I have a thousand acres of space

Chapter 248 Different Sales Methods

Once the big bananas in the different dimension can be picked, they will be transported out of the space every day, just like the pigs and sheep.

After the first 10-acre unit has been picked, Rufeng will arrange for the second planting.The seedlings needed for this kind of planting, when picking bananas, Rushuang has already peeled off the banana trees in advance.There is no need for me to go to the Qiongyang Research Institute to purchase. On the Alien Space Trail, I can be completely self-sufficient.

Bananas are shipped to food companies for processing, and the felled banana trees also need to be shipped to paper mills.I don't need to worry about these tasks, Rufeng will arrange them in time.

Except for Qiaohui's sales in Qiongyang City, most of those big bananas were distributed to Huangtu County and surrounding areas through space.

Seeing that there are so many bananas, Bai Luoxue was not only surprised, but also rejoiced, and then she was worried about me.

"Are you sure all these fresh goods can be sold?"


This is my real opinion.

After all, these bananas are just fruits, not necessities, and they are extremely special, and the price is high, three or four times higher than ordinary bananas.It is basically difficult for ordinary customers to choose to buy.Those who have the potential and desire to buy are mostly wealthy people.

Huangtu County is no different from Qiongyang City, and the majority of people with low incomes.

This was also the main reason why Bai Luoxue was worried.

"If the quantity of these extra-large bananas is not very large, I can sell them to you. At worst, I will go to the capital city again. The problem is that you have more than a dozen trucks every day, one after another. No matter how much Fuduoman Supermarket can sell, no matter how many customers Even if they are distributed in Huangtu County and those chain stores, if ordinary people don’t buy them, will these bananas rot?”

Bai Luoxue's worry is not unreasonable, this is exactly the difficulty I will overcome.

"There must be sales in Jingdu City. Huangtu County and those franchise stores also need to sell. You must not rely on you alone. You must concentrate your superior forces, attack from all directions, and quickly open up the banana market, so as to ensure that the bananas will not be lost."

So, I told Bai Luoxue all about my sales plan, and asked her to help analyze it, find out the shortcomings, and make supplements.

Bai Luoxue was silent for a moment after listening to my thoughts.

"It can only be so."

While affirming my plan, he still blamed me.

"Why don't you take a step-by-step approach? Like that strange fruit, gradually increase the purchase volume, so that we have time to sell. There are so many bananas, it is really powerless to spread them all at once!"

"Didn't we conduct trial sales before?"

In my 10-acre experimental field, the marketing effect is quite good, which is the direct reason for me to make up my mind to plant bananas on a large scale.

"What I mean is that once the quantity of the best thing is too large, people will no longer think it is a valuable commodity, and the sense of novelty and curiosity will be greatly reduced. How can you forget the truth that rare things are expensive?"

Of course, Bai Luoxue had her reasons for complaining.But the matter has come to this point, complaining is useless, and we have to actively sell it.

She immediately called all the salesmen, including those from Minli Cannery, Tianquan Mineral Water Factory, and those who were left in Huangtu County by the evaluation team, and held a special meeting in the small building conference room.

The theme of the meeting is to sell bananas, and it is to act now.

The business personnel were divided into three groups.

Two people go to Kyoto.

A group of people in the vicinity of Huangtu County went to major supermarkets and shopping malls to contact business.

Most people go to franchise chains.

She had a telephone conversation with the manager of Fuduoman Supermarket in advance, and passed the picture of the banana along with the product introduction.There is also her high praise for her generous words.Finally, I emphasized that this banana is no less than a special fruit, and it will definitely sell for a good price in Kyoto.

Although the manager of the supermarket was dubious, but with the example of the special fruit, he believed her. He even couldn't wait, and asked to send him a batch of goods as soon as possible.

The two salesmen in charge of sales in Kyoto heard that it was such a situation, and felt that it was easy for them to complete the task, so they happily prepared the goods and started the car, and left with the car.

In the supermarkets and shopping malls in Huangtu County and surrounding counties and cities, salespeople have their usual sources of customers.A phone call was made, and the other party readily accepted.

While those salesmen were still holding their mobile phones and talking on the phone, the nearby supermarket had already arranged for a car to pull bananas.

Those who remained in the evaluation team were more familiar with the franchise chain stores, and when they called, they all expressed their willingness to sell Big Banana.

But none of them took the initiative to send a car to pick up the goods, and they still waited for the delivery truck to deliver them.

Serving customers and meeting customer requirements is my consistent aim.

Today I can no longer be passive, and the distribution station will distribute the bananas to the distribution station.I personally contacted the distribution station, and several cars will be dispatched there one after another to be responsible for pulling bananas and sending them to franchised chain stores.

After some tossing, more than a dozen truckloads of bananas have been sent out today, which does not mean that these bananas have been sold normally.We have to wait patiently for information feedback.

"What about tomorrow?"

Bai Luoxue was more anxious than me.

"You can't just focus on today and ignore tomorrow. It will take some time for bananas to sell out. Those supermarket chain stores will not restock until the bananas are sold out."

I haven't really considered this.

I was careless.

But it doesn't bother me.

I immediately contacted Mei Feng.He has a cold storage there, and the bananas are temporarily stored in the cold storage. If someone needs them, I will transport them to Huangtu County through the space.

I originally thought that my idea could solve the current situation, but Mei Feng's answer made me feel that I was indeed a bit of an outsider.

"As long as Mr. Chen tells me that it will take a few days for the banana to be delivered to the customer, I can adjust the medicinal bath formula to control the ripeness of the banana. This can not only reduce the amount of medicine used, but also reduce the cost of cold storage. .You save me and we save, there is no need to put it in the cold storage."

"This is good. The problem is that I really don't know who will order bananas on which day. So I think it is necessary to store them in cold storage for a while."

Mei Feng chuckled, "Since that's the case, leave this matter to me. I can guarantee that whenever you need bananas, you can get them at any time."

How to deal with it is his business, as long as he can supply me in time, I don't think so much.

In fact, my worries and Bai Luoxue's were unnecessary.

The sales of Big Banana went much smoother than expected.

Customers have already recognized this big banana product, and when they see it again, it immediately arouses their desire to buy.

All the supermarkets in Huangtu County set off a wave of buying big bananas.

This caught me off guard.

The price of bananas is so expensive, why are ordinary citizens still willing to buy them?

This is exactly the question that Bai Luoxue and I have been puzzling over.

In order to verify the answer, we personally went to the Xinyulou shopping mall to conduct on-site investigation and understanding.

A customer's answer taught me a deep lesson. I was really ashamed. I blamed my low level of education and knew too little about some common scientific knowledge.

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