I have a thousand acres of space

Chapter 141 Three proposals in a row

When I exit the space, the outside world is still at the time when I entered the space, and the meeting goes on as usual.

And my entry and exit are just a momentary thing to people outside, and no one notices at all. Even if my neighbor is staring at me with wide eyes, he can't see it.

But it restricts my work of transporting goods from space to the outside, and it is impossible for me to transport these items to the venue.This is my biggest headache.

For this reason, I can only use the night time to prepare eggs, live pigs, wheat, corn, green fodder, wheat straw, vegetables and fresh fish in advance for the next day.

Fortunately, I lived in a private room by myself in the hotel, otherwise I would not have been able to find an excuse to leave the hotel to hide from the people who attended the meeting with me.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, I had to return on time and go to the first floor of the hotel to have breakfast.In fact, I don't need to eat here. I just don't want to arouse others' suspicion when I come back to eat.

During the three days of the meeting, my only regret was not being able to go to the breeding farm to buy piglets.In order to ensure the number of live pigs supplied to the meat joint factory every day, I was forced to find a way.

I sent Rufeng to go and asked him to go later in the afternoon, and it would be dark when I brought the pig back. I temporarily parked the car in the newly built warehouse and sent it into the space when I went back at night.

This problem is solved.

From now on, I will arrange for Rufeng to buy piglets, and I don't have to run errands myself.

It was assigned to protect my secret.If other drivers go to pull the pigs, it will inevitably arouse their speculation, where did the pigs they pulled go?I can't explain it.

In fact, I did it in secret when the meat joint factory came to pull live pigs.Use the No. 1 warehouse to transport the live pigs there at night, and the meat joint factory will send a special car to pull them.At first they didn't want to come at night.I told the factory manager that I was not free during the day, so in order to sell my raw pork, he had to send a driver to pull the goods at night.

My operation of shipping goods in advance inspired my new ideas.

I first transport fresh vegetables and fresh fish to a large warehouse for storage, and then Rufeng transports them to No. 8 and No. 1 warehouses with an 2-ton truck.

I don't have to do the wholesale business of Warehouse No. 1 anymore. I handed over this business to 4 cannery workers, and asked them to keep watch here during the day and be responsible for the wholesale business.

At the same time, the merchants who come to wholesale are not limited by the pick-up time from 5:00 to 7:00 in the morning, and can come at any time from 5:12 in the morning to [-]:[-] noon.If the stock is out of stock during the period, Rufeng is responsible for replenishing it, ensuring that it will be in stock when it arrives.

The new warehouse can store a sufficient amount of goods, so I have more free time.

This is not only the case for wholesale vegetables, but also for wholesale fresh fish.Most of those vendors still concentrate on picking up their goods in the morning, and those who have a long journey, especially those from other counties, don’t have to get up so early, and they can pick up their goods even if they come later, as long as they arrive before 12:[-] noon.

Of course, in order to be able to sell goods earlier, they will come early. Generally, the wholesale business is basically over at 8 am.At this time, several workers on duty can leave work, and they are very happy.

For the miscellaneous fish produced in cans and the fresh vegetables required for the production of side dishes, I also adjusted the delivery time.Send the goods to the new warehouse in advance, such as Feng or Rushuang, to the No. 2 warehouse continuously to ensure the production volume.

From then on, I no longer have to get up early in the morning to deliver goods to the space, and I can transport them out whenever I have time, and my degree of freedom is much greater.

Of course, I can only go at night during the few days of the meeting. As for later, I can go during the day.I built a few more warehouses, and I traded space for time.

Once the gate is closed, no one can see it. I can transport goods outside without any restraint, and run from one warehouse to another. I am very busy.

I have to attend the meeting as usual, and I am not allowed to ask for leave or be absent.Perhaps it was because of my popularity that I was elected as a member of the Huangtu County Political Consultative Conference.

For the others who were not selected, they returned to their original posts after the three-day meeting, and I will continue to stay to participate in the two-day committee meeting.

I'm not a fan of meetings, I still have to do things that need to be done.Among them, there is one item that I attach special importance to, and let me propose a proposal.Who has any good ideas for the construction of Huangtu County, and offer advice and suggestions for the development of Huangtu County.

I come from a farmer, and I am deeply touched by the suffering of farmers. I put the focus on my hometown and put forward three suggestions.

1. The road from Shigou Village to Yangjiao Township is widened and hardened.

2. The classroom renovation of Yangjiao Township Middle School.

3. It is suggested that the substitute teachers of Yangjiao Township Primary School be transferred to the establishment of a career.

Originally, I was dealing with errands, so I wrote three random ones and handed them in.At the meeting, Deputy County Magistrate Huang brought it out for discussion and research.

What moved me the most was Yang Dawei, the mayor of Yangjiao Township, who came to the stage to express his heartfelt thanks to me, and at the same time mentioned the difficulties faced by the village.

As for the road construction plan from Shigou Village to the township, it has been in place for a long time, but it has been delayed until now because the township does not have so much money.He hopes that the county can allocate funds for road construction in place.

The classrooms of Yangjiao Township Middle School are repaired every year. Also because of funding problems, they are only at the level of repairs.Repair every year, break every year, break every year, repair every year.For many years, it has been a problem that is difficult to solve completely.

Regarding the regularization of primary school substitute teachers, a suggestion was also made, and the county agreed. Unfortunately, the teaching ability of substitute teachers is low and they cannot obtain corresponding qualifications.

There are historical reasons for this.The educational resources of primary schools in mountain villages are relatively poor, and those substitute teachers are all educated in primary schools. The quality of teaching can be imagined, and a vicious circle has formed over time.

The salaries of substitute teachers are not high, and most of them are unmarried girls who take up the job. Once they get married, they quit, and the level of their replacements is not much higher.It is indeed difficult to switch to a career establishment.

Deputy County Magistrate Huang delivered a speech.

"If you want to get rich, build roads first, everyone knows this truth. For some reasons, this road has not been built. Since it was brought up as an issue to be discussed at the meeting today, we will strive to discuss a solution. For It is our purpose to build roads for the people and benefit the people. This road is located in a mountainous area, so it is difficult to build and the cost is relatively high, and the county finance cannot fully afford it. It is estimated that the repair of this road is 1,000 million, and the county can only support it. 300 million, and the rest of the money will be managed by the village.”

The deputy county magistrate of Yangjiao Township Middle School, Huang, has seen it before. Although it is not considered a dangerous building, there are hidden dangers, and children's lives must not be joked about.

The county finance spends 10 yuan every year to repair the house. Now it is necessary to reconsider. It is better to build a new house to ensure that the children can go to school safely.

Education is a long-term plan.

In order to improve the teaching quality of township schools, substitute teachers are a bit tricky. It is best to recruit a group of graduates from colleges and technical secondary schools to teach in the countryside.

The reality is that the newly graduated students are not willing to go to the valley, they cannot stand the suffering there.It is inconvenient for the old teacher to drag his family with him, and he is unwilling to go to the countryside.

This matter is really not easy to solve.

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