I have a thousand acres of space

Chapter 293 Raw Rice and Cooked Rice

In fact, on the first day of the new year, I went to Qiongyang's side for a while.

Uncle Zou spent the New Year in the picking garden alone.

When the employees distributed benefits a year ago, I also gave him a share, as well as other necessities of life, which he did not lack here.

I'm here to wish him New Year's greetings.

But it didn't work out.

As soon as I landed on that ashlar, I heard someone talking to Uncle Zou.

It's He Hua.

She is on duty these days.

In the past few days during the Spring Festival, no tourists came to the picking garden to pick.

The logistics company also had a holiday, and the distribution truck did not come.

She was staring here, nothing more than being a companion with Uncle Zou and watching the scene together.

I didn't dare to show my head rashly.

With what happened years ago, I'd better be careful.

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, if she sees me and begs He Zhensheng to invite me to her house, I really can't refuse.

Today is the first day of the new year, I should be with my parents.

If you eat at He Hua's house, it can only show that the relationship between our two families is extraordinary.

I can't let others think so.

So, I didn't go to the Binzhou Mansion either. I quietly retreated to the space, returned to Huangtu County, and returned to the courtyard home. At noon, I honestly accompanied my parents for dinner.

It seems that I have arranged everything, chatting with my parents in the living room.

Rare family bliss.

However, within ten minutes, my rare moment of happiness was interrupted by the sound of the phone.

Manager Liu from the Credit Building called. His store will open at 9:[-] tomorrow morning, and he hoped that I would provide him with fresh fish and vegetables.

Immediately afterwards, the owners of several large shopping malls and supermarkets called, with the same request as Manager Liu.

There are also several large shopping malls in Lin County, which are also planning to open tomorrow.

It's certainly a good thing for me.I'm worried that I can't handle those fresh vegetables, even if I open a side dish production line, I can't finish them.

I asked them to report the required quantity one by one, and pick up the goods at the wholesale point tomorrow morning.

Tell Ruxue the summed up quantity, and tell Ruyun to deliver on time.

I thought that only a few large shopping malls would have such a demand. Unexpectedly, many small supermarkets also opened in the second day of junior high school.

It seems that people are eager to make money, and they are reluctant to rest during the Chinese New Year, unwilling to give up this opportunity to make money.

In the afternoon of the first day of the new year, I almost visited and answered the phone.In order not to disturb my parents, I stayed in my bedroom for half a day.

It's almost time for dinner, and Qiao Hui called again. He also asked me to add fresh vegetables and fish to him. He wanted high-end fruits such as apples, pears, and big bananas.

It is said that it is Chinese New Year, and people are busy visiting relatives and friends, so they will definitely buy gifts. Naturally, this fruit banana is a good choice.

The time is also tomorrow morning.

Rufeng and they are indeed going to be busy again.


Early in the morning of the second day of junior high school, I came to Minli Cannery.

The side dish production line needs to drive.

My boss has to show his face no matter what.

Mu Zhiming directed the workers to drive the production.

Bai Luoxue had already walked around the workshop.

She is the general manager of the factory, and I told her in a letter about the resumption of work on the evening of Chinese New Year's Eve.

The workers are busy, the driving is smooth, and everything is normal, so I am relieved.

Once the small vegetable production line is started, it can help me process most of the fresh vegetables, so as not to spend too much time in the space, and it is too old to be wasted.

"I went back to my hometown, guess who I saw?"

When I was free, I asked Bai Luoxue who was always with me.

Bai Luoxue glanced pretty, thought for a while, and didn't answer hastily.

"Who is it?"

"Bai Xiaoou."

"Oh, her! She's going back to the countryside for the New Year!"

Bai Luoxue just smiled, as if she didn't care too much.From her answer, I guess they don't talk to each other very often, even during the Spring Festival. She doesn't seem to know about her pregnancy.

None of this matters.

"She asked how things were going between the two of us."

Bai Luoxue's eyes lit up.

He tilted his head and asked, "How did you answer her?"

"I said I was in the probationary period, and I hadn't passed the test yet."

Bai Luoxue giggled.

She never told me about the inspection period, but Bai Xiaoou knew about it.I say this to prove that I have indeed seen Bai Xiaoou.

"She must be urging you to work harder!"

"It seems that the two of you are really girlfriends, and you know what each other thinks. Yes, she urged me to cook raw rice as soon as possible."

Bai Luoxue laughed again and said:

"I knew she wouldn't come up with any good ideas."

I feel like Bai Luoxue didn't understand my real intention when I told her about it.

"Actually, she has a good idea."


Bai Luoxue stopped smiling, and instead looked at me suspiciously.


"Where is it?"

"Make a mature meal!"

"Can you do it well?"

I saw a gleam of light in Bai Luoxue's eyes.

"Of course I can!"

"Have you done it?"


"You haven't done it, how do you know you can do it well?"


"No skills, no experience, only self-confidence, that is presumptuous!"

"I have the ability!"

"Ability does not necessarily mean level."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"If it's made into sandwiched raw rice, wouldn't it be a mess?"

The two of us played charades one by one.What they said specifically, they knew each other well.

Mu Zhiming, who came up quietly, was at a loss.

"The best way to deal with raw rice is to return it to the pot."


Bai Luoxue and I burst out laughing at the same time.

Mu Zhiming continued to explain.

"At the beginning, my wife and I made home-cooked raw rice, which was inedible at all. My neighbor Lao Wang told me to refill the pot with water, and the result was not bad, and it was edible. Looking back now, I still have memories."

With his explanation, Bai Luoxue couldn't breathe from laughing.

The two of us quickly left the production site.

Mu Zhiming was still shouting from behind.

"Don't believe me, what I said is true. I am a few years older than you and have experience."

Until returning to the small building, Bai Luoxue was still laughing.

"This Mu Zhiming is really interesting."

I didn't ask her until she stopped laughing.

"When shall we cook?"

"Your brain is full of seeds and rice, and you only think about cooking!"

Bai Luoxue glared at me coquettishly.

"I don't know which one of us is full of rice grains. I'm talking about lunch, and it's almost time."

Bai Luoxue followed my finger, looked up at the quartz clock on the wall, it was 11:50.

"Ouch! I was led into the pit by you."

"If you take it into the pit, you can climb up, but if you want to take it to the kang, it's hard to get down."

"Fuck you, say you're full of melon seeds and rice grains, and you still don't admit it."

"Then tell me, what are you eating today?"

"Dumplings from the first day of junior high school, noodles from the second day of junior high school. Let's eat noodles! Tomato and egg noodles."


Bai Luoxue stepped on her high heels and went up to the restaurant on the second floor to get ready.

I walk behind.

The mood is very complicated.

Using Bai Xiaoou's words, I have already made it clear to Bai Luoxue.From what she meant, she didn't intend to cook with me yet.

At noon, the same egg noodles with tomatoes were not so sweet.

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