I have a thousand acres of space

Chapter 121 Adding Transport Vehicles

I looked at the time, it was 3:30 in the afternoon, I thought about the stocks, I will wait.

I didn't check the stocks until 4:00. The change in 4 hours, some of the dozens of stocks rose, some fell, and I wrote them down one by one, and I had a spectrum in my heart.

leave space.

It is now 12:00 noon, Bai Luoxue is still sleeping, I didn't disturb her, I first bought all the rising stocks, and invested a total of [-] million.

Then I called the meat joint factory.

I heard that there are Landrace pigs here, and they are very happy to buy them, and now they will send a car to catch the pigs.

I was taken aback.Those pigs are in the space, how can I take them into the space to catch pigs, but it is also a problem to transport those pigs out, it will be troublesome to catch the pigs one by one, tie them up, and carry them into the truck, and then I will transport them out of space.

Big trucks are transporting grain back and forth. An 8-ton truck cannot hold 100 pigs. I have to transport it several times.

After thinking about it, I have an idea.Tell the meat joint factory, wait for my call when to catch pigs.There is no rush to catch pigs, I plan to do it at night.

After leaving the small building, I went to the east.

New warehouses are built quickly.Now the workers are taking a lunch break, so they live in that row of bungalows. They can make do with beds and bedding, just like when I was at the Wangyuan construction site, where I lived in iron houses.

Uncle Liu was still in charge of watching the door, he was not asleep, and greeted me respectfully when he saw me coming.

"President Chen is here!"

I don't think it's a big deal when others call me Mr. Chen. It's really awkward for Uncle Liu to call me that.

"Uncle Liu, you should call me Xiao Chen, it sounds kind."

"Where, where, you are the boss after all!"

Uncle Liu looked very humble.

Master Gao also came with the construction team. He was still cooking for the workers. He might be tired and was taking a nap, so I didn't bother him.

The wall of the warehouse has been built, and the next step is to seal the roof and hammer the ground, and it will be ready for use after a while.

Come to the factory area on the east side.

Trucks came in and out, one after another.The driver pulls wheat and straw in the morning, and corn and green fodder in the afternoon.

This is what I clearly stipulated to them.

Since the heavy rain watered the wheat straw, I adjusted the transportation policy.Except for that day, when I subsidize vehicles for pulling wheat stalks, I will no longer subsidize them at other times.Each car must pull a cart of wheat straw every day to be eligible to pull grain and green fodder, otherwise I don't have to hire it.

I didn't dare to say this before. 20 vehicles, non-stop hauling all day long, I can't finish hauling the goods.If I don't use certain carts to pull the goods, there will be more grain stored in the factory, and if things go on like this, sooner or later it will become moldy and spoiled.

Later it was different.

After I handed over the project of building the warehouse to Yao Hongyuan, he helped me a lot in this regard and introduced me to a transport convoy.

To be precise, he is a shareholder of this fleet. There are 30 vehicles. Seeing that I have a continuous supply of goods, can he ask me to pull goods?

I was in need of a car, and it was a timely help.The vehicles that those drivers contacted before all belonged to the fleet, and they came to me to help out temporarily, and it was difficult for me to control them uniformly.

Now with Yao Hongyuan this team is different.I am a partner of Hongyuan Construction Company, and I have a close relationship with him, and I provided him with an engineering project. As long as he said a word, the team is quite easy to dispatch.

The actual situation proves that, including the drivers of my 20 cars and Yao Hongyuan's 30 drivers, they are all willing to pull my goods. It is better to pull grain and straw than cement and bricks. At least it saves cars. The key is that I have a steady stream of source of supply.They earn money if they have work every day, which is much higher than if they are busy today and idle tomorrow.

It is precisely because of this that I have the confidence to clarify the regulations on the transportation of goods.The driver also had an account in mind, and he knew what was going to work, so he obediently followed my request.

There are not many wheat straws piled up in the yard now, even if it rains again, I am not afraid.The corn and wheat in the factory can be emptied at any time, so as not to hoard too much.This avoids the risk of spoilage.

Ru Bing is busy loading the car here by himself, it can be seen that its proficiency is no less than that of Ru Feng.It has been working here for so many days, and the drivers have not recognized it as a robot until now.

I only heard someone say that this child is taciturn, doesn't have a word of nonsense, and only knows how to work, but he can't see him drinking water and going to the toilet. He must be a young man living a life.

I don't know if there are well-meaning drivers who want to introduce someone to it.When someone really mentions this, does it answer wittily like the wind that it already has a partner?

If it says no, once someone wants to find a partner for it, what will be the result?I can't imagine, will it cause trouble?

Waiting until the yard was clear of cars, I tried to ask it.

"Ru Bing, if someone introduces you to someone, how would you answer?"

"Object? What is the object?"

Ru Bing is very cute, and doesn't know what the concept of object refers to.

I guess it can't be explained with its intelligence level, and I don't bother to explain it, so I just tell it directly.

"If someone introduces you to someone, you say you have it. When asked if you have a partner, you say yes."

"Okay, master."

Ru Bing mechanically agreed.

"Do you know who your target is?"

"I do not know!"

"Rushuang! It is your object. You go back and tell it that you are also its object."

"Okay, Master, I see."

A truck comes in and starts loading.

When I returned to the small building, Bai Luoxue had already gone to work, she still went to the office at the cannery as usual, and gave me a few reports, Xie Qingsong told me, in my computer email.

When I opened the email, I saw the reports she had written some time ago.I don't understand how to analyze it, I only look at the final conclusion.This made her guess right, and it's only because I know too little about these professional knowledge.

Cannery operations are on the rise, as I expected, from the supply situation.

The financial situation is very good, the key is to save me a lot of money.Bai Luoxue suggested that the money should not be kept in the bank card, it must be invested, otherwise it would be a waste.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons and reasons why she encouraged me to open a chain store in the provincial capital.I have other money in my hand, she should know, she definitely doesn't know the exact figure, I don't even know how much money I have without checking the bank card, it is estimated that there should be [-] million.

The only bad news about these reports is the personnel problem.The employees are older, and they existed objectively when the cannery was taken over. They are all old workers with a low education level.

Automated production requires high knowledge to be proficient in mastering. Due to cultural constraints, there are very few people who can fully master it. Basically, they are those in the technical department and equipment department. They have now become the technical backbone of the canning factory.

The other logistics staff are relatively free and overstaffed, but they abide by discipline, and violations of discipline are basically eliminated. They can work at full capacity, but they can't do full work. There is not so much work, which makes them a little lazy during this time.

How to solve this problem?It is necessary to think carefully.

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