not in a hurry, just transport some every day, and it will be finished sooner or later.

Now that there are blue bricks and cement, we can build a wall and build a pigsty.

Rufeng gave me a sketch and asked if I could.

The drawing actually draws four brick walls, surrounded by a rectangle, and the specific location is next to the chicken farm.The site is located in the west of the chicken farm. It is newly added land, which is hard and not suitable for growing grain. It is also idle when it is idle.

The size and style of the pigsty were all designed according to my intention. As for the site selection, I just said it casually at that time, and it was roughly the same.

After the actual survey, I decided to make a slight adjustment, extend south, and build on the west side of the warehouse.Raising pigs will require feed in the future, and I plan to store the feed in the northwest corner of the warehouse, closer to the pigsty for easy access.

The address was chosen, the sketches were ready, and the construction started like wind and snow with rain.As long as they have time, they will build walls without delaying their daily work.

This time it was not as busy as the last time when building a warehouse. Ruxue told me the reason.

All three of them have specific tasks, and it is impossible to concentrate time on surprise attacks.Besides, the little piggy hasn't been bought yet, so what are you in a hurry for?It's not a matter of a day or two for Ruyu to transport building materials into the space, it just needs to be built slowly.

This kind of physical work is a test for Ruyu, the most important thing is its battery life, the power consumption is too fast, and it often stops midway to recharge.

Rufeng also had to change his mind and suggested that I change to a better battery.It offers several models, all of which have larger capacity and longer battery life than the original.If you can't buy it nearby, you have to turn to technology companies for help again.

Mentioning its hometown reminds me that Fanggong gave me two sets of cpu and mainboard, which are useless in my hands, so I handed them over to Rufeng.

Its eyes lit up.

"Master, since we have this thing, why don't we make two little robots?"

It seems to be obsessed with making robots.

It's right in my arms.

Just looking for batteries, I went around the street again.Because I bought it before, other materials are easy to buy. As for the battery, I found it in a hardware store.It was really hard to find anywhere, and it took no effort to get it. I bought three yuan at once.

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