I have a thousand acres of space

Chapter 271 I Asked For It

In the afternoon, I waited for Chu Xiangyi in the office.

I didn't see her until after 2 o'clock, through the glass window.

She didn't come by car, but rode a bicycle.

She came to my office.

"President Chen, I'm sorry, I'm late."

As soon as she entered the door, Chu Xiangyi apologized first.

"It's okay, just come here. Why didn't you drive?"

"The car is sold."

Chu Xiangyi owns a Japanese Peugeot.

When I thought of her parents, I suddenly felt that I understood her very well. She definitely didn't want to sell the car, and reality had to.

"My mother bought the car for me when I first went to work. Ever since she fell ill, I have always wanted to sell it, and it was not until I went to work in Qiongyang that I finally made up my mind."

I didn't talk about the car anymore.

"Go back and write an application, fill out a form, and collect the unreimbursable bills at home. Our fund can help your family. How to fill out the form, you can go to Xie Qingsong in the office."

I'd better tell her about applying for aid first, so as not to forget about work later.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. Didn't you call me here to discuss something about the chemical group?"

She has not forgotten the principle of work first.

"Yes, there are not many people in your assessment team staying at home, count as many as you have, take them to the chemical industry group to collect relevant information."


Chu Xiangyi agreed and got up to leave.

I hasten to add.

"You have something to do at home, let your subordinates do more, and you can spend more time with the elderly."

Chu Xiangyi's eyes were moist, and she bent slightly.

"Thank you Mr. Chen!"

Before the tears fell, she turned around and left.

Chu Xiangyi always has a smile on her face. Those who don't know her family situation must think that she is a sunny girl, but she has the pain of being inhumane in her heart.

I was lamenting life for her when I received a call from Yao Hongyuan.

"Does Mr. Chen have time? I want to talk to you. There is a new project. Are you considering investing?"

Staying in the office, I feel a little depressed, why not go out for a walk, get some fresh air, just take the opportunity of Yao Hongyuan to talk about the project and go out for a walk.

"Where are you? I'll find you."

"The construction site of the overpass."

I haven't been to his construction site for a long time, Hongyuan Construction Company, I can be considered one of the investors anyway.

Drive alone to the overpass.

The overpass is divided into two sections, the north and the south, which will be constructed at the same time, with the railway passing through the middle.After the completion of this overpass, it can run through the North-South Avenue in the eastern part of Huangtu County.

Yao Hongyuan is responsible for the construction of part of the northern section, and the site is still under intense construction.

Yao Hongyuan took me around the construction site, and after understanding the general construction situation on the site, we arrived at his office, a metal house.

"Huangtu County Chemical Group is about to go bankrupt, and the land will be developed for real estate. This is a great opportunity, and I want to bid."

Yao Hongyuan offered tea and cigarettes, and as soon as he was seated, he went straight to the topic.

I was taken aback when I heard it.

Deputy county magistrate Huang only told me about this in the morning, how did he know so quickly?The county did not specify the land of the chemical group to carry out real estate development.

"Is the news accurate?"


Yao Hongyuan said that he has absolutely reliable sources, but the county has no established plan on how to deal with the existing equipment on the surface of the factory.Once this is determined, we will immediately face real estate development issues.

I can only pretend that I don't know much about this matter and listen to Yao Hongyuan's opinions.

"The chemical industry group covers an area of ​​more than 500 mu and is developing a residential area. Nabi will be a large living area. Not only construction companies in Huangtu County want a piece of the pie, but also people from other counties and even other provinces want to invest and develop. The location is quite good, and the residential area The building will definitely sell well. If you miss this golden period, as for the future trend, the later the greater the uncertainty.”

In terms of real estate development, Yao Hongyuan must be a professional, and I agree with him in principle.

I said:

"If you think you can invest, let's go for it."

Yao Hongyuan explained further.

"The overpass project will take three years to complete. The funds of the construction company are basically on this. If we invest in the chemical group, we are seriously short of funds."

I have already understood that Yao Hongyuan hopes that I will continue to invest so that he can continue to expand his business scope, otherwise the chemical group real estate development will lose this excellent opportunity.

