I found an office, entered the space, and immediately arranged to stock up.

I first contacted Han Xiaobai and asked him to make arrangements in advance, and then dispatched Rushuang Ruwu Rudian to the factory to pull white noodles, corn noodles, and cat food and dog food.

Ruyun is responsible for picking vegetables.I specifically ordered it to pick a cart of cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, beans, peppers, peppers, and if it was too busy, I asked Ruyu Zhao Mengfei to come and help.

Prepare a cart of eggs like water.

Ruxue goes to the cannery to pull canned fish, and then pulls side dishes.

The order is like the wind, and when the goods are ready, they will be sent out of the space and delivered directly to the first floor of Binzhou Building.

I only looked at my stocks after the arrangements were made, recorded the current market prices of the stocks, browsed the webpage randomly, and saw the futures information.

I have also studied futures, and I feel that I have no brains in this area, so I have not conducted in-depth research in this area.In fact, playing stocks is a hot-headed start to learn. If it weren't for the convenience of the alien space, I might have given up by now.

I don't want to stay in the space for a long time, so I can't see the long-term development trend of a stock, I can only see the short-term changes of a day and a half or a few hours.It is also because of this that I only make short-term investments in stocks, and I am not sure about long-term investments. I refuse all calls that encourage me to make long-term investments.

Futures should have a far-sighted strategic vision and a very professional economic mind. I don't believe I have superpowers in this area, so I didn't do it.But it doesn't prevent me from reading this information occasionally, which can be regarded as learning, but that's all.

I didn't return to the second floor of Binzhou Building until all the goods were ready and Rufeng arranged for a convoy to transport them out of the space on the conveyor belt.

Qiao Hui came out of the reception room with a cigarette in his mouth, and only talked to me when he saw me.

"Old classmate, I'm here to support Ms. Chu because of your face. She sells a lot of goods, and her performance will naturally improve. If you hang out with her, you can earn more bonuses or something.

"Look at me, how many turns have I made to help you? In front of Ms. Chu, I can't be too close to you. She is your leader. The two of us behaved too much. It's not good for you. So, in front of her, the two of us should try our best to talk as little as possible, and it’s best not to talk. I’m here to protect you. With the status I’ve worked hard for in Qiongyang for many years, it’s okay to cover you a bit.”

Qiao Hui looks like an old man, I'm not used to it, so I have to be polite to him, because he is my VIP client now.

"What Mr. Qiao said is very true! If you have anything to do, just ask."

"I don't need to tell you to do the work. Which of my group of people can't do it, so I still need to find you? You can just mess with your life. Qiongyang is no better than Huangtu County. Good and bad people are mixed, and life is not easy. From now on, you understood."

Qiao Hui touched his shiny hair and went downstairs.

Looking at his back, apart from a slight unhappiness, I also have an inexplicable sadness.I don't know why he behaved so strangely today, he doesn't seem to know me very well, and keeps showing his sense of superiority in front of me.He came to the second floor to order, but it seemed like he was giving alms.

Qiao Hui left, and within a few minutes he called back. The call was not to me, but to Chu Xiangyi.

I was also there when Chu Xiangyi answered the phone, and I came to tell her about the delivery.

I get in and out of the space faster, and Rufeng they have to pass the conveyor belt and drive the truck from the banana plantation, later than me.

Just about to talk to Chu Xiangyi about this, Qiao Hui's call came.

"Manager Chu, are you kidding me? I'm talking about a truckload of goods for each variety, a truckload, and you actually sent me a small flatbed truck. Just this amount of goods, for my big Isn't it a bit too little for the mall? You are not afraid that I won't give you money, are you?"

Chu Xiangyi didn't turn on her mobile phone for hands-free, and I could hear Qiao Hui's eccentric tone clearly.

Chu Xiangyi quickly explained.

"Mr. Qiao, I'm sorry! We really can't blame us for this matter. Flatbed trucks are used to move goods upstairs, so I think the truckload of goods mentioned is a flatbed truck. Besides, , more than a dozen kinds of goods, even if each one is a small flatbed truck, there are quite a lot! I was afraid that you would be in a hurry to put it on the shelves, so I arranged for the staff to deliver the goods to you with a flatbed truck. I guess Mr. Qiao is rich and powerful, and he is talking about trucks Poverty really limits my imagination. Because you want more goods, you have to adjust the goods first, so let me have some time. As for the payment, what did Joe say? Why should we worry? This little money is for you It's just a drop in the bucket. Don't you think so?"

According to the previously discussed coping strategy, Chu Xiangyi wanted to stabilize Qiao Hui.In fact, if she had listened to what I said first, there would be no need to talk so much with him.


Qiao Hui laughed loudly on the phone.

"Miss Chu is really good at talking. Well, since the goods have been delivered, I will sell them first. When the next goods arrive one after another, they will be unloaded directly into my warehouse, so as to save you from changing hands. As for the payment, just follow what I said before. Yes, after unloading the goods and paying the bills. I, Joe, never drag my feet and do what I say."

Perhaps it was because of Chu Xiangyi's flattery that Qiao Hui readily agreed.

Chu Xiangyi put down the phone, and her eyes lit up when she heard me say that the goods would arrive soon.

"Really? So fast! I'm going to arrange for someone to pick up the goods."

Chu Xiangyi was very excited, and before she finished speaking, she stepped on her high heels to greet people.

I did not follow, but returned to the space, and returned to Huangtu County through the space.

The new automatic production line for canned fish was completed today, so I have to meet with Fang Gong to confirm that there is nothing wrong with it, and I will officially test run tomorrow.

"Mr. Chen, you can't see the end of the dragon! We met once when we came here, and we never saw you again. After the project is over, you finally came back. With Mr. Chen's style, it must be a day-to-day opportunity. We can see you today." Mr. Chen is really rare, fortunately he fulfilled his mission, the project was successfully completed, and I can return to work."

As soon as I arrived at the cannery, Fang Gong greeted me with a smile. As soon as we met, he talked about the construction of the production line.

Knowing that there is something in his words, it means that I have other businesses besides the cannery.Fang Gong is a smart person, and he would not mention this matter in front of others.

Regarding the intelligent AI and the robots made by Rufeng, he may have seen them, at least when Rufeng Rushuang delivers fresh fish and vegetables to the cannery, he is very likely to see them.

Fang Gong never mentioned how those AIs are here.

Either he can really keep secrets for others, or he hasn't seen Rufeng Ruxue, or Rushuang and others.Either way, it would be good for me to keep my secret, at least for now.

"Hahaha! Thank you Fang Gong and your team, you have worked hard! The construction is so fast, it is not due to the skilled technology of the engineers, and the smooth completion of the road. Is there any problem with the trial production tomorrow?"

I want results.

"There should be no problem. Just in case, we will leave after the trial production is successful tomorrow."

Fang Gong gave me a reassurance.This is also good, the new equipment has just been installed, there may be no major problems, some minor adjustments still need to be corrected, I feel more at ease with Fang Gong and his technicians.

In fact, the workers on the production line are already very skilled, at least there is no problem in operation.

During the installation of the production line, Bai Luoxue has organized pre-job training for employees.When they were on the first automatic production line, these people had been trained in advance, and the retraining this time was of course much easier.

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