Regarding the matter of the chemical industry group, I haven't written a word yet. I didn't agree to Yao Hongyuan on the spot, but told him that once the county decides to develop, I will fully support it.

With my words, Yao Hongyuan felt relieved.

From the beginning to the end of the conversation with Yao Hongyuan, he didn't disclose where the news came from. From his eagerness to seize the opportunity, I was even more sure that I must participate in the chemical industry group.

On the one hand, I hope that Chu Xiangyi will come up with the evaluation report as soon as possible, on the other hand, I am worried that she will need to take care of her parents.

This is indeed a bit of a contradiction.

Qiongyang City Green Food Company still has five or six workers on vacation at home, and they are all members of the evaluation team.

One more person and one more force will definitely speed up the evaluation process.

First communicate with Chu Xiangyi and inform Qiongyang's staff to cancel the vacation.

Chu Xiangyi and others have already arrived at the chemical group and are collecting relevant information.

Chu Xiangyi was very excited, thank you, I have already experienced her gratitude.

Before leaving get off work the next day, Bai Luoxue walked into my office carrying a handbag.

"Here, this is the information delivered by Manager Chu."

I took it out and looked, good guy, except for one application form, the rest are all hospital bills, totaling 110 million.

"According to regulations, 40 people can be helped."

Bai Luoxue looked at me and asked for my opinion.

"Her money has been spent on this. I just found out yesterday that she has already sold the car. 40, which is actually not much!"

I sighed and signed.

Except that Bai Luoxue will let me sign for the list of top helpers, she can make decisions about other small amounts, and of course she will report regularly.

After signing, I carefully looked at the application form.

"It turns out that Chu Xiangyi's parents are also teachers."

"Yes, it is precisely because I am so similar to her family that I feel more and more sympathetic to her."

I believe that Bai Luoxue has empathy and will never act like a vinegar jar all the time.

When she had this kind of thought, I suddenly felt that my heart was no longer so awkward.

Seeing me let out a sigh of relief, she asked me.

"If Chu Xiangyi's parents were not sick and were still working on the front line of teaching, and you got to know both of us at the same time, what choice would you make?"

Bai Luoxue suddenly asked me a problem.I know she is testing me.

"First of all, I have to correct you. If what you said is not true, the latter will not exist."

"Don't interrupt, I'm talking about what if, would you choose me or her?"

She insisted on letting me tell the result.

I smiled.

"Whether it's true or not, my choice will not change. I will choose you even in my dreams."

A smile appeared on Bai Luoxue's face.

"This question, although you hesitated and suspected of prevarication, the result is still satisfactory, I hope you really think so."

"Yao Hongyuan knows that I really love you, why are you so unconfident in yourself?"

I really don't know why I owe it, why am I mentioning Yao Hongyuan at this moment!

The smile that finally appeared on Bai Luoxue's face disappeared instantly.

"You talk to Yao Hongyuan from time to time? I haven't seen you with him, do you often call?"

"No! I just said before, before the two of us established a relationship."

I quickly denied it.

"I won't tell him if I have something close to me. Calling is also a business matter. Besides, I don't have any business now. I haven't seen him for several months."

I babbled nonsense, trying to dispel her suspicion, but Bai Luoxue grabbed my little tail.

"Well, I haven't seen him for several months, and I miss him very much. Let's go to him to catch up and have another drink in the evening."

Bai Luoxue really tugged at my sleeve, determined to find Yao Hongyuan.

I hasten to compromise.

"Just talk about it, why do you really have to go!"

"Go, you have to go! I want to ask him on the spot if he really knows that you love me very much."

I quickly pointed to the pile of bills and said:

"You do this for others first."

It's okay if I don't say this, but when I say it, Bai Luoxue becomes even more unhappy.

"Her business will be done sooner or later, but her business is not as urgent as mine, but you care more about her business than mine, so I have to go to Yao Hongyuan, why would he say such things to you. "

What did he say?

I really don't understand.

In a daze, I was pulled into her car by Bai Luoxue, and went straight to the overpass.

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